Chapter 267: The arm under the slate! | Tomb Robber: Touching Gold with Stars for 365 Days | Tomb Robbery: Touching Gold with Stars for 365 Days Chapter Read – Siku Bookstore

In fact, Zhang Chen doesn’t really want to go on this content for the first time on boshisw. This is a very fierce place!

The existence in the coffin, although it has not yet shown murderous intent towards Zhang Chen, still carries a strong affection.But a woman turns her face faster than a book, let alone a female ghost.

Maybe after the other party achieves a certain goal, they will kill Zhang Chen and his party.

But after much consideration, Zhang Chen decided to go down and have a look.

Everyone found this place after a lot of hard work, and leaving in such a bleak way is really not Zhang Chen’s style!

Zhang Chen decided to gamble.

Under the expectant gaze of Yaya and other female guests, Zhang Chen nodded.

“Okay, let’s go down and have a look.”

So Zhang Chen led the way, and the others quickly followed behind him.

In front of them, there is a stone stair that leads straight down. At first glance, it is estimated that it is more than a hundred meters long.

“Shigu, you are finally willing to see me!”

The mysterious voice said in Zhang Chen’s ear with resentment.

The tone contains joy!

Zhang Chen’s lips moved, but in the end he didn’t say anything.

Sun Honglei and the others looked around curiously, and at the same time were on guard in case of unexpected events!

In the pitch-dark environment where you can’t see your fingers, no one spoke, and walked down cautiously. 03

But soon Zhang Chen and the others found out that something was wrong!

“Strange, we’ve been walking for about half an hour, why does it feel like we’re just standing still?”

Sun Honglei touched his head and said suspiciously.

It shouldn’t be!

The stone steps are only over 100 meters long, so it stands to reason that they should have finished walking long ago!

Lin Yu also nodded in agreement, he thought he was the only one who felt this way.

Yaya and other female guests didn’t put their minds on it at all.

The eyes have been staring at the blood-red coffin in the dark depths in the distance!

Zhang Chen has already noticed that Yaya and others are wrong.

But he didn’t act rashly and chose to wait and see.

Everyone looked back.

It was found that the direction from which the steps were descending was already far away, which showed that they were indeed walking forward.

But there are only 100-meter-long stone steps, so they have no reason to walk for so long!

Lin Yu flashed a flashlight forward and found that he was still hundreds of meters away from the stone steps.

It’s about the same distance as when they set off!

Everyone looked at each other in dismay, and the very contradictory scene in front of them was beyond their understanding.

Could it be that they encountered the legendary formation?

“Stop first!”

Zhang Chen waved his hand, squatted down and began to look at the stone steps under his feet.

Take a closer look, Zhang Chen even got close to smelling it, there is nothing wrong!

He reached out and touched it, and a hard and cold touch came, it was indeed a stone!

Just when Zhang Chen was about to withdraw his palm, he keenly noticed something unusual.

Under the slate, there is an extremely slight vibration, and it is continuous!

In other words, there is liquid flowing under the stone!

If it wasn’t for Zhang Chen’s extremely keen perception, he wouldn’t have found it at all!

Water cannot flow inside solid rock, so the possibility can be basically ruled out!

Then there is only blood left!

“If there is really flowing blood, doesn’t that mean that the stone steps are alive?”

Zhang Chen felt that his thoughts were absurd.

He had never heard of the living stone, let alone seen it!

After listening to Zhang Chen’s analysis, Lin Yu and the others felt even more incredible than Zhang Chen.

If it is really the stone steps under your feet that are doing a ghost, then it will be troublesome!

Stone monsters are much harder to deal with than dumplings!

“Zhang Chen, what are you going to do?”

Lin Yu looked at Zhang Chen curiously.

“It’s very simple, just break it open, you stand farther away!”

Zhang Chen told everyone that he must first determine whether his judgment is correct.

After everyone retreated to a safe distance.

Zhang Chen decided to use all the power of the dragon arm, after the baptism of the dragon ball before!

The current dragon arm is at least three-tenths stronger than before.

“Dragon Arm, break it for me!”

Zhang Chen sighed in his heart.

With a violent and unparalleled aura on his left arm, he slammed into the slate under his feet.

In the horrified expressions of everyone, only a “boom” was heard!

Zhang Chen’s flesh-and-blood fist actually smashed a big hole on the hard stone slab.

Around the big pit, cracks like spider webs spread rapidly everywhere!

This is a very visually striking scene!

Let Sun Honglei and the others stunned, they were speechless.

“Honey, is this still a human? It’s just like a monster!”

Looking at Zhang Chen’s intact fist, he didn’t even rub the skin.break.

Sun Honglei doesn’t know what to say anymore.

“If this punch hits a person, it is estimated that all the internal organs will be shattered!”

Huang Bo was secretly shocked.

But after thinking about it, is it not a blessing to have such a strong person as a teammate?

After punching the surface of the slate, Zhang Chen looked away.

Inside, something like flesh and blood was exposed, white flowers and flowers, still slowly wriggling.

There are blood vessels on the body surface!

Sun Honglei and the others gathered around, looking at this scene in amazement!

“This seems to be too old?”

Lin Yu took a closer look and said solemnly.

Zhang Chen frowned slightly.

From the outside, this is indeed a meat Ganoderma lucidum, also known as Tai Sui!

“That Zhang Chen, didn’t you just break ground on Tai Sui’s head?”

Sun Honglei said subconsciously.

On second thought, Sun Honglei was amused by himself!

How could Zhang Chen be afraid of a little Tai Sui?

After taking a closer look, Zhang Chen noticed something was wrong.

He held out his hand.

I intend to take 957 out of the adult’s arm thick Ganoderma lucidum from the cracks in the slate.

However, there was a resistance, as if the meat Ganoderma lucidum was embedded in the slate.

Zhang Chen’s arm strength exploded and he forcibly pulled it out!

Immediately at its root, gurgling blood came out.

Zhang Chen’s perception of breath is very keen.

Ganoderma lucidum belongs to treasures such as heaven and earth, and it has its own spiritual energy.

However, Zhang Chen only felt a sense of death from this “meat ganoderma”!

After taking a few more glances, Zhang Chen said in a deep voice.

“This is not Tai Sui at all, but a human arm!”

“No way?”

Sun Honglei was taken aback.

Who is so disgusting, that the human arm has been cultivated to look like Ganoderma lucidum.

Thankfully, he was so happy just now, and now it seems that he is happy for nothing!

Zhang Chen handed “Meat Ganoderma lucidum” to Lin Yu.

Lin Yu’s face changed slightly and took it.

“It’s really a human arm, but it doesn’t have a palm! It’s also processed with a special method!”

Lin Yu took a picture with a flashlight, and then said in a very positive tone.

“Could it be that we can’t get to the end, is this thing doing the trick?”


“And I suspect there’s something like this under every slab!”

Just when Zhang Chen was thinking secretly.

Lin Yu suddenly exclaimed.

“Yiya, what are you doing?”</p>

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