Chapter Two Hundred and Fifty Seven: Frightening Stage


“…so dizzy!”Sun Honglei’s tactful operation did not allow him to find the trace of the ghost!

On the contrary, I am tired.

He looked up inadvertently.

Sun Honglei~ His eyes widened instantly!

Above his head, a female ghost head appeared!

This female ghost has blood dripping from her mouth and eyes, and there is a strong resentment on her face that cannot be resolved!

Just look at Sun Honglei so coldly!

“It…it’s there!”

Sun Honglei stammered.

Zhang Chen and Zhang Qiling moved when they heard the wind, and attacked in the direction pointed by Sun Honglei!

But the result is still the same!

The attack of the two was in vain, like a punch that was ready to go on the cotton!

There is no movement at all!

This feeling made Zhang Chen very uncomfortable.

“That, that, it’s there!”

Sun Honglei’s panicked voice sounded again.

Several times in a row.

Zhang Chen is already sweating on his forehead.

Although it has little effect on him, it feels like he is being played with by ghosts!

“I don’t feel right!”

When passing by Zhang Qiling, Zhang Chen whispered.

“I feel it too, that ghost-head Posha is very likely to be possessed by your friend.”

“It is deliberately draining our stamina!”

The two looked at each other and understood the meaning in each other’s eyes.

“Nah, that, it’s here again!”

Sun Honglei was trembling with fright.

Zhang Chen and the two, who were going to rush in the direction Sun Honglei pointed, turned back halfway.

At an extremely fast speed, they surrounded Sun Honglei one after the other!

Zhang Chen did not hesitate.

Take out Gu Soul Ling from the system space again!

Between shaking, a mysterious and strange sound sounded.

the other side.

Zhang Qiling is not slow, a big hand covers Sun Honglei’s head!

The power of the Qilin’s bloodline exploded, suppressing the ghost-headed evil spirits in Sun Honglei’s body!

Both of them are first-class masters, and they both take care of them.

The ghost head Posha suddenly couldn’t move!

“What are you doing?”

Sun Honglei was startled and looked innocent.

The depths of the pupils flashed the color of resentment!

Zhang Qiling didn’t say a word and increased his strength!

The power of the Qilin bloodline is like a tide, constantly impacting the ghost head Posha in Sun Honglei’s body!

He now really wants to eat the ghost head Posha in one bite.

But for the sake of Dixian Village, he forcibly resisted this strong urge!

Zhang Chen also kept moving.

The Gu Soul Ling in the hand has already produced a phantom because of the too fast shaking speed!

Under the fierce attack of the two.

Sun Honglei’s face slowly distorted, and gradually turned into the image of a woman with a face full of resentment!

Change back and forth between Sun Honglei’s true colors.

The members of the guest group watched this scene worriedly from a distance, but they didn’t dare to get close!

We can only secretly pray for Sun Honglei to pass through safely.


Sun Honglei finally couldn’t help it, and let out a shrill scream like an old woman!


Seeing this, Zhang Chen no longer hesitated.

A slap slapped on Sun Honglei’s chest, secretly containing the power of a dragon’s arm!

Affected by this, the ghost head Posha attached to Sun Honglei was slapped out by Zhang Chen!

Disheveled hair, bloody eyes and fangs, the shape is very terrifying!

“This is a ghost? It’s really scary!”

Yaya Fatty and the others retreated again and again, feeling cold all over their bodies.

Captured by the role of Gu Soul Ling, Ghost Head Posha temporarily lost the ability to hide!

Being carried by Zhang Qiling like a chicken, he came behind the Jade Man Wuyang King!

The little brother pointed the ghost head Posha’s eyes at the giant monument under the Wuyang King.

A strange scene happened!

As the ghostly head and Posha’s eyes swept across, there were many words that had never been seen before on the monument!

And the ineffective ghost head Posha was directly absorbed by the strange vines in Zhang Qiling’s head, and not even the scum was left!

“If you want to visit the earth immortal, first look for the black sheep; in front of the frightening stage, the Yin River is in the sky… A hundred coffins in the copper tower, and the tile man is at the door; kowtow eight hundred, and grant longevity!”

Lin Yu repeated it several times.

He understands every word, but he doesn’t know anything about it!

He simply copied them all down and studied them later.

“what is this?”

Yaya came over to take a look, and asked curiously.

“Guanshan refers to fans!”

Just now.

The system has been integrated with the “Guanshan Guide”All the information related to “Fufu” was transmitted to Zhang Chen.

“This guy is really not simple, he actually knows ‘Guanshan refers to fans’!”

Zhang Qiling glanced at Zhang Chen a few times.

“Guanshan refers to fans?”

Yaya seems to understand but does not understand.

“This is the guide to find the ancient tomb of Dixian Village! The entrance to Dixian Village is not here at all!”

“In front of the frightening platform, the Yin River is in the sky; it means that we have to cross a high platform and an underground river next!”


Just when everyone gathered around to discuss, the Bashan ape that disappeared before reappeared.

Seeing everyone looking over, the monkey patted his butt and ran forward.

Zhang Qiling didn’t say a word and chased after him.

“Let’s go, let’s keep up with it. Since there is someone leading the way, why should we spend that energy to study it!”

Zhang Chen chuckled lightly, waved his hand and led everyone in the guest group to chase after him.

“I always feel that something is wrong, why do they look at me strangely?”

While running, Brother Hong Lei touched his head.

He still doesn’t know that he has become Erlang God!

Zhang Chen also didn’t take action to kill the eye on Sun Honglei’s forehead.


He is quite interested and intends to do research when he has time.

After exiting the cave, an ancient tunnel appeared in front of everyone.

They should be halfway up the mountain now and can see the beautiful original scenery in the distance!

This piece of mountain is towering as high as the sky, and the cliffs are full of dangerous bird trails!

The two sides of the steep cliff that cuts straight for thousands of miles can’t see the end, and I don’t know how big this mountain is.

Zhang Chen and his party went straight forward in the ancient tunnel, and did not find a fork in the road!

This is a straight road that runs through the mountains to the end.

As for the little brother Zhang Qiling, he has long since left.

After walking for an unknown time, Zhang Chen’s eyes suddenly lit up.

At the end of the tunnel, there is a wonderful terrain!

The entrance of the tunnel is on the mountainside of the suspended land, and there is a “T”-shaped canyon in front of you!

Opposite the canyon.

A natural stone waterfall was found, hanging in the air!

The stone surface is smooth and clean, full of strangeness, like saliva solidified, and two snail stars are carved on it to “scare the soul”!

“That’s the frightening stage! It’s really amazing!”

Lin Yu pointed to the opposite side and said excitedly.

“Wow, the scenery here is so beautiful!”

Yaya’s female guests sighed sincerely, but unfortunately they are not here to travel!

“The Frightening Platform has been found. What does it mean that the Yinhe River is in the sky? Is there really a river in the sky? Where is the Shadowless Immortal Bridge?”

Huang Bo touched his chin with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

Seeing that Huang Bo was so serious, the others also put aside their playfulness and studied it carefully.

“Did you hear that, what’s that sound?”

Yaya suddenly turned her head and asked with an ugly face. </p>

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