But at this time, when they turned their attention to the stockade again, Jiang Feng suddenly found that a green halo appeared in the stockade.

This halo is in the depths of the stockade. After seeing the halo, they suddenly felt a suffocation.

Because that halo has been flickering in this place now.

"Jiang Ye, do you think there are still people in this place right now?".

Chapter 389

After Jiang Feng heard this, he shook his head.

"I don't know, there shouldn't be anyone down here, but if the other party is alone, then he needs to breathe, and as a normal person, the body can't be soaked underwater for so long."

"Even if you bring professional equipment, you don't need to bring it here."

"And even if you want to take it in this place at this moment, the fat man and the others may have discovered it long ago."

Wu Xie said again: "Then are they Fatty and Little Brother?"

Jiang Feng still shook his head.

"It would be nice if it was them, but it can't be theirs. If it were them, they would know when to go up."

"But now, they don't need to stay under this place at all, because they must be in this place for so long, they must need oxygen or something."

"So from now on, it's definitely not them."

Jiang Feng seemed to have broken Wu Xie's last conjecture, but in fact, no matter how he thought about it, he knew it wasn't them.

At this time, Wu Xie asked again: "Then, shouldn't there be still ghosts living under this place?"

"Those who were killed back then couldn't be reincarnated at this time, and they were trapped under this water all the time."

"After that halo, maybe it's what's guiding them to reincarnate?"

But after Wu Xie finished saying these things, he began to feel very outrageous.

But no matter what they say now, they want to look at that place at this time.

As if the halo seemed to have some attraction, it was leading them to look at it.

Then Wu Xie and Jiang Feng both began to swim towards the halo at this time, but at this time, they found that there was a building complex in front of them!

"I'm going, I didn't expect that there are buildings in this place〃〃?"

This is something they didn't expect, but after they went to that building complex, they discovered a very outrageous thing.

It was Wu Xie who discovered this matter!

Because of the complex he discovered at this time, there was a particularly spectacular building in the middle.

It's like a tower-like building!

When they saw the building, Wu Xie began to say, "It shouldn't be! Why is there such a building in such a place?"

Anyway, no matter how they think about it now, they can't figure out why there is such a building in this place.

Because, this is a Chinese building!

And this place is where the Yao people live.

Since ancient times, the Yao and Han nationalities have been incompatible with each other!

Therefore, it is impossible for Han people to live in the Yao people.But if they look at it from the current state, they will find that this place has such a splendid building!

And it's Chinese!

At this time, they began to feel that this Han Chinese must have something awesome in this place!

Otherwise, it is impossible for him to be recognized by these Yao people!

So at this time Wu Xie began to feel that this Han man was too awesome!They continued to swim towards the front, but at this time, they found a plaque in front of the building.

They also began to see the plaque now, and only saw a few words written on the plaque, but because there were a lot of underwater impurities floating on the plaque.

When they looked at the plaque carefully, they found that the Zhang family was written on it.

When Jiang Feng and Wu Xie saw these words, they immediately began to feel that something was wrong.

"."It's incredible, it's incredible!"

"I didn't expect that in a place like the Yao people, there is such a Zhang family in this place!"

"Is it possible that this Zhang family is Zhang Qiling's family?"

When they thought of this, Jiang Feng and Wu Xie immediately began to think that it was too awesome to eat.

Is there any connection between them in this?

Then they turned around from this place, even if there was some awesome place in it, they couldn't go in and see it.

Even if there are a lot of things (good money and good) in there at this time, they won't look at it.

Because those things in there are not things that they can figure out if they want to do it.

Moreover, most of the books in it have been soaked in water, and even at this time, it is impossible to get those things.

So instead of doing this, I might as well think about what I should do at this moment.

They started looking inside, trying to see where the shadow was.

But when they were at this time, after looking for it for nearly three minutes, they didn't see that green halo anymore. .

Chapter 390

However, they found a bungalow in front of them.

Then they started to swim towards the house, and after they swam over, they found that there was a shadow in the bungalow!

"It's not right! How can there be such a shadow in this place?"

This is something that he is extremely puzzled about. He thinks it is impossible to have such a big shadow in such a place, right?

When they looked through the window, they did indeed see a shadow at this time.

And this shadow, Wu Xie has seen it in the photos before!

This photo is the one that Brother Chu gave him before!

After Wu Xie looked at the photo, he found that there was a person in it, and his shoulders were collapsed.

At that time, he also speculated about what happened to the photo, but from the perspective of this situation, if you compare it with this shadow, it is almost exactly the same as that person!

"Jiang Ye, why don't we enter now?"

Jiang Feng looked at the shadow at this time, and then also remembered the shadow in the photo, almost the same!

Jiang Feng nodded at this time.

"Come on, let's go in and see!"

Then they walked to the window, and Wu Xie suddenly found that there was a palm print on the window!

This, this looks like a little brother's finger!

Because he found that there are two relatively long fingers in this place, so if he said that, it must be a little brother!

Then Wu Xie opened the window and looked inside, but at this time, he found that there was indeed a person inside, and that person was standing there stiffly without moving.

This is obvious to see, this thing has been dusty in this place for many years.

And looking at it now, the whole body of this thing is sealed with wax.

This thing is actually a bit similar to a mummy.

Looking at it as a whole now, this thing is like a person who was hanged and hanged, and then made his appearance into a wax figure.

But now, Jiang Feng walked in and saw that this wax figure was too realistic!

From the very beginning, this wax figure feels very special!

Because many details of this portrait are handled very well!

However, at this moment, Jiang Feng put the dagger on his body on the arm of the wax figure, and scratched it gently with the dagger, but found that the texture of this thing is very hard!

"I'll go, if it's like this, isn't it, it's made of iron?"

Now that Jiang Feng thought of this, he immediately began to scrape all this thing with a dagger, wanting to see if this thing was an iron servant.

After Jiang Feng completely scraped the thing away, he found that it was indeed an iron servant.

And a maid of great detail that was carved!

In ancient times, I had never seen such a big iron servant!

Because they all know that those iron servants in ancient times were generally very small.

It is impossible to have such a big iron servant.

Because they know that this iron is something very old!

So at that time, no one was willing to use so much iron to make an iron servant.

The reason for this is that ironmaking at that time was not very advanced.

Now Jiang Feng feels that this iron servant has been discovered, what about the surrounding environment...

At first glance, the surrounding environment is simply divine!

He had seen such a place in a certain place before!

Isn't this exactly the same place as the one on the photo?

When they saw the photo, they could find a screen, and on the other side of the screen, it was the corridor.

When I go back to this place, it's exactly the same!

But now there is one very puzzling thing.

It was the filming location at that time, it should have been in a nursing home!

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