The roots and branches of the two old banyan trees are intertwined.

In addition to the hollow of the trunk, at this time, the top of the surging earth actually collapsed to the ground.

The roots of the old banyan tree that remain in the soil slowly detach from the soil.

The jungle floor seemed to have cracked a large black mouth.

As the old banyan tree collapsed, a huge stone statue of a stele rose from the dirt.

The back of the statue carries a short stele.

A simple rough estimate, this stone statue may weigh thousands of pounds!

This stone statue is unusually divine, landing on all fours and making a creeping posture.

In the astonished gazes of several people.

A black qi emerged from the dirt under the stone statue, rushed straight into the blue sky, and only dissipated after half a day.

At the same time, the dark clouds in the sky also happened to disperse.


Seeing this scene, the fat man grunted and swallowed.

Although everyone is upside down, there are many evil things.

But today’s such a big scene, the situation of the vision of heaven and earth, is really the first time I have seen it.

“Jiang Ye, such a big stone statue must be worth a lot, right?”

“These thousands of years ago antiquities, although it is difficult for us to pull them back, we can definitely earn a lot of money!”

But it didn’t take long for the fat man to explode in nature.

Staring at the stone statue, the saliva was about to stay.

“… Fatty, you have a problem with this aesthetic. ”

“As long as it’s big, it’s all good stuff?”

Huba Yi couldn’t help but laugh and scold.

Still pull back?

Just a few of them, it would be nice to be able to lift this huge stone statue!

“By the way, Jiang Ye, this thing should not be the legendary Zhao (bi four sounds) (xi four sounds), right?”

Saying that, Huba asked Xiang Jiangnan curiously.

Zhao Yi, also known as Baxia, is one of the nine sons of the dragon, looks like a turtle, likes to bear weight, and the turtle under the monument is also.

It is indeed very similar to the image of this stone statue, no wonder Huba thinks so.

“No, this should be Jiao Tu Bashui who looks similar to Zhao Tu!”

“The shape of this stone beast is indeed like the butt of a negative monument, but its whole is carved by round carving.”

“The four paws are sharply shaped, the mouth is full of sharp teeth, and the image is hideous, these are the characteristics of Pepper Tu!”

“It’s just that it may be the relationship between the regional culture of the ancient Dian Kingdom, which makes this pepper map very different from the Central Plains.”

Jiang Nan shook his head and said lightly.

By this time, Jiangnan and Shirley had already boarded the tortoise shell behind the stone statue.

The tools in his hand were used to clean the dirt on the stone tablet, so that the words and carvings on it were exposed.

“Jiang Nan is right, this is indeed Jiaotu Bashui!”

“According to ancient books, Jiao Tu is easy to close, because of its hideous face, he is responsible for guarding the portal and guarding the evil demon.”

“The main thing is that the stone tablet on its back looks like the tomb of the king.”

“Buried on the periphery after the completion of the tomb of the king, it is like the foundation stone ceremony in a modern architectural ceremony.”

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At this time, the two had almost cleaned up the stone stele.

Shirley held up his camera and photographed the contents engraved on the tablet.

She was perusing the information contained in the ancient text.

Several people came together.

“Jiang Ye, Counselor Yang, what is it talking about?”

Watching Shirley’s expression change, the fat man and Huba looked at each other and hurriedly asked.

“It is mentioned here that this dust bead is in the hands of King Xian!”

“It says above that Emperor Wudi of Han once asked the King of Dian for the ancient divine object Dust Beads.”

“There were fierce differences in the ancient Dian kingdom over this, and King Xian brought the real dust beads out of the Dian Kingdom.”

“As far away as the lofty mountains of western Yunnan, the remaining Dian kings could only present a shadow bead to Emperor Wudi of Han.”

“After that, King Xian found a fairy feng shui treasure to build a mausoleum, and wanted to use the mysterious power of the dust beads to dissolve the corpse into an immortal after death…”

“Great, Jiangnan, we didn’t find the wrong place this time!”

“The dust beads are indeed in the tomb of the king!”

Saying that, Shirley couldn’t hide his excitement, hugged Jiang Nan and exclaimed.

Moving the mountains and looking for hundreds of thousands of dust beads.

Now, she has finally found a reliable clue in the tomb of the king.

And, if nothing else, the dust beads are close at hand!

Even Huba Yi and the fat man were beaming.

The most terrible thing in this world is not death, but the fear of knowing when it will die and waiting for death.

“It also says that the dust beads are phoenixes transformed by the earth mother.”

“Since the Shang Zhou era, it has been believed that it can be cultivated into an immortal through this artifact, and it has the effect of rebirth.”

“But it needs to be in a special place to make it work.”

In the records of this stone tablet, the effect of the dust beads was almost blown into the sky.

Seeing this, Shirley couldn’t help but look at Jiangnan in confusion: “Jiangnan… Are there really immortals in this world? ”

“Although there are many unexplained anomalies in this world, but immortals?”

“How can something that people speculate exist for? Most of them are ancient emperors’ obsession with immortality. ”

“As an emperor, ruling people, centralizing power in hand, and enjoying the glory and wealth of the world, he definitely does not want to die, so he believes that there is such a void existence as an immortal immortal in this world.”

Jiang Nan shook his head and chuckled.

That dust bead may indeed have some special abilities that are difficult for people to understand.

But immortals? Let’s get a shower and sleep early!

“Counselor Yang, is there any other information recorded on this stone tablet?”

“For example, the specific location of the Hades Hall of the Old Zongzi of the Sacrifice King?”

At this time, the fat man couldn’t help but ask.

“… What remains are some records of the construction of the tomb of the king, and some descriptions of Hongde attack. ”

“As for the information you said, there is nothing on it.”

Hearing this, Shirley smiled bitterly and shook his head.

“Fatty, you don’t want to think about it.”

“Then the king is not stupid, how can he allow these records to exist in the world?”

“All the princes and nobles in this world wish to know the details of his mausoleum, and it was best if people died!”

Hearing this, Jiang Nan could only smile helplessly, and the fat girl thought too well.

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