Tang Yin didn't understand Qiu Zhen's meaning, but seeing that he didn't mean to go on, he stopped asking questions.

He turned his words and said to the commanders of the regiment under his command: "in any case, this victory is not enough to deter the barbarians, nor can it prevent the barbarians from continuing to invade in the future. Therefore, the conscription must continue, and the training must still persist!"

"Yes, my Lord!" Bai Yong, Juno, Guyue and Li Wei all got up and should be.

Tang Yin was silent for a moment and turned to ask Qiu Zhen, "with the current situation of Pingyuan County, is it possible to continue to increase the Corps?"

"Well..." Qiu Zhen thought carefully, shook his head and said, "I'm afraid not. The establishment of five regiments in one county has been regarded as a pioneer in the wind country. If a new regiment is added, I'm afraid the king's court will not approve it. If it doesn't work well, it will also suspect the adult's motivation. After all, big trees attract wind!"

Tang Yin nodded. Qiu Zhen's concern was also justified. His eyes turned, he smiled faintly and said, "there is no need to add a new Corps, but we can expand the establishment! A corps can be expanded to 15000 or 20000 people. In this way, it is equivalent to adding a new Corps."

Qiu Zhen didn't expect Tang Yin to come up with such an idea. He was stunned. Then he smiled and said, "although your idea is good, the military pay and materials are a problem! Now the county only gives us the military pay, food and materials of five Corps. If you expand the establishment, the military pay, food and materials will be insufficient."

Tang Yin has taken this into account. He said: "it is understandable that Pingyuan County consumes too much military funds because we often fight with barbarians. We can ask the county for more military funds and salaries. In addition, we can also rely on the tax revenue of the county to support the army. Of course, the premise is to increase the tax revenue of the county first."

Speaking, he looked at Shangguan Yuanji and engaged in internal affairs. Shangguan Yuanji was the main executor. Naturally, he had to ask Shangguan Yuanji if he could raise taxes.

The latter naturally understood that Tang Yin was asking himself. He looked straight and said, "adults should increase their troops and ensure the long-term stability of Pingyuan county. Even if I dig three feet, Shangguan Yuanji will make money to help adults. Of course, some policies still need adults' approval!" As he spoke, he took out a folded document from his sleeve and handed it to Tang Yin.

Tang Yin looked at Shangguan Yuanji in surprise and then looked at the official document in his hand. He couldn't help shaking his head and laughing. It turned out that Shangguan Yuanji had been prepared! He unfolded the official document and looked closely. The first item above is to vigorously support agriculture and reward farmers. If they cultivate well and hand in more grain, they can also get a junior title.

Seeing that Tang Yin was serious, Shangguan Yuanji came forward, Explained: "Many people in Pingyuan county have fled to take refuge in barren mountains and wild forests after years of war. Agricultural land has been left uncultivated for many years. Grain production is the top priority in revitalizing Pingyuan county and is also the basis for supporting adults' Army expansion. Therefore, farming should be restored first. Reward the people who have taken refuge to return to their homes and inspire the people's enthusiasm for farming with titles. Only in this way can the agricultural production in Pingyuan county be restored In a short time. "

Tang Yin nodded his head while listening. As the saying goes, when soldiers and horses are not moving and food and grass are moving forward, the army cannot be without food for a day. Food is very important to the army. There can even be no military pay, but there can be no military food.

He thought for a moment and then said, "this can be implemented!"

Shangguan Yuanji continued: "Second, revitalize commerce. For a long time, Pingyuan county has been suffering from internal and external troubles, and the commerce is in a state of stagnation. The materials in the county can not be sold, and the materials outside can not be sold recently. This is also the main factor causing poverty in Pingyuan county. In order to attract businessmen to enter Pingyuan County, we must first have a stable and peaceful environment. Now the barbarians have been defeated, the banditry in the county has been eliminated, and there is no problem with the environment. Secondly, we must reduce it Free of business tax, as long as it is profitable, businessmen will naturally come enthusiastically. Only the influx of businessmen can bring the long lost prosperity of Pingyuan county. "

with reason! Tang Yin nodded and said, "this one is also approved!"

Seeing that Shangguan Yuanji had to continue to explain, while the others were absent-minded in their chairs, Tang Yin waved his hand, temporarily interrupted Shangguan Yuanji and said to the people, "if you have no other military affairs to discuss, go back and have a rest first!"

"Yes! My Lord! My subordinates leave!" They were all generals in the army and didn't pay attention to government affairs. They were relieved to hear Tang Yin say they could leave. Only Qiu Zhen stayed and didn't leave. It's not because he cares about government affairs, but because he hasn't finished what he just said.

After everyone left, Tang Yin smiled at Shangguan Yuanji and said, "Yuanji, continue talking!"

Shangguan Yuanji nodded, say: "Third, promote talents regardless of style. According to the calendar of Fengguo, regardless of military and political affairs, its officials need to have titles before holding official positions. In this way, it is equivalent to excluding these talents without titles, and ordinary people are difficult to have titles. Therefore, the official positions have been occupied by those nobles for a long time. Adults should break this boundary and promote talents should not exist Prejudice and equal treatment. "

"Yes!" Tang Yin has a deep understanding of this, and he has no family prejudice. The nobility and the common people are the same in his eyes. On the contrary, he feels that the ordinary people are more simple than the nobility.

At this time, Qiu Zhen chimed in: "if you don't need a title to promote talents and appoint officials, then the first point is that it's meaningless to reward outstanding farmers with a title."

Shangguan Yuanji smiled leisurely and said, "Lord Qiu is talking about the fourth thing I want to say. Take the title as the culprit! Sir, we wind people are straightforward and tough, easy to win. Private fights often happen. There are many people in prison for private fights. However, if you have a title, you can offset the responsibility for the crime, so as to encourage people to fight for the title."

Tang Yin frowned. He had no objection to the first three articles of Shangguan Yuanji, but he couldn't agree with the fourth article. Guilt is sin. How can you offset it with the title? Of course, the modern idea of equality for all cannot be used to regulate the people of this era, but Tang Yin still felt uncomfortable.

Seeing Tang Yin's dissatisfaction, Shangguan Yuanji sighed and said, "this one is actually only a temporary surname. Its purpose is to stimulate people to work hard to cultivate, strive for the title and win a 'death free gold medal' for themselves. When everything in Pingyuan county returns to prosperity in the future, this one will naturally become invalid."

Tang Yin pondered for a moment, nodded and promised, "OK! This one can also be approved!"

"Thank you, my Lord!" Shangguan Yuanji thanked him and continued: "Article 5: attract people from other cities and counties to move to Pingyuan County..."

Shangguan Yuanji talked and Tang Yin listened. The former talked endlessly, while the latter listened with interest. After Shangguan Yuanji explained all the 20 contents of the official document, it had been a full hour and a half.

Finally, after understanding all the contents, Tang Yin breathed a sigh. He looked tired. He didn't know how much thought Shangguan Yuanji had to spend in writing.

He smiled gratefully at Shangguan Yuanji and said, "Yuanji, you've worked hard. I agree with all these 20 contents. Just let go!"

Shangguan Yuanji stood up, saluted Tang Yin respectfully and said, "humble position, obey!"

Talented people are rare, and those who know how to appreciate and trust him are even more rare. After Shangguan Yuanji joined Tang Yin, it can be said that his talent in internal affairs has been brought into full play, which has also laid a solid foundation for the rapid rise of Pingyuan county.

It's my turn! After Shangguan Yuanji finished speaking, Tang Yin and he spoke together, and Qiu Zhen on the side also spoke.

Before Tang Yin said hello, he took out the map of Fengguo and spread it on the table.

Tang Yin looked at Qiu Zhen puzzled. He didn't know why he was crazy.

Qiu Zhen looked at Tang Yin and the map and asked, "Sir, if there is an accident at Tongmen and the capital has changed, how do you think we should protect ourselves?"

Tang Yin raised her eyebrows and asked suspiciously, "you think Ningguo will not keep its promise and raise troops again!"

"Everything is possible. There is nothing wrong with taking precautions against unburned."

Tang Yin got up, went to the table, looked at the map and shook his head slowly. The terrain of Pingyuan county is poor, surrounded by plains, and there is no danger to be the first. If there is an enemy attacking from the inside, it can't resist at all. He said with a wry smile, "if Ning Bing can really drive straight in and hit us, we have to fight to the death."

Qiu Zhen shook his head and said, "otherwise, sir, there is a natural danger, but it is difficult to isolate the enemy soldiers from the outside and step into our county!"

"Oh?" Is there such a natural danger in Pingyuan county? Tang Yin lowered his head and looked at the map carefully. After looking for it for a long time, he didn't find the natural danger Qiu Zhen said. He asked suspiciously, "where is it?"


Qiu Zhen pointed across Pingyuan County until he reached Tianguan.

Tang Yin and Shangguan Yuanji looked at it, and their faces changed slightly.

Tianyuan pass is the entrance of Tianyuan county. To the north of the pass, it is the territory of Tianyuan county. When Tang Yin took office in Pingyuan County, he also passed Tianguan. At that time, he felt that the terrain of Tianguan fortress was unique, even better than Tongmen. However, Tianguan is located in the territory of Fengguo, which has no strategic significance.

Tianguan is not under the jurisdiction of Pingyuan County, but directly under Tianyuan county. Tang Yin is only the county guard of Pingyuan county. How can he manage Tianguan?

Qiu Zhen naturally understood the confusion of Tang Yin and Shangguan Yuanji. He looked around, lowered his voice and asked, "are adults only satisfied with being the head of a county?"

Tang Yin immediately narrowed her eyes when she heard the speech.

Qiu zhense said: "the adult's goal is not only to be external, but also to be internal. Internally, the goal is the first post of Tianyuan County!" After a pause, he said again: "Yu He, the head of the county, is just a greedy and useless person. Adults should prepare early and replace him. If we control the whole Tianyuan County, we can use Tianguan as a barrier. Whether it is the Ning army or the king's court that is bad for adults, we can wait without fear!"

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