Chapter 376

But at this time, they can't do other things, that is to say, if he suffers at this moment, it is a disaster.

At this time, Jiang Feng saw that he was injured. It is said that among the Miao people, there are many medicines that can treat him.

So judging from the current situation, they must have no major problems.

And there are also clouds that are helping him with medicine or something. It is estimated that he will be better in less than a week.

The things on Fatty's side are trivial matters, and now he wants to tell them everything he has learned before.

After they finished listening, they said to Jiang Feng: "Jiang Ye, what you hear sounds like a ghost story to me!"

Jiang Feng also said at this time: "This matter is indeed what it is now, but I think his matter should be true, but he just hasn't learned the truth yet, and I think there are even bigger secrets to hide. behind him!"

Now after Jiang Feng finished saying these words, they all began to wonder.

"Then what you said is true, what is true~?"

The fat man asked on the side.

Jiang Feng continued to say slowly: "What I said is true, it should be that the old man didn't know about this matter, and then said everything he knew - that's all."

After Jiang Feng finished saying these words, they all began to have some doubts, as if they were all guessing what the final outcome should look like.

But judging from the current situation, it is not so easy to understand the final solution!

At this time, Fatty said: "You all know that I don't believe in these ghosts and gods, so naturally I don't believe much in what you said."

Then Wu Xie stood up and said, "Okay, let's assume it now."

"Think about it down there, there's nothing right now, yes, nothing."

"No dead people crawled out from under there, and no one was resurrected in situ."

"We just assume that there are two teams in this archaeological team."

The team that the old man killed before was Team A, and the team that appeared the next day was Team B.

"As for Team A, after Pan Ma killed them, they were indeed all dead."

"So, at this point, Team B is left."

"And this B team was still talking and laughing with the old man on the second day after it appeared. Then you can think of this B team as a talented team, they are the regular army or something, and they were originally The plan was to kill Team A, but at this time, the old man appeared. When he appeared, he broke the plan of Team B, which was the original plan to kill Team A. "

"So after they came out, they used disguise or something, which was the same as Team A."

"At that time, what the old man sees is Team A."

"So the old man seems to be ignorant of everything now."

"Then this matter, it seems to be true, maybe there are other circumstances behind it."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

After Wu Xie's analysis was finished, everyone felt that it was a bit reliable.

According to Wu Xie's analysis, this approach is obviously tenable!

However, at this time, Fatty suddenly said: "However, all this is just your conjecture. Do you have any analysis now? Some more reasonable analysis."

After Fatty finished speaking at this time, they all began to ponder. As for Fatty's doubts, it was also a doubt they had now.

It also feels impossible.

Then Wu Xie continued: "You still knew that Niu Er at that time, right? He was killed at the time, and I think he was mostly killed because of him."


"Then the whole scene was set up as a suicide scene."

"It's mainly because Niu Er probably knows what they are."

"Before, the old man took the initiative to go into the mountain, and then saw the team coming down the mountain, so my current analysis is that most of the teams have always been because they are very familiar with this mountain, and they don't need the old man to come. Lead the way in person, and they can go out on their own."

"Just looking at this detail, they are probably another team."

At this time, Fatty asked again: "Then the team you are talking about is different from the team that went to the Xisha seabed for archaeology before?"

Innocent nodded.

"There must be a difference here! For example, in the previous team, some of them were dropped by another team or something."

After he finished his analysis, Fatty had a new idea.Death.

Chapter 377

"Okay, then even what you said is right now, but the previous team has been killed, so how could there be a problem with those teams at the bottom of the Xisha Sea?"

Innocent explained it again at this time.

"Oh, of course that's because some of them didn't show up."

So at this time, they felt that all these arguments should be established.

But at this time, it can only be said that it is established, because there are still many variables that are unknown later.

The only thing you want to know, is to go to the lake!

"The old man also said three, six, seven, that the water level has dropped at the place by the lake. That is to say, if we go at this time, it should be easy for us to find the body under the lake."

After Jiang Feng finished speaking, they began to prepare to go to that place right now.

"And in that place, they all went down near the lake, so if we go down at this time, it shouldn't be too difficult."

"When we dive in a few, maybe we will be able to salvage something."

At this time, the fat man said: "Then let's go and see if there are any bones under that. If we can find those things, maybe it will be fine."

They think so now, there should be no problem.But I don't know if there will be any problems in the end.

"It's okay, let's try our luck when the time comes, maybe we can succeed."

Jiang Feng stood up and said at this time, because he still wanted to go down and have a look.

In fact, when Jiang Feng is curious, he is also very curious. If there is nothing worthy of his curiosity, then he will not keep thinking about it.

Because at this time, he felt that he should be curious about what and when not to be curious, and he knew all about it.

Then at this time, they need to buy some equipment.

Because it is the first time they have entered such a deep mountain.So there are still a lot of equipment to buy.

If they go down to the bottom of the lake and suddenly encounter an underwater tomb, and then suddenly something pops up, they will have nothing to deal with.

But at this time, at least, something needs to be done.

If there are no zongzi or something at this time, it will be fine, if you encounter it, it will be bad.

So no matter how you say it now, you have to prepare these things first.

Since they didn't carry professional equipment when they left, it's fine if they can buy it at this time.

Now they plan to buy some ammunition or something. However, for a long time in the past, because the country banned guns, there will be no place to sell guns now.

But the hunters and the others depended on it for a living because they wanted to eat this bowl of rice, so they turned a blind eye to them.

However, if they want to get bullets, it is more difficult, and they can only be obtained by self-made methods.

Anyway, because of this action, they still carried a lot of things!

Anyway, if they don't find something suitable, they will choose something to use as a substitute.  …

Anyway, they are all available now, so try to use them as much as possible!

When Fatty went out before, he brought back some sulfuric acid. This thing is also a good thing. When it comes to the back, it is very useful.

At this time, they all started to become more excited.

Especially Fatty is more excited at this time, because he relies on these things to eat. If he can get some good things down there, maybe he can buy a few houses in the magic capital.

Since this matter of theirs needs to be well prepared, they start to rest directly at this time.

When they were resting, Jiang Feng and Wu Xie both saw that A Gui was looking at a window.

They had seen a strange shadow appear at the window before.

When I thought that it was Agui and his son who stayed there, I felt that there was nothing.

Because they think that this Agui's son may have some kind of disease, and then he can't come out to see people or something.

Anyway, these situations are possible.

After a period of time, Jiang Feng and the others fell asleep because they were really sleepy. When they woke up, it was the same as the next morning.

They began to prepare to leave at this time, no matter what, they had to go.

At the time of departure, they also did not see the previous guide.

They didn't know what was going on, but when they were leaving, they saw that Agui himself and his daughter Yunyun took them with them. .

Chapter 378

Wu Xie was a little curious at this time, because what he thought was, you don't know the way, why do you want to take them there?

Then Wu Xie also shared this doubt with Agui, but Agui said that he had gone to many hunters before, but those hunters had never been to the lake, so if they wanted to find a guide now, it was not what an easy thing to do.

Then they had to give up.

Because Agui said that Yun had followed his grandfather to the lake several times before, so Yun knew how to get there.

So just a few of them went together.

But Wu Xie and the others felt that it didn't matter. Since someone knew how to go at this time, let them take it with them at this time.

It's better than none of them know how to get there.

After saying here, Agui started to take them there.

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