Chapter 266: Mysterious Existence


When the faint voice sounded.

Zhang Chen suddenly felt extremely dangerous!

This feeling has never happened since his debut.

Almost don’t even think about it.

Zhang Chen mobilized all the power in his body!

Thunder fire unicorn body protector, dragon arm erupts!

Zhang Chen looked around, but didn’t find half a figure!

This voice seemed to appear directly in his mind.

The weirdness of the means.

Far more than what Zhang Chen had seen in the tombs before!

“You called me Feng Shigu? I’m not Feng Shigu, you’ve got the wrong person!”

Zhang Chen looked alert, watched six roads, and listened to all directions.

No warning!

A pair of slender and pale arms suddenly embraced Zhang Chen from behind his neck.

The action is like a prank between lovers!

The opponent was able to ignore the Thunder Fire Qilin’s defense!

Zhang Chen’s mood instantly sank to the bottom of the valley.

“Shigu, do you know that I like you? I trust you so much, why did you betray me?”

This voice is so close at hand, it is extremely sad!

Zhang Chen turned his head to look, but there was nothing behind him, as if nothing had happened just now.

“Girl, you’re really admitting the wrong person, I’m not Feng Shigu!”

Zhang Chen said in a deep voice.

The man can bend and stretch!

Zhang Chen felt that he might not be able to defeat this immeasurable existence, so he tried to reason with the other party.

“Shigu, until now, you are still lying to me!”

The voice was suddenly far and near.

“Do you know how desperate I was when I was thrown into the coffin by them?

I’ve been waiting for you to save me all the time, but you didn’t!

Until I was about to die, all I thought about was you, woohoo, why didn’t you come to save me, why? ”

That voice became more and more sad, more and more miserable.

Zhang Chen’s emotions were also inexplicably infected, and great sadness emerged in his heart!

It seems that he is the heartless Han Feng Shigu, and he can’t wait to apologize on the spot!

Just when the thought of suicide was about to completely occupy Zhang Chen’s mind!

A severe burning sensation suddenly came from his chest, which made Zhang Chen wake up.

The tattoo of the unicorn blood successfully protects the master at a critical time!

Zhang Chen exhaled heavily.

The secret passage is very dangerous, and it almost happened.

In the past, what he faced was a direct attack!

Relying on his powerful skills and the speciality of the Qilin bloodline, he has always convincing people with his strength!

Now facing this kind of means that affects spiritual thinking all the time.

It was a bit overwhelming for a while!

“Feng Shigu, the owner of Dixian Village, sounds like a scumbag! I don’t know what is the connection between the two!”

Zhang Chen thought to himself.

“Girl, my name is Zhang Chen, I’m really not a Feng Shigu. I have something urgent, so I’ll go first!”

Zhang Chen stretched out his fists, bowed to the void in front of him, and turned to leave.

Since they are people of the same era as Feng Shigu, they are ancient people!

I heard that the ancients were very moral in the rivers and lakes, and his attitude was very low.

It should give some face, right?

“Shigu, you didn’t even see me.I’m just leaving like this? ”

The voice was unpredictable, and it was impossible to hear whether it was joy or anger.

“Then what do you think?”

Zhang Chen was also aroused by anger, and his voice had a suppressed coldness.

It’s not that he has no means of restraining the opponent at all.

Gu Soul Ling, who has absolute repression on the soul, can now lie obediently in his system space!

After Zhang Chen got angry, the voice said aggrievedly.

“Don’t be so fierce! They just want you to take a look. Is it so difficult?”

Sure enough, a woman can’t get used to it, even if she dies!

“I’m dead, what’s there to see, is it possible that there are flowers on my face?”

Zhang Chen said impatiently.

He has already taken Gu Soul Ling out of the system space, as long as something is wrong, he will shake Gu Soul Ling.

To be honest, Zhang Chen didn’t want to fall out with the other party, after all, it didn’t do him any good.

Besides, the other party might know more detailed information about Dixian Village!

“Shigu, are you despising me?”

“That’s right, I just despise you, don’t bother me in the future!”

Zhang Chen seems to have figured out the character of the other party.

He didn’t know why the other party mistook him for Feng Shigu, but he vaguely felt it.

The other party has too much affection for Feng Shigu, even if Feng Shigu was trapped and killed her.

She still regards Feng Shigu as the most important person!

So when Zhang Chen was angry with her, she would only think it was her fault.

“Shigu, I was wrong, don’t leave! Will you stay with me? I’ve been lonely all these years, you can talk to me more, okay?”

Tell the truth 0?

Zhang Chen, who prides himself on being like a rock, can’t bear to hear this!

What kind of an idiot is she that is so humbled into the dust after her death because of love!

But he is not Feng Shigu after all. Feng Shigu himself owes the debt and let him repay it by himself.

“Are you in a hurry to find your friends? They’re already here!”

The faint voice resounded again.

When Zhang Chen heard the movement, he turned around and saw that Sun Honglei and the others really followed.

Seeing Zhang Chen, Sun Honglei and the others were happy.

However, he asked strangely: “Zhang Chen, who were you talking to just now? Is there anyone else here?”

“I said it was a ghost, are you afraid?”

Zhang Chen stared at Sun Honglei and said word by word.

“I’m not a ghost!”

A weak voice rang in Zhang Chen’s ear, and no one else could hear it.

“Ghost? Where is the ghost? Let me see!”

Since seeing the ghost head Posha, Sun Honglei has become immune to the fear of ghosts a lot.

Not to mention that he himself has a ghost eye!

Even the female guests were silent.

Zhang Chen followed their line of sight and found that they were staring at the dark void in the distance!

It seems that there is something there that attracts them!

“Yiya, what are you looking at?”

Sun Honglei asked curiously.

It’s so dark, I’m afraid you can’t even see ghosts, right?

Yaya and the others didn’t answer, as if they were all attracted by something unknown in the distance!

37 So Sun Honglei pointed the bright flashlight in the direction they were looking at.

Impressively saw a blood-red coffin inserted diagonally.

Under the light of the flashlight, it looks extra coquettish!

Sun Honglei, who was nervous, turned his flashlight around to take pictures.

I found a scene that Zhang Chen had seen before!

Sun Honglei couldn’t help swallowing.

He murmured subconsciously, “Why is this scene so familiar? Isn’t it exactly the same as the scene in the dream?”

That strange dream, except Zhang Chen, has been experienced by everyone.

But after that, the male guests have no follow-up contact!

Instead, it’s a female guest.

From time to time, the scene in the dream will clearly emerge in front of you, and there are many more subtle sensations!

“Zhang Chen, can you take us down to see?”

Yaya suddenly turned to look at Zhang Chen and said with a prayer. </p>

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