Naive felt very boring, but he was not in a hurry, because the previous two tapes were like this, which made him feel a little surprised that the black blind man watched it with relish.

After about 20 minutes, the sound of water gradually subsided, from the noisy majestic sound to the sound of splashing water on the stones from afar.

At this time, the gasps of several people appeared again, this time much clearer, and with a chirp.

It sounds like several people have found a place away from the water and it’s such an empty space.

The emperor did not pay off, after listening to it for so long, he finally heard a sentence in this videotape, it was a woman’s voice, sounding a little exhausted, panting and saying: “Where is this, are we going out now?” ”

I don’t know who this woman is talking to, there is no one around to answer her, only gasps and the clatter of things being put on the ground.

And the screen in front of the naïve is always black, which inevitably makes him a little depressed, this matter is confidential, unlike other videotapes, dare not fast forward, can only listen patiently and carefully.

After the woman finished speaking, there was a sigh and coughing for several minutes, and after the voice was almost the same, a man’s voice was heard, but he did not answer the woman, he said: “Is there still smoke?” ”

The voice is very far away, similar to the background sound, if you don’t listen carefully is not understood, the most interesting thing is that this person’s voice is a Hokkien accent, naïve and fortunate to have been to Minnan once, so it has the ability to recognize this accent.

No one answered this person, and I couldn’t tell if I wanted smoke or not, but then there was a sound of metal clashing from the video.

“I’m leaning, be careful!”

The man begging for a cigarette scolded.

After that, there was silence, the screen flickered a little, at this time the innocence looked very seriously, and listened attentively, it was hard to imagine how exciting it was to look at the notebook so intently in this environment.

At this time, the person with the camera returned to the vicinity of the rushing water, because the sound of the water became louder, or rather did not return, but went to another place where there was water.

But after a few minutes of recovery, the man who was begging for cigarettes just now spoke again: “Where should we go now?” ”

Still no one answered him, listening naively and feeling very unhappy, but everything was as usual, the progress bar slowly advanced, and the screen was always black.

Innocence still watched patiently, time passed little by little, suddenly felt that time passed slowly, Innocence gradually felt very irritable, so he wanted to move his hand to pull the entry bar back a little, but the black eyes next to him held his hand down.

Innocence is very strange in his heart, as if the black blind man has always been very strange, what did he think he did?

Suddenly, a more nervous voice came from the speaker, sounding like a northwesterner, the northwestern accent was particularly authentic, but at this time he seemed to be intimidated, and said: “Listen, it’s the voice of that thing, he’s coming!” ”

Then there was a commotion, followed by a dull low roar from the man with a Hokkien accent: “Don’t make a sound, stay on guard.”

Innocence thought that these people seemed to have undergone professional training, as soon as the voice fell, the entire darkness on the screen instantly fell silent, and everyone’s voices disappeared into the sound of water in the background.

After this silence, Naive heard that there was indeed a strange sound in the water, but it was mixed with the sound of water, and it was not clear at all.

At this time, interest came, naïve put his ear to the speaker, the strange sound seemed very familiar, he definitely heard it somewhere.

Sure enough, as expected, the voice came from far and near, and the innocence felt more and more familiar, listening to the naïve’s body began to shake, it was an involuntary shaking.

It was a sound enough to make her burst out of her pores, and he will never forget what it was.

It was the sound of the horn sounding in the depths of the underground canyon before the little brother entered the bronze gate!

This sound made Innocence numb again, and he suppressed his excitement, thinking that this could never be wrong, this was the sound, the sound of the horn before the bronze door opened.

“That bronze door again, what exactly is behind the bronze door?”

“Shh, be patient, don’t bother.”

There was an uproar in the live broadcast room, and Qingfeng and others in the program group were more serious, because of this matter, the higher the social status, the higher the level of the people are closer, so they want to know more than ordinary people.

The strange experience at that time, only he and the fat man saw it with their own eyes, enough to make him unforgettable for life, and now I think about it is still vivid, although I have not studied music, but after listening to it a few times, I am more convinced.

The previous two tapes were weird enough, and he had been mentally prepared for the vaccination, plus he had experienced so many things to make his psychological endurance stronger, and his nerves could cope with stimulation.

I pressed pause, took a deep breath, fixed my mind, and calmed myself down as much as possible, but my heart was also a long sigh of horror.

“Did Chen Wenjin and them take this tape at the place of the bronze giant gate at the bottom of Changbai Mountain?”

“Most likely it is, maybe even behind the bronze door.”

The people in the live broadcast room couldn’t help but discuss two more sentences.

With these few words, naïve can imagine the scene and situation at that time, this horn sounded, those horse-faced monsters will inevitably appear, the people of this video tape are very shy about this thing, and immediately turn on the function of blocking sound.

And, listening to the content, what is called again, that is, more than once.

Innocence feels very magical, this is another fragment of clues, from this it seems that what he encountered with the fat man was not a special case, and it was definitely not an illusion at that time.

But where should this puzzle piece be stitched together?

Innocence clicked on the play, continued to listen, the sound of the horn began to subside, and the sound of water in the horn was full.

After what happened just now, Innocence listened more seriously, and he was looking forward to what would happen next.

However, it is still all the sound of water, and the progress bar has advanced to the tail, just like the end of the TV series, there may be no nutritional content behind.

Until the end, as expected, the screen has been pitch black, just like the third uncle said, I can’t see anything at all.

Naivety decided to listen to it again to see if there were any missing clues, even if there was only a hint, but in the end nothing was found.

Naivety felt that the character of the third uncle must have studied quite carefully, and he said that if not, there would definitely be no.

Close the notebook and naively start rubbing your temples, trying to find clues from the video may not work, you can only save this puzzle piece first, and later see which one can quickly put it together in the docking.

When Chen Wenjin mailed these tapes again, he probably didn’t think about what would happen to the person who saw the tapes, maybe the content on these tapes didn’t matter.

The black blind man on the side looked at him and smiled helplessly, patted him on the shoulder, got up and sat on the opposite side.

There was already a sound of snoring all around, and it was clear that someone was asleep, and it was nice to get a good night’s sleep in this place.

The bonfire in front of you, whether it is temperature or light, makes people feel very relaxed, especially the snoring makes people feel as if the surroundings are not so dangerous.

The previous long journey was really tiring, so many days of danger made the spirit jealousy tense, and now the scene in front of me is unaccustomed to for a while.

He was originally very sleepy, but he was moved by this videotape, he knew that this time was very rare, and he had to force himself to rest well and recharge his strength in order to better face the possible crisis in the future.

But at this moment, naïve found that his brain was not controlled at all, and at this time the third uncle walked back with a head full of sludge.

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