So they began to follow the route the cloud gave them, and went along with them.

But when they went up the mountain, they found that it was much easier than when they questioned the old man before.

Because this is just going up the mountain, in fact, there is nothing else on the way. When going up the mountain, due to the relatively long journey, they rested on the mountain for a day, and by the next day, they had already arrived.

When they actually arrived at the lake, they saw that there was a big sun here, and then they saw that the lake in front of them was not that big, and they could see that after the water level had dropped, this Some detailed changes to the lake.

But when they entered this place, Jiang Feng actually felt that this place was much better than the last time they went to Tamuta, because when they went to Tamuto before, it was really too long, so far road they have never traveled.

However, in this place, they all arrived after walking for two days.

When they saw the lake, they found that the lake was still very clear, because no one had been to this place, so the water source here would become very clear by himself.

In the past, when the world was not yet modern, many rivers and places were quite clear.

But now because of the progress of the times, many rivers and rivers have become extremely turbid.

Then Jiang Feng and the others came to this lake and looked around and found nothing unusual.

Although the lake is indeed relatively clear, it is impossible to see the bottom of the water at this time. They now find that the underground of the lake is still very deep.

Therefore, at this time, it is unlikely that they will go to the bottom of the lake together.

At this time, the fat man came to the edge of the lake and washed his face in this place, but found that when they were washing their faces, the water was very cold, not as hot as they thought.

Then Wu Xie said to Jiang Feng at this time: "I don't know why, but I always feel that the surrounding mountains seem very familiar, as if I have seen these mountains before."

"It's a very familiar feeling."

After he finished speaking, Jiang Feng shook his head, he didn't know anything anyway.

But at this time, he looked at the little brother, and the little brother seemed to be very puzzled at this time, as if the little brother should know something at this time.

At this time, the fat man was very hearty, because he felt that the water was very cool, so he swam directly in the lake.

Then, after he was comfortable in the lake, he came to the shore and started pitching tents or something.

After they set up the tents and other things, they began to rest for a while, because they had been rushing on the road for the past few days, and their physical strength was still somewhat exhausted.

But judging from the current situation, although it was a bit of consumption, after eating the food that Yunyun made for them, they felt that they were all better.

The whole person also recovered at this time.

At this time, Jiang Feng walked around alone, and when he was walking, he found that there was indeed a circle of stones around the lake.

There also seems to be a lot of rocks under the bottom of this lake.

After Jiang Feng walked around this shore, he didn't find anything strange, and he didn't seem to see any bones on this shore.

But this may be because after more than [-] years, these bones have entered the bottom of the lake.

So at this time they really want to find bones or something, this is really a very difficult thing!

Maybe the bones will be slowly eaten away at this time, and when it comes to the back, there will be no response. .

Chapter 379

Now after this wave of reflection, they believe that bones should be found in this place.

First of all, when the old man came to this place to throw his corpse, the height of this place was not so high.

Now let's take a look at the stones in this place. At present, the stones in this place are slowly sloping downwards, and the water level in this place is also still water. As long as the person is thrown down, then the person should be will be stuck between the stones.

Then when the corpse goes down, the speed is relatively slow, so the probability of getting stuck between the stone gaps is also very large!

Now Jiang Feng told them his conjecture, and then they started to look for this bone according to this conjecture.

But at this time, Fatty suddenly proposed: "According to what you said, there is basically no problem, but if these corpses are not bound by anything when they fall, then the corpses will not be If it sinks directly into the water, it will become a floating corpse first."

After Fatty finished speaking, they started to reconsider, thinking about what state the corpse should be in.

So from the current situation, no matter how he was thrown away, there must be some clues!

Then a few of them began to observe the lake all the time, each with their own ideas.

Due to the relatively large sun in this place, when these few people stayed in this place to discuss issues, they didn't notice that the sun above their heads had almost cooked their heads.

Now they are taking a break in this place, the day is still long, even if they can't find the real answer, they don't have to wait in this place all the time, so they simply found a place to rest at this time.

Fatty also made the tent just before, so they can go to rest in the tent at this time, but it is already the afternoon at this time. When they arrive at the tent and start to rest, the cloud starts to make dinner for them. .

After dinner, the sky outside began to slowly darken.

When all of them saw this place, the ups and downs in their hearts also stabilized a little at this time.

At least Jiang Feng's heart is not as volatile as before. It is night, and they are all beginning to rest.

This time, it's almost seven o'clock in the evening.

At this time, everyone was talking and laughing, as if they came to this place, as if they were on vacation here, all relaxed.

Eating the game that Yun and Agui hunted for them in the mountains, and drinking the fine wine from their place, is a refreshing experience!

But at this time, he was still a little worried.

Because in the little brother's mind, there are a lot of problems, and now he can't think of it suddenly, just these can make him worry for a long time.

But now Jiang Feng and Wu Xie didn't bother him in the past. He just wanted to have a rest by himself at the moment, so he was naturally very relaxed at this time.

In the afternoon, they all discussed for a long time, only the little brother was silent and silent at that time.

Of course, now even if he doesn't speak in that place, it doesn't really matter much.

Because this depends on what he thinks, since he has no ideas now, then he doesn't need to care too much about some of his ideas at this time.

So far, the main idea support is still Jiang Feng's ideas.

Because their current ideas should be quite comprehensive.

Of course, they haven't really entered the water at this time, so they don't know what will happen in the end.

After nearly an hour, they are almost ready to rest now. Since there is nothing for them to entertain in this place, they have to start preparing for rest now.

But just when Jiang Feng and the others had begun to rest in a daze, a sound suddenly came out.

"."Wait a minute, you should have heard that voice (good Wang Zhao), right?"

Jiang Feng suddenly opened his eyes, because he was still quite sensitive to these things, so he immediately raised his vigilance and looked towards the position by the lake.

There was a "click, click, click" sound.

Agui said: "Don't panic, this sound is the sound of animals drinking water."

Jiang Feng thought about it for a while, but still felt something was wrong.

"If this is the sound of an animal drinking water, how big must this animal be! Isn't the sound of drinking water too loud?"

They are now beginning to feel that this should not be the sound of an animal drinking water. .

Chapter 380

Then they all went over there at this time.

But at this time, the little brother didn't speak for so long, and suddenly said: "The sound of the tide."

However, Wu Xie began to think at this time.

"If this is the sound of the tide, I feel a little outrageous."

"How can there be ultrasound in such a small lake?"

"Could it be because the moon is very big tonight?"

As a result, they all looked up at the moon at this moment, and found that at this time in the sky, it was impossible to see how big the moon was.

Now everyone is walking towards the lake, because there is no danger at the lake at the moment, just the sound of the tide.

When they got to the lake, they found that the lake water was shaking slowly, just like it was on the beach, and it started shaking regularly.

And this sound is coming from this lake.

It may be hard for them to believe that such a phenomenon still occurs in such a place.

At this time, the fat man said: "How is it possible? The moon is not very big now, but there are still tides in this place. Could it be that there is a hole in the bottom of the lake that is rapidly flowing water?"

But after Jiang Feng looked at it for a while, he said, "No, I think this should be a siphon."

"This lake is mostly related to the underground river."

"Of course, it shouldn't be an underground river, and it may be associated with a larger lake."

"Then those larger lakes can form a tidal effect, and because there is an interconnected channel between them, the lakes here can have a tidal reaction at this time."

After Jiang Feng finished speaking, Wu Xie analyzed: "If this is the case, is it possible that the corpse will be sucked under the center of the lake by the siphon effect now?"

That is to say, whether it is a corpse or not, as long as it is in the lake, they will be drawn to the center of the lake.

"It's no wonder that I didn't see anything on this. It turns out that those things have now entered the center of the lake."

However, at this time they began to think again, if this is really the case, then how deep is this lake?

What if there is a depth of more than [-] meters at that time?

And they don't carry diving equipment now. These things can only be bought online. It is basically impossible for them to buy those things in this place.

"Wait, if this lake doesn't have a tidal response, then according to this view, this lake shouldn't be too high!"

"So at this time, we can try to go down and see!"

They start to decide at this time, first ask them how good their diving skills are.

"Now who of you can swim?"

Wu Xie, Fatty, and Little Brother can only say that they know a little water now.

Then Aguihui, but he is generally better in that kind of shallow water, but he still can't dive.

Finally asked about the cloud, she said she would.

But she came to this place now, and she didn't bring a swimsuit, so it was impossible for her to go into the water like this, right?

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