Innocence’s attention was all focused on the third uncle by the campfire, for so long, he wanted to know the secret of the third uncle.

And now it’s just getting into this and learning a lot from it.

The third uncle looked gloomy in the firelight, and she spat out a large puff of smoke before continuing: “Can you believe what I said?” ”

The third uncle looked naïve, naïve and silent, this is obviously impossible to believe, after all, the third uncle lied to him so many times.

Although he vowed in the hospital to absolutely believe him, he was naïve and broke his word.

The third uncle saw that Innocence was silent and did not speak, and the game between Innocence and the third uncle had entered an endless loop, in this case, any explanation by the third uncle was futile.

Naivety does not have the ability to peel back the cocoon.

The third uncle smiled and said: “If I want to lie to “two eight three” you, that is the reason why I have to lie to you, then it will inevitably lie until the last moment, I expected that I said that you don’t believe it, instead of wasting my strength, it’s better to wait for us to find her, you can ask yourself.”

Innocence let out a long sigh, and suddenly felt a great sense of distance from the uncle in front of him who was so close before, and suddenly couldn’t control and said, “Third uncle, I don’t want to do this, I also want to go back to our past, when you said one I would never say two, but ah, now I really can’t see through you, we can’t talk about it again?” You’ll let your eldest nephew.”

Seeing this, naïve began to morally kidnap his third uncle, and began to soften and grind hard bubbles with generation.

The third uncle lit another cigarette and said: “Big nephew, this is the last time, I am too tired, I promise this is the last time, really the last time.”

The wrinkles on the old face of the third uncle seemed to be more, and at this moment it seemed to become a lot older, and Naive felt that maybe he was really tired.

Then the uncle and nephew looked at each other and smiled, neither spoke, naïve did not understand, the third uncle did not want to say.

It causes the naïve heart to feel very uncomfortable, it is not a taste, I always feel that an irresolvable dead knot is blocked in the heart, and it is not hemp rope, it is a dead knot of steel bars.

After a while, the third uncle said again: “Actually, I have told you many times, the water in this matter is too deep, there are too many secrets involved, I don’t know what is going on, so your third uncle and I can actually understand your feelings.”

Naivety in his heart bandits his third uncle knows a fart, even if he knows less, he knows more than he does, share what’s wrong.

The third uncle is in the center of the matter, he is hovering on the edge of the matter, and he has not even found the door to enter.

Now, naively knows, no matter how much he says, it is a fart, there is no point, he has come this far anyway.

Looking at the dark pool, he simply came up with the simplest rogue way, that is, follow his third uncle, follow him, unless he is killed, he will definitely follow him to the end.

Innocence drank a few sips of chili soup to remove the moisture, and at this time the sprained place began to attack, and his brows couldn’t help but wrinkle, kneading while enduring the pain.

In order to divert his attention, he said: “By the way, Third Uncle, what is the content of the video tape that Aunt Wen Jin sent you?”

The third uncle stood up, let him get out of the way, took out a laptop from his luggage, and said: “I can’t describe it, just look at it yourself.”

Naivety must have wanted to see it in particular, but he couldn’t imagine that the third uncle would take it out so easily to show him this time, which was a little unbelievable.

The third uncle put the laptop on the backpack and opened it, it turned out that he transferred the contents of the videotape to the disk.

“I asked a little brother to convert the video into a file, it cost more than three hundred yuan, I watched it myself many times, I can’t see any clues, don’t get your hopes up and watch it.”

Saying that, the third uncle’s hand movements were not idle, he clicked on the document, and added: “This is also running out of power, you can see it quickly.”

Looking at the player that jumped out of the screen, thinking about the dangerous environment around me, I suddenly felt very strange, where are you now, you dare to be so presumptuous.

Sure enough, times have changed, the nature of exploration has changed, it is not surprising to do anything, and there is no one to read a notebook in such a place.

When the time comes to play a game next to the coffin?

The third uncle obviously didn’t want to look at it anymore, the computer was thrown to Innocence and walked away, while someone seemed to have found something and asked him to take a look.

The black blind man sat down like a crowd, as if he was preparing to watch a movie.

This makes people very uncomfortable and comfortable, Innocence glanced at the black blind man, but this guy didn’t care at all, he saw Innocence looking at him, he also looked at Innocence, and he was still smiling and watching…

Naive had no choice, so he could only helplessly ignore him, secretly probing what kind of person this was.

Habitually found a vigorous posture, clicked play, and began to concentrate.

After playing, it was dark at first, and then a very noisy sound came out of the speaker, very familiar and I couldn’t feel what it was, and after listening for a while, I realized that it was the sound of water.

The screen was already black, and he couldn’t see the slightest change in light and shadow, but the sound of water in the speaker undoubtedly told him that the content inside was playing, sandwiched by a few muffled thunders in the distance.

It can be imagined that when this video was filmed, it should be next to the turbulent water, or there may be a small-scale waterfall nearby, it may be that the lens cover is not opened, or the relationship between the canopy is covered, in short, it is dark and there is no picture.

It’s not so much a video as a recording.

The sound of water is continuous, flickering far and near, and you can tell that the camera is in motion.

After about 7 minutes of playing, I heard a sound other than the sound of water, which was the sound of several people gasping and stepping on stones, and the footsteps were too messy.

You can hear that they are walking very slowly, and you can hear that it is a few people staggering around.

The voices of these people only appeared for a moment and disappeared, followed by the sound of water.

Naivety was a little coerced, and the first tape was received when he was in Jilin, which was Huo Ling’s combing hair in the basement of the mysterious and weird sanatorium in Golmud Sanatorium.

The second tape was brought by Anin, and inside was a man who looked extremely similar to him, crawling through the lobby of the Golmud sanatorium.

I thought that the third tape should at least be the content of the Golmud sanatorium, but now it looks like it was filmed outdoors.

He immediately thought of the heavy rain when their team came, and there was a rushing stream in the jungle, could it be that this was the situation when Chen Wenjin and her sisters entered the canyon?

If the guess is correct, then this information is crucial.

Continue to listen, still the sound of water, flickering, the camera began to move again.

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