Therefore, they will not exceed a certain distance. If they exceed this distance, then they will automatically return, which is so powerful!

So from this time, it is not difficult to see that they dare not continue to go at this time.

So at this time, Jiang Feng could be considered a sigh of relief.

"I went, but I didn't expect them to want to go down at this time? What are you thinking?"

At this time, Jiang Feng can be said to have killed him. There are not many of you left at this time. How could I still put you back at this time?

So Jiang Feng walked over directly at this time, and then gave them a second onslaught!

Under such an offensive, they only have one dumpling left.

"I said, I want to leave, but there is no way! Since everyone has already come, just give me a good stay in this place at this time!"

Now after Jiang Feng's fierce attack, all of them have been wiped out at this time.

After seeing that there was no threat at this time, Jiang Feng returned to the meteorite cave and called them away again.

"Jiang Ye, are you sure there is no danger now?"

Jiang Feng nodded.

"Don't worry, I have already removed all the dangers for you just now. How can there be dangers at this time?"

After Jiang Feng finished speaking, they also nodded at this moment.

"Okay, then, Jiang Ye has already said that there is no danger, so naturally there is no danger."

Then everyone also started to follow the pace at this time, and then returned to the previous place.

They were now walking along the land above the cistern.

Because there is a cistern below, when they are walking on it, they must pay attention not to trample this thing on him.

Otherwise, it will all fall off!

After finishing speaking, Jiang Feng and the others began to slowly walk forward.

But while walking, Fatty suddenly felt that he saw something again.Because there is still some water next to them at this time, and this water also comes from the water in the cistern. If you jump from this place, then the place you jump into is also in the cistern.

So this place is connected to the reservoir.

However, at this time, the fat man saw something very special.

"Little Third Master, what is the thing in front of you?

After Fatty finished speaking, Wu Xie looked at the place where Fatty was pointing, then looked at it, and said, "Huh? That thing? Let me see."

After finishing speaking, Wu Xie and Jiang Feng both approached at this time, and then looked at the thing. Suddenly, Wu Xie said at this moment: "Run! Don't look!"

After Wu Xie finished speaking, he immediately started to run away. Jiang Feng also understood what it was at this time, so at this time, he immediately dragged his brother and ran in the direction of the exit.

Because if they followed the road they came from, although they were already blocked, the place they were walking now was a very dangerous place.

Although it is said to be under the road above, but now this road is already very dangerous.

At this moment they were still running.

After they ran to a relatively open place, they discovered that this place was the place where they fell before.

"Okay, now there's no way."

But when they turned around at this time, they discovered a very terrifying thing. At this time, they saw a huge python standing behind them!

"Oops, here comes the python."

In front of this giant python at this moment, they are like ants, and they have no way to resist.

Don't talk about shooting with guns now, even if you shoot with cannonballs, it may have some effect, but where do you go to find guns at this time? .

Chapter 341

At this time, the little brother suddenly woke up at this time, and Jiang Feng was relieved when he saw Zhang Qiling wake up.

Because Zhang Qiling didn't lose the chain, he knew that he would come to help them when it was critical.

At least at this time, seeing Zhang Qiling okay, that's a good thing!

At this time, Zhang Qiling looked at the python in front of him, and then took out a spotlight from his backpack. Just now, the python was going to attack them, but now the python sees the spotlight on the little brother's hand. After the lights, all the attention of that python was also waiting for the face.

After Jiang Feng saw it at this moment, he no longer had to guess, because he knew what Zhang Qiling was going to do later.

The little brother's movements were very agile, and then he jumped directly into the reservoir.

The python also swam with the younger brother at this time, but the speed of the python swimming in the water was not as fast as Zhang Qiling's!This is very interesting.

When Zhang Qiling was about to swim to half the height of the reservoir, he immediately threw the lamp down.

Next, the python also followed the light and began to swim down at this time.

Jiang Feng guessed right, Zhang Qiling wanted to use this spotlight to attract the python's attention at this time!

But at the same time, he also has to take a lot of risk in doing so!

Even if the python swims faster than him at that time, it may even be eaten by people with lights...

However, it seems that the younger brother is also very sure, and the speed is very fast, so there is no chance for this giant python to surpass him.After they saw that the python had missed out with Zhang Qiling at this time, they were relieved.

When the little brother swam to the shore, everyone came to hug him.

"Okay, let's move on now!"

"If he catches up later, then we're dead!"

After Jiang Feng said it, Wu Xie and the others also nodded.

When they were running, they kept gasping for breath. Fortunately, they had successfully left this place at this time. Even if the python had to follow, it would not take a day for this python to come up at all!

When they ran to this place to rest, their faces were all pale.

People were already very hungry, but they ran out at this time, using up all their physical strength, and then their stomachs were very hungry again.

In this way, they escaped for three hours, and during these three hours, they kept running, as if there were countless pythons chasing them behind them.

Finally, they ran to the exit.

When they ran to the exit, they finally understood one thing.

At the very beginning, when they came in, the third uncle said that this is a road of no return!

They now understand why this is a point of no return.

Because they knew that even if they brought all the food, if everyone had to carry the food on their backs, their food would be eaten up from the time they entered this place.

Fortunately, they are leaving in time now, and there is a compressed biscuit hanging on the road, so they only came out at this time, but when they came out, it can be said that it is very limited!

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

If it weren't for this, they would really die in it!

At this time, they walked out of the cave, and in the next time, they began to prepare to go out again.

It's a forest, it's a swamp.

If they want to go out now, they have to cross this swamp!

But now it's raining season again.

It is not impossible to travel through such a place, but it is too difficult.

Fortunately, they went out at this time, and the weather outside was sunny.

...... 0

Even if there is a swamp, there are loach and small fish in the swamp.

These things are also good appetizers.

So when they walked through this rainforest next, it could be said to be relatively relaxed and happy.

But they have to go back to the camp as soon as possible, they can't stay in this place, because he knows that if they stay in this place, there is no need at all.

However, Jiang Feng said at this time: "You must not indulge in this colorful illusion of ice powder in front of you. This place is not safe. You must leave this place as soon as possible!"

After they simply filled their stomachs, they resumed their journey.

In front of them at this time, there are countless ticks waiting for them.

After they actually walked out of the forest, they were all covered with silt and ticks.

But they don't care anymore, because they don't think it is necessary, they are too tired.

Everyone started to rest at this time, and the little brother passed out again at this time.Death.

Chapter 342

Due to their current wave of long-distance travel, their bodies and minds have been fatigued, and they have little intention to do other things.

So judging from the current situation, they are basically ready to start resting.

This time they rested, and that was three days later.

When they went out, they saw Dingzhu Zhuoma. At that time, everyone was in a bad state. Naturally, they had rested for so many days.

During this period of rest, everyone already wants to be tired at this time.

As if those things before, in their eyes, have nothing to do with three-fifty, and now it can be said that no matter what is in the meteorite cave, it has nothing to do with them.

The only task now is to sleep!

Only when you sleep well, you will naturally have time to take care of the things that follow.

Because if you don't rest well during this period of time, then you naturally have no energy and desire to do other things.

During the period of time they were resting, the little brother had been sitting on the stone in a daze, and he didn't know what he was thinking. Anyway, at this time, there was always a feeling that something must have happened to him, otherwise He wouldn't be so unmotivated at this time.

It just didn't occur to him that what he had been looking for would end up like this in the end.

But he had been asking him before, but he didn't say anything, and even forgot a few of them.

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