After returning to Sijiu City.

A few people did not hurry and began to prepare for the trip to southern Yunnan.

After all, the tomb of the king is there, and you can't run!

And for thousands of years, no one has really been able to enter the tomb of King Xian, and they don't care about these days.

A few people first relaxed their spirits.

After all, the four of them in Jiangnan had just come out of an ancient tomb.

By the way, please ask the big gold tooth to find a buyer for this harvest, and it's not a matter of keeping such a thing as a bright vessel in your hand after all.

If you don't exchange it for money, it's just a collectible, and it just so happens that several people are really not collectors.

They are all laymen, and these things are still pleasing to the eye in exchange for money.

It is worth mentioning that this time, Shirley did not stay in a hotel, but simply lived in the courtyard in Jiangnan.

And the two genuine gold talismans that Shirley brought, plus the gold talisman that several people got from the maze.

There were three of them, and Shirley was just one for each person.

But Hu Bayi and the fat man are happy, with this thing, they are qualified to be called orthodox Captain Touching Gold.

A few days later, news also came from the big gold tooth, and those things had been sold.

Not to mention, after coming back, the big golden tooth girl lived a depraved life again, and the whole person's complexion became ruddy.

Because the big gold tooth personally went down to the ancient tomb, he has a rare qualification.

In this line of reselling antiques, the identity immediately went up, and it was a spring breeze recently.

In this Pan homeland, there are people who call Jin Ye everywhere they go, but they don't make the girl proud.

Li Chunlai's grandson's box of Qing Dynasty Ming utensils, plus the things from the Tang Dynasty tomb, sold for three million.

This is just a proof point.

If you find an oil bucket, you will get rich instantly.

But this line of work is also extremely dangerous, and the slightest mistake can kill you.

It can be regarded as a typical use of life to gain wealth.

In this line of inverted buckets, the most indispensable thing is that the heart is higher than the sky, the life is thinner than paper, and the unlucky people who have a life to make money and have no life to spend money.

It is worth mentioning.

After getting the money, Hu Bayi sent most of his share of the money to the widows of his comrades-in-arms.

Those are all comrades-in-arms who once died in bloody battles on the border with Hu Bayi, as well as comrades-in-arms who died in various accidents in the Kunlun Glacier in the past few years.

Hu Bayi is a loyal man who takes care of the widows of his comrades-in-arms on his own shoulders.

After retiring, most of the money earned over the years was sent to the widows of comrades-in-arms.

Jiang Nan knew about this, and silently took out a part of his share and asked Huba to send it together.

The line of inverted fighting is indeed extremely damaging to yin morality.

Doing so is regarded as doing good deeds and accumulating virtue.



A few people didn't stay in Sijiu City any longer.

After about a week, after resting enough and purchasing the necessary equipment, the group began to leave for southern Yunnan.

The Great Golden Tooth sent them to the train station, where they took care of each other, and said goodbye as the train rumbled.

As for counting on this trip with the big gold tooth?

does not exist, the wave of the Tang Tomb frightened Ya, not to mention the more dangerous Tomb of the King.

Besides, even if the big golden tooth has the courage, Jiangnan really doesn't dare to bring this oil bottle.

Several people took the train to Kunming first, and then took the bus to their destination.

According to the plan, several people dressed up as staff of the Natural History Museum and went into the forest to catch butterflies for taxidermy.

It just so happens that the banks of the Lan Cangg River are prolific with different species of butterflies, and they use the identity of insect catchers as a cover.

If you go to the worm valley in this way, you won't be noticed by others on the way.

At this time, the bus has already driven to the last section of the steep and narrow road.

The passenger car can only travel on the cliff, and the driver is a veteran and drives carelessly.

In addition, the road conditions are extremely poor, and under the cliff is the turbulent Lan Cang River.

only gave the fat man and Lao Hu a cold sweat.

I'm afraid that the driver will be careless, and even the car will take people into the river.

"No, Master Jiang, Miss Yang, aren't you two afraid?"

"This way, Lao Hu and I are frightened, you two are good, and you are still in the mood to kiss me??"

"Feelings, are you two really not afraid of death?"

Halfway, the fat man looked at Jiangnan and Shirley, who were unmoved and snuggled up to each other, and couldn't help but complain.

No, Gangnam and Shirley with sunglasses sat in the front seat of him.

Shirley shrunk in Jiang Nan's arms, and the two of them still had the heart to enjoy the river view, and from time to time they admired the magic of nature.

"I'm afraid of an egg!"

"I didn't see so many people in this car, but you and Lao Hu were scared?"

"Don't look at the carelessness of other drivers, but it is the proof that the driver is extremely familiar with this road. "

"If you have that time to be afraid, you might as well enjoy the scenery!"

Jiang Nan snorted lightly and scolded with a smile.

Jiangnan knows that the fat man is not afraid of the driver's carelessness and dangerous road conditions.

It's a fear of heights!

At the edge of the road is the Lan Cang River, which has a height difference of about 100 meters from this mountain path.

Can a fat man not be afraid? At first glance, it feels like losing his soul.

"Master Jiang, it's not that you don't know my problems. "

"Such a high cliff, if the driver doesn't pay attention, we won't have to finish the game if we fall?"

The fat man didn't dare to look out of the car window, and his voice trembled a little.

"Okay, okay, don't be ashamed, don't let your friends from ethnic minorities see the jokes. "

"Fatty, isn't it just afraid of heights, if you close your eyes, there is nothing to do. "

Hu Bayi couldn't help but snort softly.

"Old Hu, can you wipe the cold sweat on your forehead before you say this!?"

The fat man ruthlessly exposed Lao Hu's disguise.


Just when Lao Hu wanted to explain something, something seemed to fall from the mountain in front of him.

The driver didn't react and ran straight over, and the body shook violently.

In the chaos, I heard someone in the car shouting and crushing people!

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