“Why are you here, Panzi and Aning, what are they doing?”

Innocence asked the black blind man.

“They were recuperating from their injuries over there in the camp, found a good place, there was food and drink, where to wait for us.”

“I’m an idle person, so I found some traces of your third master near an underwater passage, and I found the large army on your third master’s side by following the traces.”

The black blind man smiled.

Then the third uncle lined up his hands, glared at him, and explained: “I, ah, at that time, I heard that old woman say that Wen Jin was waiting for us in front, and I realized that this may be the last time I see Wen Jin, this opportunity I can’t miss anyway, Buddha, your third uncle and I really live in vain in this life, so I don’t dare to take any risk, to be honest, your third uncle I only need to see Wen Jin this time, even if I immediately burp I will recognize.”

Naivety heard the words ‘old woman’, came to the spirit, this old woman is the Lord Dolma.

Feeling discolored, he said, “No, he also brought you a message?” ”

Looking at the inexplicable look of innocence, the black blind man laughed again, and he didn’t know what he was laughing at.

After hearing the naïve words, the third uncle nodded and told him about his encounter with Dinglord Zhuoma at that time.

After listening, he found that the third uncle had to progress much faster than him, and in less than ten hours after Panzi led them all the way, the third uncle had already arrived in Devil City and learned the situation, just when he thought everything was going well.

Just last night, Dinglord Zhuoma actually found him, this was when he had just reconciled with his little brother, and just like the situation he encountered at that time, he conveyed Chen Wenjin’s message.

The third uncle is not as honest as naïve, Tariq asked a lot of information about the fixed lord Zhuoma, and the fixed lord Zhuoma also played mystery with the third uncle.

Can the third uncle still play mystery with him?

Directly played violence with him, plus he went crazy when he heard the news that Wen Jin was still alive, and immediately asked someone to put down Tashi and the daughter-in-law of Dingzhuo Ma, and the third uncle did not say anything about the specific process.

Any bull, ghost, snake and god will have to be revealed in the face of absolute strength.

Only by being ruthless, the old woman began to understand that the third uncle was not easy to mess with.

The third uncle was mixed before, and the way to do things on the road is different from what naïve thinks, these things can not be done by him, although he does not agree with the third uncle’s approach, but this way is undoubtedly simple and rude, direct and effective.

That Ding Lord Zhuoma had to reveal the situation of Chen Wenjin’s explanation of her message, and also told the third uncle that he and his little brother also knew about the message.

“She said that a month after he separated from the expedition, she re-met Wen Jin in Golmud, and Wen Jin seemed to have undergone a big change at that time, the whole person looked very haggard, and seemed to be avoiding someone, she took Wen Jin to his house for one night, and on the same night, Wen Jin handed her the tape and asked her to keep it for her.”

“For more than a decade, there was no contact between them, until a few months ago, she suddenly received a letter from Wen Jin, asking her to send three tapes to three addresses, and told her to deliver the message if the recipient came to inquire.”

The third uncle said lightly.

Moreover, knowing that the documents were in Talmuda, the third uncle almost went crazy and immediately set off to find this oasis, because their car had a flat tire and had to progress relatively slowly in the last few days.

And the third uncle they surpassed the naïve at this time and entered the oasis, but they entered a different entrance than the naïve them.

After that, he marched through the rainforest, camped on the ruins, and that night the third uncle took people out to look for Chen Wenjin, and when he returned, all the rest were gone.

The third uncle knew that something had happened at this moment, and then when looking for Chen Wenjin, he found some clues about innocence, so he took people around to look around.

But along the way, he was constantly lured by those snakes, and finally found the quagmire, and then heard someone screaming under the mouth of the beast, ready to go to save people immediately, but unexpectedly, the sound was made by snakes.

There is no need to talk about what happened later, after listening, naivety was a little dumb, which was similar to what he imagined, when he first read the preface of Chen Wenjin’s notes, he felt that there must be a third uncle in it, and after confirmation, he couldn’t believe it.

If this is the case, the owner Dolma does not know anything deeper, she was found by Aning and rehired as a guide, which is also an accident, otherwise the location where she heard the message at that time should be her home.

That thread in the naïve mind became clearer and clearer, and some scattered fragments found their belongings and can now be spliced together.

The three people mentioned in Chen Wenjin’s notes are obviously naïve, little brother, and third uncle, who thought that Aning received the tape, but it was confirmed that it was given by the little brother, and the little brother cooperated with the third uncle this time and sent the tape to Aning, in order to let Aning use their energy to find the lord Zhuoma and start planning this operation.

All things and spearheads point to the purpose of Jude Kau’s action this time, and this time everyone is all a last-ditch effort and exhausted their minds.

Thinking about it, Innocence suddenly thought of something, so he asked the third uncle: “Third uncle, since you also received a message, shouldn’t you also have received a videotape?” ”

The third uncle looked up at Innocence, threw the cigarette butt into the bonfire, nodded and said, “Yes.”

Really! Thinking naively.

“This videotape should have been mailed to Hangzhou when we were in Jilin, and I piled up a bunch of things during my absence, mixed in it, I just went back and didn’t find it, and I saw it later when I sorted out the shop, it’s not that I deliberately hid from you.”

The third uncle looked at Innocence and said, with a little seriousness in his eyes.

Naively nodded, he really believed this, and at this time he impulsively asked the third uncle in his heart: “Third uncle, don’t you think this thing is very strange?” Sending it to you or to the little brother makes sense, but why did Aunt Wen Jin send it to me? When you were in love, I was still a little fart child, I really couldn’t figure it out, did this matter have something to do with me? ”

Moreover, there is also that terrifying content in the videotape, a terrifying person crawling on the ground, who looks exactly like him.

The third uncle observed the change in the expression on the innocent face, as if he wanted to see something, and finally sighed and said: “No, in fact, your Aunt Wen Jin sent you something, there is her reason.”

“For what reason?”

Under the light of the bonfire, the naïve exhaustion gradually eased, and the pain in the body struck again, whether it was flesh or muscles.

He may have felt very uncomfortable before, but now he doesn’t care about these discomforts at all, after all, he has experienced so many adventures for so long.

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