“This is true, but there is still some content on the back of this town tree.”

Shirley nodded approvingly and walked around to the back of the stele.

Clean the dirt on it.

I saw that the back of the stone tablet was a whole side relief.

The relief is a magnificent palace of golden splendor, suspended above the neon sea of clouds in the sky.

Anyone who looks at it will think that this is a real immortal attic!

Further down, there is the Shinto under the Gengu, where the mountains stretch on both sides of the Shinto and the towering lofts in the sky become more and more powerful.

“This divine way is probably the valley that Chen Yulou said is called the Worm Valley.”

Jiang Nan looked at the conspicuous divine path and said softly.

He knew that the perennial poisonous barrier in that worm valley was created by a huge Huo’s undead insect fed with the Zombie Technique.

“Jiang Ye, if you want me to say, this is the old zongzi who wants to be a god and wants to be crazy!”

“Still building a building in the sky, TM built it like the Jade Emperor’s Lingxiao Treasure Hall.”

“Why didn’t he bury himself in the moon and find Sister Chang’e on a date!”

After the fat man finished reading it, he couldn’t help but laugh.

Jiang Nan smiled and didn’t say much.

For he knew that this king had built his mausoleum halfway up the mountain.

Coupled with the water dragon halo of the immortal cave, from a distance, it is really like the Lingxiao Treasure Hall!

At this time, Jiang Nan took out a human skin map from his bag and compared it with the relief of the Zhenling Tomb.

“Look here, there is something missing on the human skin map than on the relief of this town tomb!”

“In the relief portrait of the Zhenling tree, somewhere in the valley, there is a pool (yu four sounds) mouth toad.”

“In the place of the tomb of the king, there is also a relatively symmetrical toad, which also has its mouth open.”

“However, there is a toad here in the valley of the human skin map, and it is still closed.”

Jiang Nan pointed to the human skin map and the town tomb tree, and said softly.

The three of them were shocked and looked at the place pointed by Jiangnan.

“Jiang Ye, do you have any ideas?”

Huba pursed his dry lips and asked.

“The two toads inside and outside are completely symmetrical, which is a bit too coincidental, right?”

“I guess, this is probably the passage used to pass through the poisonous barrier during the sacrifice!”

“As for the fact that there is only one toad on the human skin map, it should be that the person who drew the map did not know this top-secret situation.”

“As long as we find this location, if nothing else, we can cross the poisonous barrier and directly enter the deep tomb of the king.”

For a while, the eyes of several people were full of expectation and fiery.



It’s not too early.

After a simple meal, several people walked towards the north again.

Today’s trip is much easier than yesterday.

Along the way, the red, white and yellow flowers and trees are fragrant.

Makes people feel refreshed and clear-headed.

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Not far ahead, a meandering stream flows through the flowers and trees and into a deep valley in the distance.

Jiangnan took out a map of human skins and compared it with nearby references.

“Here, this is it, this is the entrance to the Worm Valley.”

“Look, you can still see some fragments of bricks and tiles over there, which should be the remains of the King’s Tomb Shinto.”

Hearing this, the spirits of several people became uplifted.

The scenery here is not much better than where you stayed last night.

As far as the eye can see, there are low flowers and trees, and all kinds of flowers are blooming.

Among the flowers, flocks of butterflies dance in them.

The four of Jiangnan walked through the flower tree from talking and laughing.

Looking for the remains of the ancient Shinto Road in the tomb of the king, I walked all the way to the area where the flowers and trees intersected with the trees.

Here, this is the entrance to the worm valley that several people are looking for!

At the mouth of the valley, in the dense jungle, two huge bare rocks stand out.

Step forward and take a closer look.

I saw that the two rocks were painted with black paint with an eye with eyelashes.

“Jiang Ye, how do I see how I feel that this place is wrong.”

“Standing at the mouth of this valley, I feel really uncomfortable being stared at by those eyes!”

It was not too early at this time.

Huba Yi and the fat man stood here and looked at those two eyes, and they always felt hairy in their hearts.

That thing is also too expressive!

It feels like those two eyes are like the eyes of a living person!

“That being said, the situation inside the valley is unknown.”

“Further on, the devil knows what to come across…”

“In this case, let’s retreat to the point and find a place to set up camp near the flower tree.”

Jiang Nan thought about it and proposed.

Jiang Nan knew that these two stones were extraterrestrial meteorites.

But these two eyes do make people’s hearts a little hairy.

And for so long, Jiangnan has always believed in a word.

The plot can’t go wrong most of the time, but when it does.

That’s a deadly crisis!

“There are not many insects and ants in this vicinity, and the fragrance of flowers and trees is indeed a good place to camp and sleep.”

“Let’s rest here for a while in the evening.”

“Nourish your spirits, and tomorrow morning, we will enter the Worm Valley and find the place where the toad marked.”

Jiang Nan looked at the flowers and trees around him and found a flat place.

“Once you step into that worm valley tomorrow, I’m afraid you will start playing with your life!”

“Tonight is probably our last chance to rest!”

Huba nodded in praise of the passage.

A few people casually ate some dry food bought from Caiyun Inn, leaving behind the people on duty.

The rest of the people got into their sleeping bags to sleep and recharged.

Today is another python into essence, another day of driving, early tired.

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