Hearing the fat man shouting like this, several people quickly ran over.

Clean the copper box in water.

This square object, each side is exactly the same, and there are no gaps in the six sides.

But on one side, there are two small holes.

“These two holes are strangely shaped, will they be keyholes?”

Huba Yi said curiously.

Jiang Nan chuckled and said, “Fatty, take out that dragon and tiger short staff sacrificial weapon that was felt out of the jade coffin!” ”

“Yes! These two holes seem to be close to the shape and size of the dragon head of the short staff! ”

Hearing this, Shirley lit up and said in surprise.

Seeing that the fat man excitedly took out the dragon and tiger short cane from his bag, the frizzy one was about to enter it.

Huba quickly stopped him: “Don’t worry, we don’t know whether the correct answer is a dragon’s head or a tiger’s head.” ”

“What if I plug it in the wrong way and trigger the poisonous smoke or something?”

Saying that, Huba looked at Jiang Nan expectantly, after all, Jiang Nan is an organ master!

“It’s a dragon head!”

Jiang Nan pretended to observe and said affirmatively.

At that moment, several people no longer hesitated, but for the sake of safety, they still hid behind Shirley getting up and going to the King Kong umbrella.

Only then slowly pushed the side of the faucet into the slot.

Just listen to the “click”, the bronze box shook, the mechanism operated, and the lid of the box opened, without any accidents.

Seeing that nothing happened, several people put searchlights in.

I saw that the inside of the box was divided into three compartments, all of which were mostly soaked in black water, and there were three strange things soaked inside.

The fat man couldn’t wait for a long time, picked up the probing claw and reached into the black water of the first frame, and fished out the contents inside.

This is a waxy ovate.

After knocking open the outer shell, inside is a dark cyan clay pot with multiple layers of protection.

When you open it, you can see a pool of clear water, soaked in an exceptionally delicate jade fetus the size of a fist!

“This should be the artifact used by the local people of Shaolong Mountain to worship the mountain god in the ancient times.”

“In the past, in the barren land of the frontier, the people had the custom of reproductive worship, which was related to the harsh living environment in the remote areas in ancient times.”

Jiang Nan glanced at it, not interested in this thing, but explained lightly.

Saying that, Jiang Nan had already picked up the probing claw and felt something in another grid.

This is a large skin bag, the skin is the fur of the clouded leopard, and there are gold and silver threads tattooed on it, all of which are patterns such as spell secrets.

When you open it, you can see that inside are some humanoid skeletons.

For these things, everyone naturally had little interest in them, and followed aside.

Jiang Nan set his sights on the last compartment, fixing this small copper box.

He knew that there was what he was looking for, the three-legged toad!

Just when several people pried open the copper box with their probing claws, revealing the blue three-legged toad inside, a familiar cry exploded in the ears of several people!

The corner of Jiang Nan’s mouth twitched, it should have come, and he really couldn’t jump off.

Look back.

I saw a worm baby that did not know how to hatch properly, and was grinning with a four-petal hideous mouth and rushed towards Shirley’s direction.

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In a matter of seconds, the long knife in Jiang Nan’s hand had already converged, and the icy knife light lit up.

Disgusting turbid blood splashed, and when the insect baby was still in mid-air, it had already been stabbed by Jiang Nan.

“Jiang Ye, how do I feel wrong, you said before, that insect baby was hatched from the insect cocoon behind the female corpse.”

“But there are thousands of female corpses near us!!

Seeing this scene, Huba suddenly woke up, and cold sweat slipped from the top of his head like a waterfall.

He already realized something.

It is certainly not a coincidence that the insect babies encountered in the first half of the underground space before, and the insect babies that suddenly appear now!

After Huba Yi’s reminder, Shirley and Fatty also realized something.

They looked in horror at the female corpse that was constantly floating towards them.

In their opinion, those countless glowing female corpses are no longer corpses that do not threaten them.

It’s thousands of worm babies that are enough to gnaw the bone dregs they gnaw!

That’s all little ghosts who ask for their lives!

“I think that before these insect babies quietly dormant in the insect cocoon behind the female corpse, it should be that the red mist spewed by the undead insects of the Huo clan has special ingredients that can make them sleep peacefully.”

“However, Huo’s undead insects are already half-dead, and they don’t have the strength to spit out crimson mist again, in other words, the worm babies held behind those female corpses are about to wake up from their slumber and hatch.”

Jiang Nan grinned and returned faintly.

This state of affairs is to be expected.

“So why are we still here?”

“The big bug blocking the road can’t move, and the baby in its stomach has also been taken out, when is it better not to run at this time?”

The fat man looked at the exit about two hundred meters ahead, emitting bright light, and couldn’t help but urge anxiously.

No matter how brave people are, in the face of thousands of insect babies who eat people, I am afraid they don’t have the courage to resist head-on, right?

“Then the problem is, if you don’t want to kill these tens of thousands of worm babies,”

“Even if we find the dust beads from the tomb of the king, how will we go back then? Traverse the dangerous and unpredictable poisonous barrier of the Worm Valley? ”

Jiang Nan snorted softly, weighing the three-legged toad in his hand.

Suddenly, in the astonished gazes of the three, Jiang Nan threw the three-legged toad into the air.

Bang bang!

A dull gunshot sounded, and what seemed to be worth a lot was actually smashed to pieces by Jiang Nanshengsheng!

“Gangnam… Could it be that a three-legged toad is related to these infants? ”

Without waiting for Lao Hu and the fat man to exclaim, Shirley asked thoughtfully.

She knew that Jiangnan didn’t hate money and didn’t like to do useless things.

“Yes, the ecological environment here is the same as in ancient times, it is the problem of the three-legged toad.”

“I once saw in an ancient book that it was a strange ore that could affect the environment of a certain range of space and maintain the high oxygen environment of the Triassic.”

“The creatures here, including Huo’s undead insects and worm babies, have adapted to the environment here for thousands of years.”

“Once we destroy that thing, the environment suddenly changes, we don’t need to do anything, and by the time we return the same way, they will be dead long ago!”

“Otherwise, 20,000 insect babies are enough to drag us to death, and we can’t kill us clean!”

While speaking, Jiang Nan had already signaled several people to pack their bags, plunge into the groundwater, and swim towards the exit in front of them.

At this time, the insect cocoons behind the female corpses in the water and under the water began to hear a dense, chilling sound of the insect cocoons cracking.

The four people knew that those 20,000 worm babies were about to hatch!

ps: Today I took a leave of absence during the day to go for a physiotherapy, and I was much more comfortable….. Today, the body cervical spine has slowed down, and the five changes have been restored, and I ask the big guys to give various tips for monthly ticket support! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – receive

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