"The mountain god was originally a god who blessed one side, and when a temple was built, it should be worshiped with incense. "

"Now it is such a desolate scene, and it really rises and falls. "

"Even the mountain god has a difficult time, let alone the common people, it is really yin and yang, success or failure"

Looking at the dilapidated mountain temple, Hu Ba suddenly felt a feeling, and sighed like a master who had seen through the red dust.

"You've said so much, what kind of ghost do you want to fight? Could it be that you still want to worship this mountain god??"

"You guys are still in awe of gods and ghosts?"

Shirley squinted his eyes and glanced at Hu Bayi with disdain.

What she despises is not that Hu Ba is upside down, but that she despises Hu Ba and Yi who have nothing to do to learn what kind of sour texts are being dragged by scholars.

Te Wai He!

"Forget about worshipping, we might as well push this fallen clay statue back into its place. "

"Give the mountain god a cigarette from the rice country, let him bless us with a smooth trip, don't make any mistakes, and in the future, we can make an inch, and then reshape the golden body and add incense. "

Huba shook his head and said matter-of-factly.

"Lao Hu, let's stop for a while, isn't this Mi country cigarette fragrant after we enjoy it ourselves?"

"As Shirley said, if we have the slightest awe of the gods and ghosts in the underworld, we won't be able to do this!"

Jiang Nan sneered and threw Lao Hu and the fat man a rice cigarette.

"And, Shirley, what do you mean by our inverted fight?"

"The gold talisman on your chest, you are now with us on the periphery of the tomb of King Xian. "

"Aren't you just like us now?"

As he spoke, Jiang Nan looked at Shirley teasingly.

Again, this girl is a shallow believer, although Jiangnan is not very clear.

But if you think about it with your ass, the line of inverted fighting, in Yahweh's dogma, must be an unforgivable sin!

"You... Hmph!"

Shirley glared at Jiangnan angrily.

She knows it, it's just... Before I saw the tomb of King Xian again, I was just deceiving myself.

Telling yourself that you haven't gone to the grave yet, it's not a fight, it's not a violation of Yahweh's teachings.

Well, ostrich!

With that, the girl took out the cross on her chest and began to pray and repent.

Well, it's worth mentioning that the cross and the gold touch charm are hung together, quite thoughtful!

Seeing this, Jiang Nan smiled happily and no longer stimulated Shirley.

Jiangnan knows that Shirley is not hypocritical or something.

She really didn't want to go to the grave, but she couldn't help it.

The curse of the Zagrama clan forced her to do so, and she couldn't let someone else risk her life to go down to the grave to collect the dust beads on her behalf, while she sat on the Diaoyu Tai and enjoyed it.

Therefore, compared with the three habitual criminals of Jiangnan Lao Hu and the fat man, Shirley's mentality is the most tangled and uncomfortable.

Listening to the whispered prayer in their ears, the three of Jiangnan glanced at each other, the thief smiled, and silently enjoyed the cigarettes of the United States.

They know that this trip will definitely pull this Miss Mi into the water~!



After smoking, drinking, and eating dry food, a few people took a brief rest, got up, and got ready to work.

The four of them came to the end of the mountain temple again, and looked at the nine huge toads that were slapped horizontally with burning eyes.

The mouths of these nine big toads are open and closed, and the direction of the toad's head is also different.

The mouth can be moved, and there are stone troughs that can turn the body in all directions.

This arrangement is exactly the number of nine loops recorded in the "Book of Changes". "

"If you don't understand the essence of Feng Shui and only know the I Ching gossip, most of you will see it as the number of nine palaces to deal with. "

"In that case, when the machine is locked up, you won't be able to find the sacrificial secret path for the rest of your life. "

Jiang Nan looked at the nine big toads in front of him, moving his divine body, and sighed.

"Lao Hu, let's two come together?"

Jiang Nan looked at Hu Bayi, who seemed to have some itchy hands, and it was obvious that he had also seen the way.

"Okay, then you're welcome!"

Huba nodded in response.

The two first opened and closed the toad's big mouth according to the number of nine loops, from left to right.

Then, according to the order of arrangement in the Yilong Sutra, push the direction of the stone toad and arrange it according to the corresponding direction.

"Uh... No, Jiang Ye, our inference should be correct!"

"Why is there no response, I didn't see a secret door open? It shouldn't be thousands, there's something wrong with this mechanism, right?"

After waiting for half a minute, there was no movement, Huba was stunned, and asked with a suspicious face.

This TM is not Feng Shui at all!!

However, Jiangnan just smiled and did not speak.

"Don't make a fuss, Jiang Nan, I don't believe you haven't seen any movement, the inferences of the two of you are tight, reasonable, and absolutely not wrong. "

"Since there is no secret passage here, it should be in front of the temple, such as the red gourd?"

"After all, the mountain ghosts serving on both sides of the mountain god, one holding a toad and the other holding a gourd, must be related. "

"Isn't it?"

Shirley glanced at Jiangnan, just now, she felt the slightest movement.

She didn't believe it, could the deaf and clear-sighted Jiangnan hear it?

"That's right, listening to the sound should be where the red gourd is... Shirley, have you grown, can you guess this?"

"Lao Hu, be confident, you must know that Feng Shui, an ancient science, studies the ancients' perception of the world, so as long as it is justified, it will never go wrong. "

"After all, what we study and study is the worldview of the ancients, and there are no mistakes due to cognitive differences. "

Jiang Nanshu shrugged and nodded.

While speaking, several people had already brought their saluting equipment and came back to the temple.

Sure enough, I saw that the gourd in front of the hall was split in half at some point, revealing a stone door underneath.

The door was built in the shape of a toad's mouth, and was also made of fiery red ochre, with some simple ornamentation carved on it.

"Sure enough, it's the open mouth of the big toad!"

"Master Jiang, this time it's really thanks to you for discovering the relief carvings on the tombs of that town, as well as the mystery of the Broken Worm Dao, this passage will definitely lead to the cave eye star position closest to the Water Dragon Halo. "

"Otherwise, we won't find any other way, I'm afraid we'll really have to risk breaking through the worm valley poison barrier!"

When the sacrificial secret path was really presented in front of him, Hu Bayi couldn't help but admire.

"The Worm Valley Poison Barrier is absolutely impossible to break through. "

"Xianwang is exceptionally good at hemorrhoids, and that abnormal poisonous barrier must be inseparable from the hemorrhoids of this evil sect. "

"Gas masks are not a panacea, they will definitely not protect us!"

Hearing this, Jiang Nan shook his head solemnly and said.

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