As a result, at this time, a stream of water rushed over, which broke the balance of all of them, and all of them were rushed into a huge reservoir at this time.

Now that they all fell into the cistern, one by one, they couldn't even start breathing.

They really did not expect that in such an underground space, there is such a large reservoir!

As a result, after going down now, Fatty and Wu Xie immediately began to drag the younger brother to the shore.

Because they can't stay here for one more second in this place, they all have to go up now!

So by this time, those who should go up have already begun to swim towards it.

Anyway, today is no matter what, everyone has to go up!

After going up, Fatty and the others all smelled a foul stench coming from the pleasure of the tax amount.

"Fuck, this smell really stinks! It stinks even more than your fart just now!"

"Wu Xie, did you say you pooped in this water just now?"

After Wu Xie heard it, he wanted to give him two slaps.

"What are you talking about here! What a shit."

"You keep your mouth shut, the situation is very wrong now, we still have to think about how to get out!"

The fat man smashed his mouth and didn't say anything.

At this time, they continued to see this puddle, and the more they looked at this puddle at this time, the more hairy they felt in their hearts!

"Tell me, is there something hidden in this puddle?"

After the fat man finished speaking, Wu Xie said directly: "Fat man, you can start to shut up. If you say something directly later, your class is really a crow's mouth."

Wu Xie was not angry at this time, because it was really easy for those things to happen in this place.

Jiang Feng said directly at this time: "Okay, if you are still stubborn in this place, we may not be able to get out."

"What Fatty said just now is right about this place. It is very likely that something is not right here. When I was dropped from this reservoir just now, I already started to feel that something was wrong."

"Then next time, everyone should be careful!"

"Because, there seems to be something coming out of this reservoir!"

After Wu Xie finished saying these words, Fatty and the others all began to see the water, and when they saw the black spots that were constantly magnified in the water, their hearts began to grow more and more hairy.

"Fuck, what are those black spots floating up?"

"Why are there so many strange things this year!"

At this time, Fatty's heart has completely collapsed, but he is still thankful that when he fell just now, there was no major accident, and he did not sink to the bottom of the water.

Because what they found now, it really scared them too much.

Thinking back now, if they had found this thing up at the time, they might have had a bad fight under the water by now.

But luckily they were still on land.

"If we can't beat what comes up later, then we just run back."

"Better than staying in this place all the time!"

After Fatty finished speaking, Wu Xie's expression also became complicated.At this moment, Jiang Feng was the only one who remained calm and relaxed.

Because he knew that if something really came out at this moment, at least he might still be able to deal with it. As for the two of them, that would be bad.

But no matter what, he will do his best in the next period of time!

This is beyond doubt.

Chapter 339

When they said this, they began to slowly see that the shadow had grown bigger and bigger.

But now it can be clearly seen that when these shadows are getting bigger, it also shows one thing, that is, under this, something must be coming up!

And from the distance between the shadows, it can be understood that when they came up, they were very neat!

Now that I see them coming up very neatly at the moment, there is a very big possibility!

It's these shadows, maybe it's Zongzi!

This is Jiang Feng's preliminary judgment. The shadow that came up at this moment should be Zongzi.

What they are guarding under the water should be a very important thing, otherwise how could there be so many dumplings?

"Perhaps, this is the writing of the Queen Mother of the West, right?"

When Jiang Feng finished saying these words, they were starting to be a little confused now, because they never thought that even this was the work of the Queen Mother of the West?

Anyway, Wu Xie couldn't believe it.

That fat man, he was even more disbelieving.

Because if they look at it from this place, they can find that there are at least twenty shadows under the water.

You want to say that there are [-] dumplings in this ancient tomb. How can people believe this?

How likely is it that a corpse wants to turn into a corpse and turn into a zongzi?

With such a small probability, I have encountered so many in this place, so it seems very unscientific.

And it is extremely unscientific!

When it was over, Wu Xie and the others didn't believe it anymore, but now that it became more and more obvious that more shadows had begun to appear under the water, they had to believe it again.

This is a very complex mental state of change.

Because you were a little bit disbelieving just now, but now you have to believe it again, so this is very annoying.

With the passage of time, they have begun to see the shape of this zongzi more and more clearly now.

"It seems to be a zongzi, everyone, please be careful 〃〃!"

"Zongzi appeared from the bottom of the water, so what does this mean, I believe you must all know."

When Jiang Feng finished saying these words at this time, these people present couldn't believe it.

Because of the zongzi that appeared under the water, their bodies may not be so rigid, but their attack power is very powerful!

If you encounter this kind of zongzi, the only option is to run away!

And at this time, they even encountered so many dumplings!

There are about [-] numbers, and after seeing it, they directly let people choose to run away.

"Damn, there are too many dumplings in this place, let's get ready to run!"

Jiang Feng said at this time: "Wait a minute, even if you want to choose to run at this time, then you have to see what kind of movement these dumplings in this place will say later!"

"If they all just came up to take a sigh of relief, that's okay, and then they took the initiative to go down."

"But if we see that their attack target is us later, then it is not too late for us to choose to escape at this time."

When Jiang Feng finished saying this, they could only choose to believe it now.

"Well, let's take a look first."

In fact, as Jiang Feng said, when these dumplings came up, their main goal was Wu Xie and the others...

"."Okay, no nonsense, just run!"

When it came to this, everyone chose to run away!

So how fast is it now, how fast they are running!

And when I was running, I looked back at these zongzi and found that these zongzi are really awesome, that is running faster and faster!

"No way, why do these dumplings run so fast?"

In fact, they can run very fast now, but they also dragged one person at this time - little brother!

"You run ahead now, and I'll stay for you!"

After Jiang Feng finished speaking at this time, he stayed alone, and then let all of them choose to run first.

Of course, they are still carrying a little brother on their backs at this time, and they are not so fast when running (good Li's), and the speed is slowed down.

But at this time, Jiang Feng was there, so naturally he wouldn't let these beasts chase them.

Jiang Feng stood there now, and then summoned his own fire phoenix and ancestral unicorn.

With these two generals here, those water zongzi are basically impossible to get through.

At this time, I heard the fat man say: "Jiang Ye is awesome. You are my uncle!"

When they were done, they walked away.

The main reason is that they can't stay and fight against these things now, so at this time, they can only choose to continue to run, and they can run as fast as they can. .

Chapter 340

Run as far as you can.

But seeing the direction they are running from now, it is the place where the huge meteorite was before. After they run there, there may be nowhere to continue running unless they enter the hole at this time!

According to the current situation, we still have to go over it first.

At this time, Jiang Feng began to take charge of himself. When he saw the zongzi coming over, he just relied on the strength of one person and stopped them all!

It can be said to be really terrifying.

These zongzi are now beginning to suspect Zongsheng, and they can't think of why they would encounter this situation?

But at this time, they are already starting to attack, it is impossible to stop the attack.

Because there is still something they want to protect below this, they naturally won't go up at this time.

Because if they run down at this time, the things below will definitely be attacked at this time!

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