The body of this thing is simply an earthworm that is magnified ten thousand times.

This time, there was no need for Jiang Nan to remind him, at the first moment when that blood-stained hideous mouth came, the four of them scattered the birds and beasts and quickly dodged.


With a loud bang, the monster chewed large swathes of rock into pieces again.

The Huo’s undead insect stood upright, and the huge one-eyed one eye on the top of its head stared at Jiangnan, the little insect that brought it great pain.

Even the other three people scattered in other locations ignored it for the time being.


With a roar again, Huo’s undead worm dragged its body that had almost been blown in half, and rushed towards Jiangnan without mercy.

“You step back and look closely, its half-amputated body has been petrified and integrated with the rock wall.”

“Its range of activity is limited, stay away, don’t be affected!”

“Sirley, fat old Hu, you harass it with guns and cover for me, don’t shoot me!”

Jiang Nan calmly ordered the three to stay away from here.

After all, with their small body, and this kind of monster is hard to face, I am afraid that a face will break bones.

Although the bullet of the gun is the degree of tickling for the Huo’s undead insect, it is better to talk than nothing, and it can attract at least part of its attention.

Saying that, Jiang Nan borrowed power on the fossil tree, a few light jumps, and dodged one after another.

Jiang Nansui said that his physical fitness was amazing, but after all, he was a mortal fetus in the flesh, and if he was swallowed by it.

I am afraid that the end will be worse than the rock chewed by it.

Bang bang bang!!!

At the same time, the three men, who had already withdrawn to safety, opened fire in unison, and deafening gunfire rang out.

The three Aksheng pulled out a dense fire net, and countless hot bullets were poured towards Huo’s undead insects.

A small number of bullets is like a mosquito bite to Huo’s undead insects.

But after a certain amount, it can still cause severe pain.

It was visible to the naked eye that the huge one-eyed of the Huo’s undead insect was densely packed with blood.

It was really irritated by these four little bugs that looked similar to food!

“Roar, roar, roar!!”

The Huo’s Undead Worm wanted to swallow the three small insects that were harassing it in one gulp, but its range of movement was limited and it could not touch the three people.

He could only tilt his full anger on Jiang Nan’s body.

At this time, Jiang Nan had seized the brief opportunity and jumped on the body of Huo’s undead insect again, running quickly.

This time, Jiang Nan did not choose to strike again on the wound and expand the results as much as possible, but found a new place and repeated the technique.

Because… In the huge opening that was opened, in the bombed mouth, there was a thumb-sized red bug lying there quietly.

A dark color was spreading through the body of Huo’s undead insect at an alarming speed.

That was the corpse cockroach king who had been refined into a worm by Jiangnan!

As long as it is biological, poison will have an effect.

At the very least, Jiang Nan could feel that the movements of the Huo’s undead insects were far less rapid than they had just appeared!

This time, the explosion point chosen by Jiang Nan was probably located in the middle half of the huge body of Huo’s undead insect.

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The familiar violent explosion fire exploded again.


Unlike last time, this time the Huo’s undead worm failed to stand up in good spirits and attacked again, weakly collapsing into the water and neighing.

The huge one-eyed was bloodshot and angry.

Jiang Nan knew that this was a great achievement of the Corpse Cockroach King!

The fragments of flesh and blood that were blown out by the explosion were all dyed with a layer of darkness.

This shows that the poison of the corpse cockroach king has eroded the whole body.

With the heavy blow in many directions, the crimson mist that permeated around the body of Huo’s undead insect had been thin to the limit, and I was afraid that a breeze could completely blow away.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Nan breathed a sigh of relief.

Now, it will be crippled if it does not die!

“Lying groove, Staff Officer Yang, doesn’t it mean that this Huo’s undead insect is difficult to die, it’s very awesome.”

“How do I feel that Jiang Ye can get it in three or two clicks?”

“Is it that Huo’s undead insect is not worthy of its name, or is Jiang Ye too powerful?”

In the distance, the three people looked at the Huo’s undead insects who fell to the ground and couldn’t get up again, and Huba Yi and the fat man couldn’t help but exclaim.

“.. Probably, Jiang is too powerful, right? Look at the color of its flesh and blood, has it darkened? ”

“I guess, it should be the poison of that corpse cockroach king in Jiangnan that worked!” It can poison thousands of saber-toothed vipers, and I think it can also work on the huge body of Huo’s undead worm, after all, it is still a creature after all. ”

Shiley’s heart changed the flesh and blood of Huo’s undead worm, and said thoughtfully.


At the same time, I saw Jiang Nan blow that familiar strange whistle.

A crimson insect flew leisurely from the body of Huo’s undead insect back to the ancient bottle in Jiangnan’s hand.

“Jiang Ye, this can be regarded as… Nailed it? Your worm is also too powerful, right? ”

The three came over and asked in disbelief.

The ancient giant worm, which was originally fierce and vicious, looked no different from the wilted cucumber at this time.

“Sort of…”

“It is not dead and completely crippled, and it is absolutely impossible to get up and block the road again.”

Jiang Nan stroked the ancient bottle painfully.

The corpse cockroach king poisoned this dead insect this time, it was bloody, and it was already weak to the extreme.

After I go back, I don’t know how much poison I have to feed to recover.

I don’t know what the system is crazy about, but all the side quests of this line are merged into the main quests.

If the reward of the main quest cannot make up for the loss of the corpse cockroach king at that time, Jiang Nan is afraid that he will have the heart to dismantle the spicy chicken system.

You know, it is not easy to cultivate the toxicity of the corpse cockroach king to this extent.

“Jiang Ye, Lao Hu, Counselor Yang, come and take a look!”

“Jiang Ye’s last explosion should have exploded the stomach of this worm, and something good flowed out of it, it looked like a bronze box!!”

At this moment, the fat man who didn’t know when he touched the wound of Huo’s undead insect suddenly shouted in surprise.

“Bronze box?”

Jiang Nan was stunned, wouldn’t it be so coincidental? _

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