Taste the soil to distinguish the tomb?

The corners of Jiang Nan's mouth twitched.

This skill is the last thing he wants, not one of them.

He is a little bit of a psychological cleanliness fetish, and he still tastes the soil to distinguish the tomb?

It's just that Jiangnan doesn't think he can muster up the courage to eat the grave soil...

Hell knows what's mixed up in the dirt above the cemetery!

Disgusting or not?

But... It's better to have something than not to come...

Jiangnan can only comfort himself like this, after all, can't he say that it will be really fragrant one day?

"It's... It's the spider grandchildren we've killed too many of its spiders. "

"As a result, the Spider Ancestor couldn't sit still?"

The fat man looked at the falling giant spider in a daze, he was a little suspicious, is his size enough for the other party to stuff between his teeth?

Bang bang bang!!

Just when the fat man was stunned, Hu Bayi had already shot decisively.


To no avail!

Although it exploded with cloudy green blood flowers, it was too large!

This wound is not enough to scratch!

"Lao Hu, you and the fat man go and open the gate of the Hades Temple, this big guy, leave it to me!"

Jiangnan stopped Lao Hu and the fat man's powerless shooting.

After all, what the system requires is that he will only be rewarded for killing this big spider.

"Master Jiang, this thing is too big, even if your sword is extremely sharp, but..."

Without waiting for Lao Hu to finish speaking, Jiang Nan had already taken out a black thing from his backpack.

Seeing this, the corners of Lao Hu's mouth twitched, he closed up decisively, turned around and beckoned the fat man to open the door.

As for Lao Jin, he has been hiding a long time ago!

As soon as Hu Ba knew that Jiangnan could get guns, ammunition, and shock bombs, how could he not get high-explosive grenades?

Twisting his neck, Jiang Nan's eyes were cold and looked at the rapidly approaching spider ancestor.

This is not a spider, this is the points and skills of walking!

Jiangnan did not retreat, but advanced, and rushed towards the spider ancestor.


The sound of a blade tearing through the air was heard.

One of the legs of the spider ancestor was unloaded by Jiangnan.

Being large is both an advantage and a disadvantage.

Its sheer size gives it terrifying strength, a difficult life force.

But on the other hand, if you are too big, you can't look at it directly.

And Jiangnan's physical fitness is all-round!

Like a sensitive cheetah, Jiangnan's figure constantly flashes between its spider legs.

I saw that the knife flashed, and in a few blinks, Jiang Nan had already removed all its legs.

Disgusting blood was cloudy green everywhere.

Without legs, the spider ancestor couldn't get up, his huge chelicera opened and closed back and forth, lying on the floor and roaring incompetently.


Jiang Nan chuckled and put away the knife.

He took out a high-explosive grenade, ripped off the pull loop, threw it on the head of the spider ancestor, and left without looking back.


With his back to the explosion, Gangnam lit a cigarette.

Real man, never look back at the explosion!



"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the side quest!"

"Ding! The reward has been distributed, please check it in time!"

Jiang Nan ignored the system prompt ringing in his ears.

At this time, Jiangnan easily solved the big spider.

But Lao Hu, did they still push open the door of the Hades Temple...

"Well, it's probably in disrepair, and then the door is rusty and dead, right?"

Seeing this, Huba said in a sneering manner.

It's embarrassing.

Jiangnan killed the Spider Ancestor, but they didn't even open a door?

“... I'll do it. "

Jiang Nan glanced at the door, this thing, it's stony, it's rusty, it's rusty?

Okay, let's leave some fig leaf for the old fat man.

Shaking his head, Jiang Nan propped his hands on the stone door.

The terrifying force began to erupt, and the green tendons of his arms erupted.

Boom ——!

The door to the burial chamber then opened.

Under the light of the flashlight, as soon as they entered the door, several people were attracted by a living water spring surrounded by several metal cranes in the center.

"There is indeed a spring in this temple that never dries up!"

"That's right, this is a rare and superb treasure cave - hidden inside!"

Seeing this scene, a look of surprise appeared on Huba's face.

"Jiang Ye, Hu Ye, I heard you say something along the way, what is this?"

Although the big gold tooth is proficient in antique appraisal, he has no understanding of this feng shui, especially this rare inner treasure.

He looked at the spring water gushing out of the pool, but it had not overflowed for thousands of years, but he thought it was amazing.

"The inner hidden eye, there is also a kind of name called the coffin spring, this spring, is the essence of the inner hidden eye. "

"This spring never dries up, and in Feng Shui, it is a sign of storage. "

While Jiang Nan explained lightly, he had already walked slowly to the edge of the pool.

Under the strange gaze of the three people, Jiang Nan picked up a handful of water and poured it out.

"Master Jiang, why did you suddenly start playing in the water with a childlike heart?"

"Shouldn't we hurry to find the coffin now?"

The fat man looked at Jiang Nan in a daze, confused.

"Could it be..."Old Hu watched Jiang Nan's movements thoughtfully.

He remembered that the mechanisms here were all powered by large water veins, right?

"Lao Hu, that's what you said. "

"This pool, eighty percent of which takes advantage of the characteristics of this spring, operates with the help of subtle water pressure. "

"So, just pour out some of the water and upset this delicate balance..."

Before Jiang Nan finished explaining, there was a sudden sound of "click" organ operation.

The carved stone door directly opposite the four of them slowly rose!

When the stone door was completely opened, the four of them looked at the contents of the Hades Temple, and their eyes lit up.

Forget all the tiredness!

In the center of the main hall in front, there is a beautiful and luxurious coffin lying there.

For those who have fallen into the bucket, there is nothing more exciting than seeing the coffin of the Lord after a lot of hardship!

Subconsciously, Hu Bayi, the fat man, and the big golden tooth all looked at Jiangnan.

Smiling, Jiang Nan took the lead into the final temple of the underworld.

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