Chapter 258: Shadowless Immortal Bridge


Zhang Chen listened carefully.

There is a faint sound of wind, as if there are countless resentful souls crying, endlessly!

Others naturally heard it too.

“Isn’t it a ghost call?”

Sun Honglei said nervously.

Zhang Chen didn’t answer.

He picked up a stone and threw it into the deep valley in front of him.

Everyone looked up and was stunned for a while!

I saw that the stone flew into the air and suddenly stopped.

Then it seemed to fall into the eye of the storm.

Floating in the air and spinning around!

After shaking it a few times, I don’t know where it was taken by the mysterious vortex!

“It’s so dangerous, I’m afraid even the gods will be sad!”

Sun Honglei swallowed and said dryly.

“The Immortal Bridge has no shadow, and it is hard to find it with the naked eye! If you want to reach the frightening platform opposite, you must first find the so-called ‘Shadowless Immortal Bridge’!”

Lin Yu said thoughtfully.

“It’s simple to say, “Nine Five Zero” doesn’t even have a root hair here, where can I go to find the bridge?

“And it’s still invisible to the naked eye?”

The violent Sun Honglei rudely scolded Lin Yu.

The speaker has no intention, the listener has the intention!

Zhang Chen’s eyes suddenly lit up, and he subconsciously looked at the vertical eyes on Sun Honglei’s forehead.

Hard to find with the naked eye, what about ghost eyes?

“Falling down the rocks and giving up, ascending to the sky in one step…”

After being hit by Sun Honglei, Lin Yu was not discouraged.I have been silently reciting the previous “Guanshan Zhimi Fu”!

Lin Yu suddenly shouted excitedly.

The startled appearance shocked Sun Honglei!

“I said, Dr. Lin, what did you understand, so happy?”

Lin Yu ignored him.

Instead, he turned his head to look and saw that there were many rocks of different sizes on the ground.

He found the biggest piece and planned to push it to the edge of the cliff!

Zhang Chen looked at the scene in front of him thoughtfully.

Sun Honglei retorted, but seeing that Lin Yu was struggling, he still helped.

Huang Lei and Huang Bo also joined in time.

But it can only push the big stone, it’s still far from the destination!

A surge of energy poured in, and everyone felt a lot more relaxed!

Zhang Chen joined.

Everyone worked together and stopped more than one meter from the edge of the cliff!

So as not to be involved in the turbulent flow, then it is really hard to save the gods!

The big rock fell forward due to inertia!

Clashing against the cliffs, rolling down a deep stream full of mist!

This move did not produce a vision.

There is no invisible bridge in front of the fright stage, Lin Yu can’t help but feel a little frustrated!

Zhang Chen was keenly aware of the unusual movement.

“Brother Hong Lei, close your eyes and see what’s different in front of you!”

“Am I really awakened to some supernatural power, ≮Alternative: .≯Can you see supernatural things when you close your eyes?”

Although Sun Honglei was full of doubts, he still did as he was told.

Hong Leige shouted in shock.

“I saw so many swallows, so many that I can’t count them…”

Sun Honglei shouted: “The bridge…the bridge is completed, the bridge made of swallows!”

Although Sun Honglei’s words were vague, everyone understood what he meant.

Although the eyes are still empty, a bridge made of invisible “swallows” has appeared!

Everyone looked at each other!

Even if they believed what Sun Honglei said, they would not dare to take risks.

This carelessness is the end of your body and bones!

So everyone’s eyes fell on Zhang Chen again.

Whether to go or not, Zhang Chen has to express his position!

Zhang Chen also felt the responsibility he shouldered.

“I’ll explore the way first!”

Leaving a sentence behind, Zhang Chen took the lead and walked towards the edge of the cliff.

Even if what Sun Honglei saw was an illusion.

He took one step in the air, and he could return safely with his powerful strength.

Others don’t have this ability!

Out of concern, Yaya Fatty and the others shouted.

The male guests also wrote their worries on their faces.

They know that Zhang Chen is a master, but there are times when masters miss!

Under the gaze of everyone.

Zhang Chen was standing on the edge of the cliff. The strong air turbulence before had disappeared for some reason!

He stretched out the soles of his feet and stepped on the void in front of him, and the soles of his feet immediately felt like cotton wool.

Although it is soft, it is very practical!

Zhang Chen’s action immediately made everyone’s heart come to their throats!


One wrong step is irreversible!

However, Zhang Chen’s heart settled down.

Take another step and get off the ground completely!

Now, in the eyes of outsiders, he is completely standing in the void, like a god!

“My God, it’s true!”

Yaya covered her mouth and exclaimed.

Looking at Zhang Chenwei’s back, it is full of incredible!

Sun Honglei is also completely convinced by Zhang Chen!

No one can compare with this courage alone!

soon 0

Zhang Chen successfully walked across the Shadowless Immortal Bridge and arrived at the Horror Stage on the opposite side.

With Zhang Chen as an example, the fear of everyone in the guest group has also been reduced a lot!

They discussed it, held hands, and set foot on the Shadowless Immortal Bridge!

During the whole process, the female guests kept their eyes closed.

Don’t dare to look down at all!

They feel that their souls are flying with the wind, and their livers and gallbladders are cold!

This short few steps seem to be extraordinarily long.

I am afraid that in this life, they will not dare to go a second time!

The Frightening Platform is worthy of its name!

When everyone arrived safely, they discovered that there was a cave behind the waterfall!

Inside is an extremely wide straight cave.

Their eyes were attracted by the cave-like holes on both sides of the cave.

There is a scarecrow hidden in every hole!

They all wear ancient green robes, with yellow ropes around their waists, andWearing a Taoist crown, it is actually a Taoist dress!

“These things are quite scary, I don’t know what they are used for!”

Sun Honglei instinctively resists these humanoid things, it looks too evil!

“This is the thatched fairy!

In ancient times, there were superstitions in some places, and locusts were regarded as immortals, commonly known as thatched demons!

They will make offerings with grain and thatch in human form, praying for the locust plague to subside…”

The erudite and talented Lin Yu explained carefully.

“No way? To worship locusts as immortals, isn’t that too ridiculous?

Which ancient people of the dynasty would be so stupid? ”

Sun 37 Hong Lei obviously didn’t believe it.

If these words came out of Zhang Chen’s mouth, he would definitely not doubt it.

“This is real!”

Lin Yu insisted with a blushing face.

“Cut, it’s better to believe in my brother Hong Lei than to believe in locusts!”

Sun Honglei pouted.

“Believe in locusts that can bless the locust plague, what can you do if you believe in it?”

Huang Bo’s cheap nature flared up again, and laughed at Hong Lei.

“Who said I can’t guarantee it? Who said that?

Let me ask you, is this melon safe? Trust me, Hong Lei will keep you cooked, okay? ”

Seeing Sun Honglei’s serious appearance, everyone burst into laughter.

Even Zhang Chen couldn’t help laughing.

This guy is a real treasure!

There was a strange sound of “humming” in everyone’s ears!

It’s getting clearer!

Everyone looked in the direction of the voice and was instantly stunned! </p>

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