After Qiu Zhen finished, Tang Yin and Shangguan Yuanji were speechless for a long time. I don't know whether Qiu Zhen is ambitious or brave. He asked Tang Yin to bring Yu He down and replace him as the head of Tianyuan county.

After a long silence, Tang Yin returned to his senses, shook his head and smiled and said, "the head of the county, is it that I can bring it down if I want to..."

Before he finished, Qiu Zhen interrupted, "in fact, it's not difficult. Adults just need to wait for an opportunity!"

"What kind of time?"

Qiu Zhen's mouth moved and didn't go on. The conversation turned and said: "no matter what time, if adults want to sit in the position of county head, they must have a strong and large-scale army in their hands. Therefore, it is an urgent matter for adults to expand their army."

"Yes!" Tang Yin nodded. He wanted to expand his army in response to the invasion of barbarian States, while Qiu Zhen supported his army expansion for the sake of his own country. He had the same idea, but the purpose was the opposite. After a pause, he asked Shangguan Yuanji, "Yuanji, with the current situation of our county, how many troops can we maintain at most?"

Shangguan Yuanji thought for a moment and said, "between 80000 and 100000."

"Well, let's expand the army to 80000 first!" Tang Yin said to Qiu Zhen, "convey my meaning to the heads of the troops and let them seize the time and do their best to recruit new troops!"

"Yes, my Lord!"

"In addition, write an official document for Yu He, report the good news first, and then ask for food, pay and materials to supplement the reserves in the county!"

"I see!"

"Yuanji, please prepare a generous gift for me, send it to BAGUAN and give it to general yingbu. We can't let others help in vain."

Shangguan Yuanji smiled and said, "my Lord, my subordinates have explained this."

"Very good!" Tang Yin nodded with a smile. Shangguan Yuanji was considerate and always didn't need his heart.

Qiu Zhen and Shangguan Yuanji both left after they had explained everything that should be explained.

After they left, Tang Yin went to visit Jiang Mo and Jiaxi.

During the battle in the border town, Jiang Mo and Jiaxi were both injured, but the former suffered internal injuries and was seriously injured, while the latter was just a skin injury, which was nothing serious. Now both Jiang and Jia live in the guest room of the county guard house. The room is not small. One bed is placed on the left and one on the right. Besides Jiang Mo and Jiaxi, there are Cheng Jin and Aoqing in the room.

Seeing Tang Yin coming, the four were stunned at first, and then hurriedly got up to salute. Jiang Mo, who was lying in bed, also wanted to get up. Tang Yin rushed forward, pressed his shoulder, shook his head and said, "take good care of your injury, don't be polite!"

As he spoke, he looked at Jiang Mo carefully. There was no obvious trauma on the latter, but his internal organs were damaged by the heavy blow of the barbarian general. His face was pale and his body was weak. Even the dark spiritual cultivator needed a period of careful recuperation. Another view of Jiaxi, the latter's trauma has been repaired by dark aura and recovered as before.

In the first battle of the border town, Jiang Mo and Jiaxi showed their bravery. Especially the former, at the critical moment, would rather die than retreat. They fought with their surname and killed the siege weapons of barbarians, winning time for their own reinforcements.

Tang Yin silently considers what kind of reward Jiang Mo should be given. If he is a general in the army, he can be directly promoted to the rank. But Jiang Mo has just joined his command, and he has no position in the army, and there is no vacancy for him to fill in the current five Corps.

He hung his head in contemplation and remained silent for a long time.

Cheng Jin, Aoqing, Jiang Mo and Jiaxi don't know what he is thinking. Jiang Mo, in particular, is uneasy. The four of them have just taken refuge in Tang Yin. After a battle, others are safe. Only they are seriously injured. Will Tang Yin doubt his strength and give up himself?

At the thought of this, Jiang Mo was worried, his upper body stood up and said, "Sir, this time is the carelessness of his subordinates. He was hurt by barbarians. Next time..."

"Ha ha!" Tang Yin interrupted Jiang Mo with a smile, patted him on the shoulder and said, "I don't mean to blame you. On the contrary, I think you have made great contributions to fighting back the enemy, so I'm considering what kind of reward to give you." After a pause, he looked at Cheng Jin, Aoqing and Jiaxi. His mind turned rapidly. Dark spiritual practitioners had irreplaceable advantages over bright spiritual practitioners. Therefore, dark spiritual practitioners were very rare. He had to firmly draw them close to him. Thinking about it, he moved his mind and said, "I have an idea. I don't know if you think it's appropriate!"

The four looked at each other and said in unison, "Your Excellency, please speak!"

"What do you think of the four of you, who are not incorporated into the army for the time being, but form a department of your own, specializing in internal and external intelligence, assassination and assisting the wind army in combat?"

Having practical things to do is much better than not having any title, which also makes the hearts of the four more secure. Without much thought, they replied with one voice, "we listen to adults!"

Cheng Jin's eyes turned and then asked, "then... Sir, who will we listen to in the future?"

"Just listen to me!"

When the four heard the speech, they were very happy. They unconsciously smiled on their faces. Directly listening to Tang Yin's transfer was tantamount to Tang Yin's direct subordinates, who were not controlled by others, let alone excluded by the spiritual practitioners of the Guangming department. Cheng Jin asked again, "Sir, what's our name?"

"Call..." Tang Yin didn't know what to call them. He paused for a moment and said casually: "call it dark arrow! Dark means that you cultivate the spirit of dark, arrow, and hope you can be like a flying arrow, kill the enemy thousands of miles away!"

The spirit of the four people was shocked and said in unison, "thank you for your name!"

Tang Yin smiled and said, "Cheng Jin, you are the captain of the hidden arrow for the time being, and Jiang Mo is the vice captain. If there are any spiritual practitioners of the dark system to turn to the dark arrow in the future, they will be incorporated into the hidden arrow. What do you think?"

"No problem, my Lord!" Cheng Jin and Jiang Mo serve as the team leader and vice captain. Ao Qing and Jiaxi have no opinion. In addition, they have to incorporate all the dark spiritual practitioners who will come to invest in the future into the hidden arrow. This is definitely a good thing. Cheng Jin, in particular, was appointed captain by Tang Yin. After his ambition, he immediately made up his mind to attract more dark spiritual practitioners into the dark arrow and make it strong and self-contained.

Jiang Mo is naturally very excited. Instead of being blamed by Tang Yin for his injury, he also got the post of vice captain. It's a blessing in disguise.

At this time, on the contrary, Jiaxi asked in a low voice with an embarrassed face: "Sir, what is our salary..." he asked directly, but it was also very practical. After all, no one would be willing to do white work for others, and he was still a white work through life and death.

Tang Yin didn't blame him for his outspoken, leisurely and smiling. He didn't even think about it. He said, "in terms of the treatment of the Corps, the captain's pay, the Deputy captain's pay, and the team members all receive the pay of the commander!"

In fact, the higher the treatment given to Tang Yin, the better the treatment he can get, but it doesn't mean that he cares about how much respect he can get.

After hearing this, Jiaxi was relieved, beaming, and hurriedly stepped in and said, "thank you, sir!"

Tang Yin nodded, looked around the four and said, "you have a good rest. If you have anything, just come to me!"

"Yes, my Lord!"

At this time, Tang Yin didn't pay much attention to the hidden arrow formed by his surname at that time. Its purpose was to win over the dark spiritual practitioners who came to join him, but what he didn't expect was that in the future, the hidden arrow really became an invisible sharp arrow in his hand, which was frightening both internally and externally.

In the first war of the border city, the wind army defeated the barbarians, and the whole Pingyuan county was in a festive mood. The people joined the army became very enthusiastic. On the first day of the recruitment alone, more than 20000 people came to sign up, including the people of Pingyuan county and the residents of other cities and counties. This situation surprised Tang Yin and his generals.

The heads of the troops became busy because of the recruitment of new soldiers. Tang Yin was not idle. He went to Guyue and passed on the ground rolling knife method he had learned to the latter, and asked Guyue to teach it to the whole army, so as to break the heavy Armored Cavalry of barbarians.

It's hard to master the ground rolling Sabre technique, but it's easy to get started. Tang Yin turned complexity into simplicity and taught only simple and practical moves.

The ancient Yue was very clever and knew everything at once. In a few days, he practiced the knife technique handed down by Tang Yin, and then applied it to the training of the whole army. In his opinion, this is not only effective in breaking the heavy Armored Cavalry of barbarians, but also effective in close combat and saving lives in danger.

During the training, the barbarian armor and horses captured in the border city during World War I were put to use. The soldiers with strong bodies were dressed up as barbarians and heavy Armored Cavalry, and then fought with the wind army. Such practical training made the wind army more proficient and flexible in mastering the ground rolling blade technique, and it was easy to find more weaknesses of the heavy Armored Cavalry at the same time.

That day, Rakuten and Aijia both came to Tang Yin and brought a skinny middle-aged man.

After seeing Tang Yin, Lotte took out a drawing, spread it on the table and said, "Sir, this is the manbang map redrawn by Aijia and I!"

Hearing this, Tang Yin immediately became interested, came forward and looked down.

This map as like as two peas, which he had seen before, was just the same as the sheepskin map, but the annotations on it were all used in wind.

Tang Yin looked and asked, "this is really the map of besa city-state?"

"Yes, my Lord!"

Lotte replied, "I've asked someone to translate them all."

"Who did you find to translate?" Tang Yin asked casually.

"He!" Lotte pointed to the middle-aged man he brought.

Tang Yin was stunned, looked up, followed Lotte's fingers and looked at the middle-aged man. This man should be in his early 40s, but his skin is dark, his body is thin, his face is full of wrinkles, and he looks like he is in his fifties. His clothes are worn-out, and his shoes have holes. Obviously, this man's life is not easy.

"You are..."

Tang Yin just opened his mouth. The middle-aged man trembled and quickly knelt down to salute. He stammered, "villain Zhang Xuan, see you!"

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