
The black gold ancient knife slashed straight through the monster's neck.

The next moment, on its neck, a line of blood appeared.


The big head fell off the monster's neck.

"Well done, Master Jiang!"

"It's just a human snake mongrel, it's a corpse, it's just a mongrel! How can it be Jiang Ye's opponent?"

At this time, Hu Bayi and the fat man applauded loudly one after another.

Just now, the monster's speed was too fast.

By the time they reacted, they were already at Shirley's side.

They were afraid that a stray bullet would accidentally injure Shirley, and they could only watch the monster do it.

Thankfully, Jiangnan is faster than that monster!

Shirley's beautiful eyes looking at Jiangnan were also brilliant.

If it weren't for the fact that the atmosphere here wasn't quite right, I'm afraid it would have been a hot kiss right away.

However, in the puzzled gaze of the three.

Jiang Nan still didn't let his guard down, and his brows flew up with furrows.

Obviously, the monster's head fell to the ground, but his intuition was still sending him a dangerous signal!

Is that?

Jiang Nan saw that at the broken arm and neck of the monster, there were a large number of scarlet fine tentacles wriggling and converging!

In just a few breaths, the fleshy touch was reconstituted into a new arm, a new head!

"Damn, this Nima is okay, do you want to be so perverted!?"

Jiang Nan looked at this scene dumbfounded, and couldn't help but burst into foul language.

If you lose your head and don't die, Jiangnan can accept it.

But growing a head over again?


didn't have time to think too much, Jiang Nan hurriedly put his arm around Shirley's slender waist and quickly retreated.

As soon as Jiang Nan and the two left, the monster's fist hammered over.


The blow missed, and the monster roared again.

Spotting the direction of Jiangnan, he turned into a blood shadow and chased after him again.

"Shirley, stay away from me!"

Seeing this, Jiangnan hurriedly pushed Shirley out.

Just when Jiangnan was constantly dodging the monster's attacks.

Yu Guang saw the coldness and cunning that flashed in the eyes of the giant python that it was wrapped around its body!

Jiang Nan suddenly realized: "Wait, I seem to understand!"

"The body of this monster is not this horse-faced male corpse at all. "

"It's this giant python that has been skinned and fed with a pupa man!"

This is a python into a fine man.

The horse-faced male corpse should have been hollowed out by the flesh touch manipulated by the python a long time ago.

I'm afraid it's just a piece of skin.

Now that you know the key point of this monster's body, it's much easier to do next.

Jiang Nan no longer dodged, but changed to a single-handed knife, this time aiming at the python and slashing it.

Sure enough, in the face of this knife, the dodging monster hurriedly crossed his arms in front of his chest.

The intention is to protect the python itself from harm at the cost of losing both arms.


The sword flashed, and two thick arms fell to the ground.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the monster hurriedly retreated backwards, and it would take time for it to recover its hands.

But don't wait for it to stay away completely.

Jiang Nan's spare hand has an extra black pistol at some point.

Bang bang bang!!

Aiming at its head, Jiangnan didn't stop until the entire magazine was empty.

Jiangnan's firearms mastery is a system reward, and his marksmanship is extremely accurate.

Especially at a distance of about ten meters, that really means where to hit.

I saw that the huge head of the python had been beaten into a sieve.

Dark red blood mixed with gray unidentified material splattered everywhere.

How can a scaly python resist the power of a bullet?


Staggered, and the monster finally fell to the ground.

In the stunned eyes of everyone, the monster fell to the ground, and quickly withered and withered.

As soon as it was blown by the wind, it turned into powder and disappeared.

"It's really strange that there are many things every year, especially this year!"

"It's the first time I've seen this kind of strange big rice dumpling. "

"When the dead wind blows, it turns into foam?"

"But then again, Jiang Ye, how can you tell that the python is the main body?"

Huba looked at the place where the python monster had dissipated, and was amazed.

Jiang Nan jokingly said: "Hmm... I said instinct, do you believe it?"


Who knows, Hu Bayi actually said seriously: "We have been together for so long, it seems that your intuition has never been wrong." "

Gangnam: ... Okay.



Now that you're done fighting the monster, it's time to touch the equipment.

This is an international practice.

This jade coffin had already exploded when the python became a sperm.

The few treasures that had been soaked in the blood-red liquid all fell to the ground.

In a short time, the fat man who was most interested in this one had already collected the scattered treasures.

Jiang Nan only confirmed that the most important green stone dragon and tiger short staff was still there.

I put my mind at ease and didn't pay much attention to it.

Shirley didn't care about the fat man's movements, who doesn't know what the fat man has in virtue.

"Jiangnan, that monster is already dead. "

"But this celestial phenomenon... Why are the clouds still overheading, full of ominous premonitions?"

She just came to Jiangnan, looked at the lead clouds that were condensed in the sky, and asked worriedly.

"Uh... This cloud has nothing to do with that monster!"

"Why do you think that when the monster is dead, the clouds will disperse?"

Jiangnan looked at Shirley blankly.

"It's okay?"

"Then why did you split the old banyan tree and let the jade coffin see the light of day again, and this celestial phenomenon suddenly changed?"

Shirley was stunned for a moment and hurriedly asked.

"These two old banyan trees were specially transplanted here to change the feng shui pattern. "

"Moreover, judging from the feng shui pattern here, the qi of the leylines is suppressed below. "

"So when I cut down the banyan tree, the changed pattern was destroyed. "

"It's normal for thousands of years of earth's leyline qi to surge here, backlash into the sky, and there will be dark clouds and thunderstorms, right?"

Jiang Nan chuckled and explained.

Feng Shui is indeed a mysterious thing in the eyes of ordinary people.

For example, this leyline qi sounds very mysterious, you can't see or touch it, but it does exist.

"Shirley, here, there's something underground that is going to be lifted up by the leylines!"

Suddenly, Jiang Nan pointed to the two banyan trees and said.

Shirley subconsciously looked over.

At this moment, the thunder in the black oppressive clouds became more violent.

Suddenly, the whole ground shook violently, and the ground cracked, and wisps of black smoke came out.

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