In the end, it is Jiang Feng. Jiang Feng's water ability can be said to be very good. If he wants to dive, he can usually hold his breath for ten minutes!

Ordinary people usually take one minute, but he is ten times as long as ordinary people!

This is quite scary!

However, the main reason why he can hold it for so long is because he can adjust his heart rate!

That is to reduce the consumption of oxygen by your heart!

He can leave a large part of the oxygen in the body to the brain!

And his current lung capacity is also at [-]!

But compared to the record in the world today, the man of [-] is naturally incomparable.

And there is also a person in this world who can hold his breath for twenty-two minutes, and he can't compare.

However, now that he can dive for ten minutes, he is already much stronger than the others!

Diving into such a lake at this time, basically it takes one minute to enter the water, then one and a half minutes to come down from the bottom of the water, and finally seven minutes to explore the bottom of the lake is basically no problem!

When they thought of this, they all began to think that there was no big problem.

It's night now, so they basically won't go into the water at this time, they will choose to start going into the water during the day.

They waited until the next morning, before the sun came out, and they began to explore around the lake for the last time.

Cloud also got up very early at this time, and after getting up, he cooked breakfast for each of them.

After all, it is much better to go into the water with breakfast than without breakfast.

After eating, they walked around the lake again, and after making sure that there was nothing around the lake, they began to prepare to go into the water. .

Chapter 381

Judging from the current situation, there is basically no big problem for them to enter the water.

From start to finish, they ended up getting ready to go into the water after lunch at noon.

However, before they went into the water, they still prepared to get a rope. They felt that if they all went down into the water like this, in case they fell in the end, they would still be able to use the rope to carry them at that time. come up.

So at this time, when they think of this, they feel very comfortable, at least they are safe to go down now!

After feeling that everything was ready, they started diving towards the lake.

But the rope they made before they dived was still very good - it worked!

A few of them first swam to the center of the lake, and then put the rope down there.

In the end, they found that after the rope was put down, it was almost [-] meters deep!

After determining how deep they are, it is natural for them to start diving now.

Judging from the current situation, they basically have no major problems diving.

As they dived, it was getting darker and darker.

Because the current water has changed a lot, when they were diving, it meant that they were diving very deep.

When they were making the rope just now, they had already made [-] meters.

Because what they guessed is that the water in this place is about [-] meters, but judging from the current state, the water is still very deep!

The further they went underwater, the stronger the pressure felt around them.

Through such a feeling, it really makes them very uncomfortable.

Now there is a strong water pressure around, and they could hold it for a while without breathing, but at this time, they can't help without breathing.

After that, Fatty went up to take a breath, but Jiang Feng still had gas, so he didn't need to go up again. 】

Brother, he is all right now, and he doesn't need to go up.

When they got closer to the bottom now, they already found that they were almost there.

"I went, I really didn't expect it to be like this."

There are a lot of stones around here.

This is the same as they had guessed before, there are stones under this!

And the bottom of the entire lake can basically be said to be the kind of stone!

When he saw this place, Jiang Feng said to them: "You guys be careful later, there are quite a lot of stones in this place."

Then they also nodded at this time.Indicates no problem.

Because they have diving goggles and flashlights on their hands, they can light up their surroundings under this water.

However, when Wu Xie started to dive down, Jiang Feng found out that although they had already dived to a very low position, they found that there was a slope in front of him. Still able to continue diving!

When I saw this, everything started to look outrageous.

Because this was something they hadn't thought of before, they could even continue diving under this!

However, Wu Xie looked a little uneasy.

At this time, I saw Wu Xie trying to cut the rope. He must be out of breath now, right?

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

So Jiang Feng came to Wu Xie's side.

"I come."

Jiang Feng motioned himself to help him cut the rope, and then he started to cut off the rope tied to his leg. Now he can go up and take a sigh of relief and come down again.

After finishing it, I saw that Wu Xie had already moved towards the water.

After seeing him go up, Jiang Feng, Wu Xie, and Fatty went down together.

After they went down slowly, they found that there were several houses under this place!


"I'm going, I didn't expect that under this place, it still seems to be a stockade!"

This is something they hadn't thought of at all.

They think they can find such a stockade under this, such a big stockade, and it still stays under the water.

"It looks like this place is really amazing!"

Jiang Feng began to tell them at this moment: "Now when we go down, be careful."

At this time, Wu Xie had come to the water, and when he was about to reach the water, the whole person felt comfortable.

Because he felt that, for the first time in his life, he felt how comfortable it was to breathe with air!How happy it is!

At this time, Fatty also came to the surface of the water. When he got to the surface, he was only half a minute later than Wu Xie.

They began to wait for the younger brother and Jiang Feng to come up together.

But after waiting for them for nearly ten minutes, the two of them finally came up!

After seeing them coming up now, I found something in my brother's hand.Death.

Chapter 382

"My little brother is really a strong group!"

After they saw this backpack, they began to think, is this thing a corpse or something?

But they looked carefully and found that this was just a bag.

There is nothing inside.

The little brother continued to say at this time: "There are still some things below, and below that, there is something like a village, you must have seen it?"

They all nodded.

Because at this time they felt that the bottom is really too big!

There are even those things.

At this time of [-], they remembered what the old man said.

Just below this, when the corpse sank, there were guns and equipment, all of which had fallen below.

That's why they will say now that even those things are there.

However, they also understood at this time that it was all because of the siphon, which caused all the equipment to hang on the fence.

So they understood another thing at this time, whether there should be a stockade under this, and then because of landslides or something, the stockade was flooded or something, all of which were submerged, and finally such a stockade was formed. village.

Looking at this stockade now, it is very unlucky, and they never thought that these things would happen.

But in the end, things happened, and there was no way to make him go back.

At this time, they plan to go back to shore and take out the contents of the bag.

But Fatty immediately said: "No, let's not go to the shore to take out the contents of this for the time being. If Agui and the others see it, they still don't know what we are doing."

"They can't see the words, we have to kill them, right?"

When it came to this, Jiang Feng and the others also nodded.

"Since this thing can't be opened on shore, let's open it for him now!"

Then Wu Xie started to open this thing to him at this time.

As a result, after opening it, I found that the bag seemed to be the kind of bag used by a girl.

There are some daily necessities in it.

After seeing these living objects, I felt that there should be nothing in them.

But Fatty still doesn't believe in evil at this time. He just wants to find something out of this place, otherwise I'll be sorry for him coming to this place so fortunately.

After that, with Fatty's efforts, he finally found something in this.

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