It has been three days since I returned to Sijiu City from the Exquisite Ancient City.

Of course, the journey back is naturally a toss.

Long roads, lack of water and food, disorientation…

One deadly crisis after another.

If you are not careful, everyone will be the end of drying up corpses in the desert.

But fortunately, everyone survived these hardships.

A puddle was found to solve the problem of water shortage.

He encountered a green pickup truck patrolling the desert and brought the exhausted crowd out of the desert.

Professor Chen, who is insane, needless to say.

Even Ye Yixin, this girl, was sick and weak, and she actually survived from the desert.

In the three days since he returned, Jiangnan has done nothing.

Almost tired of being in the hotel with Shirley.

For three days, neither of them went out.

Meals are delivered to the door by hotel attendants.

After all, everyone is an adult, and the two are not hypocritical people, and now is not the old era.

Since they all understand that they have a good impression of each other, what you are willing to do is not to shoot a dog blood youth idol drama, there are not so many twists and turns.

Simply a little, a little direct, how good?

On the fourth day, the two were finally willing to leave their comfort zone.

In fact… The main thing is that the fat man is urgent.

Ya, for fear that Shirley hacked his follow-up beautiful knife, he urged several times!

Jiang Nan is wearing clothes.

“No matter how many times I look at it, I always feel that the dragon on you seems to be alive!”

Shirley huddled in the bed, looking at the lifelike real dragon tattoo on Jiangnan’s body in confusion.

With Jiangnan’s movements, the muscles moved, and the real dragon tattoo seemed to be really alive, swimming slowly.

“Who knows!”

Jiang Nan put on the vest, and the perfect streamlined muscle lines on his body were undoubtedly revealed.

Shun put on a khaki trench coat, covered the tattoo on his body, and casually pulled his head in front of the mirror.

This year, in these four nine cities, you have to go out with a tattoo, and within a moment or three, Uncle JC will ask you for questions.

In the eyes of most people, tattoos are not a good thing….

Although the nature of Jiangnan seems to be even worse than this?

“I haven’t studied this thing myself, let alone you…”

“Is the money all in there?”

Jiang Nan flipped the paper bag on the coffee table and asked.

“Well, your 200,000 US dollars, Lao Hu and the fat man’s 40,000 US dollars, are all in it. ”

Shirley was still lying on the bed, with no intention of coming down.

After all, just now, the morning luck came, and I was lazy at this time!

The physical fitness of the human peak, as well as the increase in bloodline tattoos, gave Jiangnan extraordinary endurance.

To this, Shirley said she had something to say.

Who said that there are no fields in this world that have been ploughed?

“How do I feel weird…”

“What do you mean?”

“… No, nothing! I thought too much. ”

Jiang Nan shook his head, still pressing the strange thoughts in his heart to death.

After all, Gangnam this is sleeping… Ahem, and Shirley that and that, and finally, took Shirley’s money.

It feels weird.

It’s like Jiangnan was floated by the rich woman Shirley.

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And these 200,000 US dollars are …

Can’t think about it anymore!

Jiang Nan shook his head and shook the distractions in his mind out of his mind.

Picked up the bag, closed the door and left.

Originally, this was the reward that Jiangnan deserved, why not?

Huh? Reward? Why does it still feel weird?



Jiangnan found Lao Hu in Panjiayuan’s shop with a big golden tooth.

Before, when he came back, Old Hu Fatty pulled Jiang Nan to save a game and introduced the big golden tooth to Jiang Nan.

The two can be regarded as acquainted.

After all, Jiangnan doesn’t have many connections in this world, if there is really something to shoot.

It is really inevitable that you need the help of Big Golden Tooth.

At this time, Old Hu Zheng and Big Golden Tooth were bored drinking tea and gossiping.

“Hey, Jiang Ye, you are finally willing to come out of the gentle village of your friends in the United States?”

“I heard that you and Miss Yang haven’t even come out these days!”

As soon as Jiang Nan entered the door, Lao Hu laughed and teased.

The big golden tooth also hurriedly poured a cup of tea for Jiangnan.

“Jiang Ye, you sit quickly, the good tea has just been brewed, and you came just right. ”

But he listened to Huba Yi and the fat man say that this master is a really capable character!

“Okay, it’s still gentle…”

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes, took the door with his hand, and nodded at the big golden tooth, which was regarded as a greeting.

“What about the fat man? Why don’t you see anyone else?”

“Shirley, please I brought your payment. ”

Sitting next to Huba Yi, Jiang Nan asked casually, these two people are truly inseparable.

It’s all about sleeping in the same room!

“… I went to the hospital, and I guess I should be back soon. ”

At the mention of this, both Old Hu and Big Golden Tooth turned strange.

“Hospital, what are you doing in the hospital?” Jiang Nan was stunned.

“… Ya, say what to make up for the fat lost in the desert. ”

“In the past few days, three meals a day of mutton every day, and every meal can be eaten until it lasts, can there be no problem?”

Hearing this, the corner of Jiang Nan’s mouth twitched, opened his mouth, and finally only said: “It’s worthy of being a fat man!”

Don’t say it, in this world, I’m afraid that fat people can do such nonsense!

As he spoke, the door that Jiang Nan had brought was opened from the outside.

The person who came was the fat man.

After a simple exchange of pleasantries, several people sat opposite each other.

Jiang Nan took out 40,000 US dollars from the paper bag and handed them to Old Hu Fatty respectively.

This is what they deserve.

“By the way, Jin Ye, do me a favor. ”

“I’m also wandering around, trying to find a place to put down roots in this capital. ”

“You help me see, recently, where there are houses for sale nearby, the price is not a problem. ”

Jiangnan was also a native of Beijing in his previous life.

It’s just that at that time it was poor, let alone buying a house, and even renting a house within the third ring road was somewhat unaffordable.

Now, it can be regarded as making up for the regrets of the past.

Moreover, buying a house in Sijiu City will not lose money!

ps: I found that I was quite at a loss in writing the same humanities, and I could water at least four or five chapters when I came back from the exquisite ancient city, but I just brushed it off, and I didn’t think much about these boring things like water… Forget it, so be it

PS2: Three or two simple chapters to transition, then immediately next to a new copy!

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