“Lying groove, Jiang Ye, are you crazy?

“Is this shit parchment book with dirt on it?”

Huba Yi and the fat man couldn’t even care about this abnormal shaking, and immediately shouted in shock.

Even Shirley left Jiangnan a few minutes without a trace.

Worried and wary looked at Jiangnan.

Along the way, they saw too many strange things, some cup bow snake shadow.

In fact, the smile on Jiang Nan’s face was too weird.

Coupled with the prophecy of the parchment book, Jiangnan’s sudden move is that everyone feels that Jiangnan is afraid that there is a problem.

“Okay, what’s wrong?”

“Blood Seal Talisman, what demons and monsters can harm me?”

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes and put away that strange smile.

These guys, it’s really unfunny.

At this time, the mountain was shaking violently, and rubble was constantly falling from the dome of the tomb.

“Well, no kidding, fat man, old Hu, with Professor Chen and Ye Yixin on his back, the passage to go out is about to go out. ”

Saying that, Jiang Nan had already pulled Shirley to the body of the little prophet.

In the violent shaking, the body of the little prophet had already fallen.

At this point, the index finger of the right hand is pointing exactly to one side of the stone wall.

Seeing that the tomb was about to collapse completely.

At this moment, there was an even more violent shaking and roaring sound.

In the meantime, the walls of the tomb suddenly cracked, and three passages one person high appeared!

The prophet did not say that there are so many passages, what should we do?”

Shirley was stunned and instinctively looked at Jiangnan.

She faintly realized that Jiang Nan had already understood the prophet’s revelation.

Otherwise, why did three passages appear in the tomb as soon as the parchment book landed?

“Over here!”

At this time, the situation was critical, and Jiangnan did not ink.

Pointing to the passage pointed out by the Prophet’s children, he took the lead and rushed in.

The passage leads halfway up the Zagrama Mountains.

After Jiang Nan and the others came out, they were stunned to find out.

Outside, a black sandstorm has long been blowing.

The rolling yellow sand was swept by the fierce wind, and in the distance, you could even see the sand waves covering the sky.

A few people did not dare to slacken, and quickly put on goggles and covered their mouths and noses.

Difficult to the bottom of the mountain.

As soon as he arrived at the foot of the mountain, Jiangnan saw a figure and a team of camels.

It was an animon with a panicked face, and he was shouting loudly, driving the camel out.

Obviously, the sudden terrifying black sandstorm really scared An Liman.

I can’t even care about “laughing half-step madness”, I just want to save my life in the black sandstorm first.

“Fatty, shoot!”

Jiang Nan knew that with such a violent sandstorm, it was impossible for the sound to reach An Liman’s ears.

“Okay, this old fox’s oath with Hu Da is really fart!”

“If it weren’t for Jiang Ye, you lied to him before, this dead old man might have run away long ago!”

The fat man also couldn’t help cursing, and the AK in his hand aimed at the position in front of An Liman, and the shuttle passed.

Taking advantage of An Liman’s stop, several people quickly ran over.

At this time, Jiang Nan couldn’t care about saying anything more to the old fox An Liman.

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At this time, the sandstorm was blowing more and more violently, and the sky had completely fallen into darkness.

After running a short distance, the camel team was unwilling to continue moving.

There is no way, Jiang Nan can only help An Liman to surround the camel team.

Then, several people desperately shoveled sand and built a simple sand wall around the camel.

Blindfold the camels with a blanket to prevent them from being frightened.

Everyone also wrapped up in their stalls and gathered around.



The sandstorm lasted until the next day before the wind and sand subsided.

Jiangnan They kept digging the sand wall all night, and they were already exhausted.

Seeing that the sandstorm had finally passed, he stopped the mechanical movement in his hand and collapsed on the desert.

From a distance, the majestic Zagrama Mountains have long been buried by thick layers of sand.

There is no trace of it anymore.

“Team leader Jiang, friends, we are all friends. ”

“I kept my promise and waited here until you came out, now, see if it is…”

At this time, An Liman suddenly came to Jiangnan’s side, rubbing his hands and saying a little embarrassed.

Even, for the first time, Jiang Nan actually saw a little embarrassment on his face!?

“I lied to you!”

Jiang Nan’s tired fingers didn’t want to move, and said lazily and casually.

“What? Lie to me?”

“Could it be that the poison you fed me has no antidote at all?”

An Liman decisively thought about it, his face turned pale, his legs were soft, and he couldn’t get up while sitting on the desert.

The climate in the Ming Tiantian Desert is extremely hot.

But An Liman felt that his heart was cold at this time.

It’s like swallowing a popsicle in the summer, it’s cold.


Next to them, the fat man and Lao Hu couldn’t bear it anymore, and laughed happily.

I almost didn’t laugh.

“Mr. Anliman, don’t listen to him!”

“He means that the medicine he fed you is not poison at all!”

Shirley couldn’t stand it, and slapped Jiang Nan, who was stealing pleasure beside him, angrily.

An Liman looked at Jiang Nan suspiciously: “Is it really not poison?”

“… Hey, you old fox, you still don’t believe it. ”

“That thing is a tonic, a big tonic! It’s precious!”

“I can’t trust you anymore, and I won’t really kill you with a poison, right?

Jiang Nan snorted softly.

In Shirley’s exclamation, he took Shirley, who had demolished him, into his arms.

Not at all politely rewarded with a brain crash.

I wanted to tease the old fox again, but I didn’t think that Shirley actually poked his tire.

It’s very uncomfortable.

“It’s all up, it’s not the time to rest. ”

Not long after resting and replenishing some water, Jiang Nan stood up and beckoned everyone to start hurrying.

After all, they just left the Exquisite Ancient City and escaped the Black Sandstorm.

The way back is still long!

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