Then Jiang Feng went up at this time, and then pulled him up with a rope.

After he went up, he lit a flashlight inward, and at this moment, he suddenly found a face!

When they saw this face, let alone Wu Xie, even Jiang Feng began to stab his back.

"Wait, is that face Aunt Wen Jin?"

After Wu Xie finished speaking, he immediately rejected it.

Because when he was just looking at it initially, he felt a bit like it, maybe because the wall of the meteorite had a little reflective effect, so when the electric light was used to illuminate it, it would give people a feeling that he thought this was a text Aunt Jin.

But when they wanted to continue to see clearly, that face shrank back again.

At this time, Wu Xie said to Jiang Feng: "Jiang Ye, did you see it just now?"

Jiang Feng nodded, this is a fact, he did see a human face, but looking back now, that human face doesn't seem to be Chen Wenjin.

Since the head just swung out sideways just now, it was really scary.

Even now; Wu Xie's face has not improved.

"Jiang Ye, tell me, is it that Aunt Wenjin has died inside... Then at this time, a corpse has occurred inside..."

Jiang Feng interrupted directly.

"Impossible, even if she died in it, she should die in it in the past two days, and Cai died only a few days ago, how could the face have changed so much, and it is impossible At this time, a corpse reaction occurred!"

After Jiang Feng finished analyzing, Wu Xie nodded.

"But, if she's not Aunt Wenjin, then who is she?"

At this time, Jiang Feng continued: "When you were looking at her face just now, did you actually notice that the face seemed to be a bit similar to the fake Queen Mother of the West sitting outside?"

After Jiang Feng said this, Wu Xie immediately thought of it.

"Do you mean that the Queen Mother of the West outside has been judged by us to be a fake Queen Mother of the West, so what we saw just now is the real Queen Mother of the West?"

After Wu Xie finished saying this, Jiang Feng nodded and said, "If you think about it this way, it should be like this."

"She may be afraid that someone will go to her. She doesn't like being disturbed."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

"In the past, many people would come to find her the medicine for immortality, but she felt very annoyed and didn't want to be disturbed, so she set up a fake Queen Mother of the West outside, and then her real body was hidden in Inside this meteorite cave."

When Wu Xie analyzed that he was here, he was already very handsome.

"Let's go, there's no time to stay in this place anymore."

"The Queen Mother of the West is staying inside. To be honest, I'm also a little scared. Forget it, I won't go in right now, or both of our lives may be taken inside."

...... 0

But if they leave now, they think about it again, the appearance of the Queen Mother of the West should be a coincidence.

Otherwise, why did the brothers and the others stay in that place for such a long time, and Aunt Wenjin also stayed in this place for such a long time, they should not have seen this Queen Mother of the West before, and this Queen Mother of the West was mostly from other from the place.

However, the more they thought about it, the more they felt that this meteorite was too confusing.

They thought they all thought that most of the meteorite was a very magical thing, because the Queen Mother of the West was in it, and Aunt Wenjin was also in it.

So there's definitely a secret to this.

But they don't dare to go further now, because they know a word, curiosity killed the cat!

If they are going to go deeper now, then they will definitely encounter something difficult to deal with, even many times more terrifying than this Queen Mother of the West!Death.

Chapter 337

When they think that there is something more terrifying than the Queen Mother of the West, they are even more afraid to go in at this time.

"Fatty, let's wait outside now!"

"If you go inside and wait, it's really uncomfortable."

After Wu Xie finished speaking, at this time Wu Xie finished speaking, Fatty he only nodded at this time to express his agreement.

"But, naive, look at what it looks like now, if we continue to stay in this place, we may all starve to death in this place!"

Jiang Feng also said at this time: "Fatty is right. If we continue to stay in this place, I feel that we will all starve to death in this place in a few days."

At this time, Fatty continued: "Originally, my plan was that we would have to leave until the day after tomorrow. Even if we get hungry on the road, we can go out."

"But now, brother, he has also entered our team."

"He will definitely have to eat later, and we can't leave him in this place at all."

"Since he has joined our team, our dry food will definitely become less and less in the future."

After Fatty finished speaking at this time, Wu Xie also began to fall into a dilemma.

Because he really doesn't want to leave at this time!

Now Aunt Wenjin hasn't come out yet. If they leave, then Aunt Wenjin will come out and see that there is no one in this place, what will she think in her heart?

Then Jiang Feng said at this time: "Fatty is right, we really don't have much dry food now, and there is nothing to eat in this place. If we stay in this place for a long time, we will definitely be hungry when we look back. Die in this place!"

"However, I have a way. Now we leave some dry food and wait for him to come out when Aunt Wenjin comes out. We can also have something to eat."

After Jiang Feng and Fatty finished talking at this time, Wu Xie still didn't want to leave.

Fatty said again: "But, think about it now, even if you are waiting to die at this time, little brother doesn't want to die!"

"Think about it, when the little brother sacrificed himself for you before, when you were in danger and came to save you, you have to think about it for him, right?"

After the fat man finished speaking, Wu Xie began to feel a little moved at this time.

"Yes, brother, he wants to go out, he can't die yet."

After speaking, they started to walk outside at this time.

But when they went outside, it didn't take long before they came to the place where they rested before.

But when they got there, they saw that there was no one there.

Xie Lianhuan probably followed him out at this time.

Then there are only four of them left in this place, brother, Wu Xie, Fatty, and Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng said: "Wait, there was still a place in this place, why is there no way now? Besides, come and see, there seems to be a hole in this ground!"

When Jiang Feng finished saying this, they all came over to take a look and found that there was indeed a hole in this place.

However, at this moment, Fatty suddenly said: "Did you find out just now, it seems that there is a light flashing on the wall of the pit?!"

After Fatty finished speaking, several of them began to notice the place that Fatty said, and now it is indeed there that light flashed past...  

"But what is that light?"

The fat man shook his head.

"I feel that there should be something good in there. I'll go and take a look now. You wait for me here for a few minutes."

After speaking.At this moment, the fat man walked over, and left the three of them standing there.

Jiang Feng shook his head and sighed.

After the fat man passed, he saw a pothole in front of him, and then he jumped down alone.

The hole wasn't too deep. After he got down, he started to fish under it.

As a result, when he was fishing for something, suddenly Fatty screamed, Wu Xie and the others thought that Fatty was bitten by some snake at this time.

After the fat man climbed out, he saw this hole in his hand.

He immediately sucked out the blood from the hole in his hand.

Wu Xie asked him, "Fatty, what's wrong with you? Is there a snake under this?"

The fat man shook his head.

"It looks like a bone has stabbed in my hand."

After he finished speaking, he pulled out the bone in his hand.

"Fuck, what kind of bone is this? Why is there a thorn on the top of this bone?"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Feng also looked at it, but there was no big problem.

"Fatty, let me just tell you, don't let you go. Now your hands are all over your hands, right? Let's see how you will find your baby later."

The fat man was still not convinced at this time. .

Chapter 338

"Hmph, even if my fat man is injured, it doesn't matter. Anyway, I have a lot of fat on my body!"

After Fatty finished speaking, Jiang Feng and the others were speechless.

All right, you can say whatever you like at this time.

At this time, however, the water under the pothole began to bubble up a few times.

"Little Third Master, did you fart just now?"

Wu Xie shook his head.

"Fuck your mother, I didn't fart."

The fat man still doesn't believe it.

"You're just farting, this smell really stinks to death."

At this time, Wu Xie and the others wanted to refute, but the entire passage suddenly cracked at this time, and everyone fell directly into the puddle.

When he went down, Jiang Feng was fine, he had already kept his body's center of gravity and everything, but Fatty and the others were not so lucky. They lost their balance and fell into a puddle.

After they got up, they couldn't stand still at all.

Because under this puddle, there are still ceramic fragments and so on, so if you want to stand firm in this place, there is really no good way.

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