How could it possibly be in this place again?

And that's what Brother Chu said at the time!

Now Wu Xie feels that all this is messed up and completely wrong.

Even Jiang Feng began to feel a little dizzy.

"There must be something wrong with this. There is always a place where it's lying."

"If this place is already the truth, then Brother Chu must have been lying."

If you understand it according to the things in the photos now, Wu Xie suddenly thought of something incredible!

Just behind this, there should be something else!

Jiang Feng nodded at this time

"There's definitely something behind it."

"And the feeling it gives me now is that this door is not the back door we see now. I think that after this door is opened, something will appear when you go back!"

After Jiang Feng finished speaking, Wu Xie also began to be shocked. .

Chapter 391

They opened the door now, and when they walked towards the back, they also saw what was behind them, but when they saw it, they were still shocked.

Because the thing behind that door is nothing else, but the same iron servant as before!

However, it was at this time that they discovered the iron servant behind.

"There are so many iron servants behind this place, presumably this place was a continuous casting place before~?"

"However, why would the Zhang family continue to cast these things in such a place?"

When Jiang Feng looked at these things, he found that there were really many iron servants in this place.But I don't know how to say it, I just feel that this place is unusual - it's here.

However, when Wu Xie and the others were looking at these things, another green light suddenly appeared.

"Huh? Here again?"

They saw that the green light was gone before, and they must have thought that it was some water ghost before, but at this time they suddenly discovered it.

After nearly ten minutes, he realized that there was indeed such a thing in this place!

Then they started following the thing again, trying to see if they could find anything in this place.

Follow this light to see.

"Jiang Ye, let's go!"

Jiang Feng followed behind Wu Xie, and they wanted to see what this green light was.

"Presumably at this time, if it is really a water ghost, then I have no more now. It seems that this thing should not be a water ghost, go and see."

So Jiang Feng and the others started to follow the green halo, wanting to see what the green halo was about!

As a result, it was not long before I found out that it turned out to be a fish!

Then there was a flashlight on him!

"I'm going, it turns out to be a fish!"

When they saw this fish now, they immediately found that it was very different.

Go, follow and see what this fish is like.

Jiang Feng suddenly said at this time: "I feel that this fish is not easy! This flashlight is the one I used when diving before! I didn't expect it to appear on it now!"

"If this is the case, it must be Fatty's masterpiece!"

When he said this, Wu Xie began to think about it.

"Then did something happen down there?"

At this point, they were going to start preparing to see what was going on.

At least at this time, they can know where they should be trapped at the moment. Judging from the current situation, there should be no surprises.

"Oops, we're running out of oxygen now."

They want to catch this fish, because this way they can see if there are any clues on this fish.

Anyway, Wu Xie didn't expect Fatty to get in at this moment.

At least from the current situation, they should be angry.

But if they want to get this fish now, it is really too difficult.

It would have been difficult for them to get fish on land, but at this time, if you want to catch the fish in the water, it will be very difficult.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

Because the water was originally his home field, it would be more difficult to get it for him in the water.

But at this time, the oxygen is about to die.

"Oops, now I have to grab this thing quickly!"

After a while, they caught the fish.

"I didn't expect it would be easier to catch this thing."

After they caught the fish, they saw the flashlight on the fish kept glowing.


But at this time, the flashlight seems to still have words engraved on it.

"Huh? What's on it?"

As a result, after they finished watching it, they saw that "please help, follow the siphon" engraved on the flashlight!

After reading these words, there are a few more words in the back, but I can't see clearly now.

Because the first few words are relatively rough and crooked, this is a little difficult for them to identify.

But if you want to find someone now, it shouldn't be that difficult.

Because now they think, at least at this time, there are clues!

Now, when Jiang Feng was looking at the flashlight, he found that the lid of the flashlight was covered with a layer of waterproof tape. Looking at it now, we can see that the green light just now seems to have happened like this.

It was precisely because they saw this blue light at this time that they almost gave them a jump.

However, this can also prove that they are still alive!

Moreover, it is obvious that they need their help very much now.Death.

Chapter 392

They were all worried about something before, but from the current situation, they should be in great need of their own help at this moment, but now there is not enough oxygen...

But judging from the current situation, the flashlight can continue to illuminate for ten hours at most, and I don't know how long it has been illuminated when I come.

But not surprisingly, they are definitely still here now, and then they all count the time, and I will find them in this place.

So they just caught a fish at this time, and they also tied a flashlight to it.

When they think of these things at this moment, they are actually not far away from finding them.

However, the fat man also left a clue, that is, the siphon!

Because they speculated before, the siphon should be below this, there is such a hole, and then there is the fluctuation of water flow.

This must be a very large exit, otherwise it will not drive the energy of the entire lake.

Looking at it now, this siphon still exists, as long as you feel it a little now, you can find it.

This feeling is invisible to the naked eye. Under normal circumstances, it can only be felt slowly with the skin.

At this time, they all glanced at the oxygen meter and found that they still had at most five minutes!

After the air here is used up, there is still a limit of [-] minutes. If this period of time is used up, then he really can't get out!

But if you want to find that hole now, it seems that the only thing you can find is that well!

After all, what was in that well might be what they were really looking for!

And that is the siphon channel!

"It's not too late, let's go!"

After Jiang Feng finished speaking, they all started swimming towards the well.

Because the well was very narrow, they all went down alone, and another person followed behind.

However, the depth of this well is still more than [-] meters deep!

When they slowly began to dive down, they suddenly realized that something was wrong with the well.

Because the stones on the wall of the well before were obviously blue, but at this time, I suddenly discovered that the color of the wall of the well had turned brick red.

Then there was another cold feeling, and not only this feeling, but at this time he also felt as if something was compressing him at this moment!

They all feel the water pressure around them now, which is not the same as before.

This directly shows that they have entered this passage at this time.

After ten minutes, they were carried away with this passive current.

But at this time, they were just going down the well, and when they descended nearly fifty meters, there was a very strong water flow below the well.

In this way, their bodies speeded up and were brought down below.

It seems that there is an undercurrent under this.

But at this time, they were all pushed away due to the huge current.

They want to keep their bodies well, but at this time, for some unknown reason, they suddenly found out that they can't keep themselves well at all, and can only follow the trend at this time!

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