"You see, the dozen or so pictures carved on it, connected together, look like an ancient prophecy. "

"The composition is simple, and the characteristics of the symbols are very clear. "

It says that after the Prophet died, no one entered here. "

"Until six men from behind broke in and opened the stone box..."

Everyone was stunned and counted silently.

Jiang Nan, Shirley, Hu Bayi, Fatty, Professor Chen, Ye Yixin, it happens that there are a total of six people.

"Six people... Tsk!".

Jiang Nan glanced at the unconscious Ye Yixin without a trace.

What this prophet means is that this time, Ye Yixin, this girl, can be regarded as picking up a life?

Jiang Nan didn't want to believe in this prophet's pretending to be a ghost.

But in this short period of time, the wickedness of this prophet has already been proven.

Even Jiang Nan has to admit that this prophet probably really has some real skills!

After all, it's been thousands of years.

After such a long time, the prediction of what is now is really chilling in people's hearts.

"There are really six of us here, it seems that this prophet child is really not a simple person!"

Huba couldn't help but sigh lightly.

As he spoke, he was going to try to open the stone box.

At this moment, Professor Chen, who was lying quietly over there, woke up!


"Dead, dead!".

"All are dead! all are dead!".


As soon as he woke up, Professor Chen began to scurry around the tomb and scream frantically.

As Jiang Nan said, Professor Chen was deranged and completely insane.

"Professor!?Fatty, get him stopped!".

Seeing this scene, Hu Bayi hurriedly beckoned the fat man to stop Professor Chen.

However, at this time, Professor Chen's strength was terrifying, and it was not at all the strength that an old intellectual should have.

Unexpectedly, he broke free from the shackles of the two, rushed to the side of the stone box, and opened the stone box with one hand!

Then, he stopped, rolled his eyes, and fell unconscious again.

"Master Jiang, did you just press it, did you show mercy to Miss Yang's face?"

"Why did Professor Chen wake up so quickly?".

The fat man breathed a sigh of relief, shook his arm that was a little pantothenic, and couldn't help but complain.

“... No, I didn't show mercy, and with that one click, the average person would have to sleep for at least an hour or two!".

Anyway, he is also a systematically rewarded Bajiquan body protector, and his grasp of strength is extremely exquisite.

It is impossible to press the force of the press and let Professor Chen wake up early!

"That's to say..."

Jiang Nan couldn't help but stumble: "This ghost place, this prophet, is weird." "

After saying this, Jiang Nan no longer wants to talk about this weird topic.

Pulling open the stone box on the second floor, inside, a white parchment book lay quietly inside.

Under the expectant gaze of Lao Hu, Fat Man, and Shirley, Jiang Nan slowly opened the parchment.

Like the pictures on the stone box, the meaning is still expressed in the form of pictures.

But fortunately, none of them can really interpret the ghost cave text.

“... The previous content mainly talks about the ghost cave in the Zagrama Mountain, and the origin of the ghost cave clan. "

"There's not much to say about that, and then there's... A few pages have been ripped out in between!".

Looking at the ancient tearing marks on the middle pages, Jiang Nan's brows furrowed slightly.

In the original book, this parchment book is complete.

But... Come to think of it, the torn part should be the Absolute Queen's search for immortality.

In the end, he played the part that killed himself, right?

"Hey, Jiang Ye, none of this is important. "

"Let's see, has this prophetic child shown us a way out?"

"A few of us, after a lot of hardships, can't we finally be trapped in this tomb and die in the company of the prophet's children, right?"

The fat man couldn't wait to shout.

"Don't worry, this is the flip..."

After this, a prophet was born in the tribe, and it is said that through the corresponding rituals, the prophet could foresee the major events that would occur thousands of years later. "

However, the prophecy was limited to the vicinity of Mount Zagrama. "

"Eight hundred years after the death of the Prophet, a new tribe appeared here, and this was the precursor to the Exquisite Ancient Kingdom. "

"Later, the Queen of Perfection grew a pair of eyes that could see through ghost holes. "

"She mastered the Jade Eye Ritual and the ritual of summoning the Black Serpent, and in doing so, she conquered a dozen or so neighboring countries around her. "

And the atrocities of these pagans angered the true God, who gave the mountain and the surrounding territory to the devil, and the desert swallowed up all the cities. "

The prophet prophesied that six survivors would come. "

"One of them is a descendant of the tribe of the Prophets. "

Jiang Nan looked at Shirley, this person, what he said was ironclad that Shirley didn't run.

"The prophet will show the way for future generations to escape, but never drop the parchment on the ground. "

"When it falls to the ground, that's when the sandstorm begins. "

"At that time, the sands will once again submerge the Exquisite Ancient City and the Zagrama Sacred Mountain until the end of time. "

Finally, the Prophet said that He would show the way for posterity. "

After listening to the content, Lao Hu and the fat man glanced at each other, and felt a little chill in their hearts.

So far, the prophets have been almost right in their predictions.

", what kind of revelation is this, this is clearly a time bomb! Jiang Ye, you have to take it!".

The fat man was startled, and hurriedly instructed, for fear that this thing would fall to the ground if he was not careful.

However, Jiang Nan suddenly laughed: "Hey!".


In the bewildered gaze of the fat man, Lao Hu, and Shirley.

Jiang Nan threw the parchment book to the ground so lightly!?

This time, Professor Chen couldn't wake up, so Jiang Nan could only do it for him.

In the next moment, the earth shook and the sky shook!

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