"OK, let someone wait outside the door. I'll go out now!" Tang Yin also wants to know how many materials he has plundered this time.

"Yes, my Lord!" Tang Zhong answered and turned to walk out.

When he left, Tang Yin picked up an outer cloak, put it on his body, smiled at fan min and said, "Xiaomin, please go with me!"

"Good!" Fan min didn't think about it and agreed immediately. Even if Tang Yin didn't invite her, she also wanted to take the initiative to follow her. Of course, she didn't want to see those manbang materials, but mainly wanted to be with Tang Yin.

The military Treasury is located in the northeast of Hengcheng, not far from the barracks. Most of the armaments, food, grass and equipment of the plain army are stored here. It is naturally well guarded and heavily guarded.

When Tang Yin and fan min arrive, Qiu Zhen and Xiao MuQing are waiting in the courtyard. When they see Tang Yin coming, they quickly step forward, salute deeply and say, "my Lord!" Then Xiao MuQing said politely to fan min, "Miss Fan min."

Xiao MuQing is very smart. Although he doesn't know the exact relationship between fan min and Tang Yin, fan min lives in Tang Yin's home. He wants to make friends with them. Moreover, fan Min has a strong family background, so he doesn't dare to be too rude.

Tang Yin nodded at them and asked, "have you sorted out all the booty?"

"Yes, my Lord!" Qiu Zhen submitted the account book to Tang Yin for review.

The latter took over and looked at it slightly, which recorded the detailed details and quantity of the plundered materials. After watching for a while, Tang Yin raised her head and said, "go inside and have a look!"

At this time, various materials have been sorted and stacked neatly in the military Treasury.

He opened a small box, which was full of copper coins from the city of besa. Tang Yin grabbed a handful and said, "these things can only be melted away."

Qiu Zhen shook his head and said, "Sir, if we don't need money urgently now, I think these silver and copper coins should be left for the time being."

"Why?" Tang Yin asked suspiciously, "what's the use of staying?"

"I don't know now, but we can't fight with manbang all our life. Maybe we can use these things in the future." Qiu Zhen said gently.

Tang Yin didn't think so, but he didn't insist. He still attached great importance to Qiu Zhen's opinions. What Qiu Zhen said has a certain reason. He shrugged and said, "whatever you want!"

"Ha ha!" Qiu Zhen smiled, but Xiao MuQing on one side was ridiculous. Tang Yin and Qiu Zhen have a deep relationship, which can be seen from their words and behaviors. Although his self-confidence is above Qiu Zhen, it is not easy to replace him.

Tang Yin inspected the weapons and armor again. Finally, he stopped in front of the ornaments of the city of besa.

The ornaments of the city of besa are mostly made of copper or silver, with different shapes and strange patterns, but they look very exquisite, all of which have been carefully carved by craftsmen.

Tang Yin picked up a wine cup and turned to ask fan min, "Xiaomin, is it possible to sell these manbang things?" For manbang, the wind people hate and fear. Naturally, manbang's things are not pleasant. He doesn't know whether he can sell them or not.

Fan min is gifted and intelligent. He was born in a merchant family. He was influenced by everything. Naturally, he has a merchant's mind and vision.

She took the wine cup in Tang Yin's hand, looked over and over, and then smiled. She returned the wine cup to Tang Yin and said, "this kind of thing can't be sold in Pingyuan County, and no one dares to buy and use it. However, if you get Yancheng, those dignitaries and dignitaries will spend a lot of money to buy it."

"Oh?" Tang Yin's eyes brightened when he heard the speech. Qiu Zhen and Xiao MuQing also came to the spirit. They looked at fan min without blinking.

Fan min explained with a smile: "The rarity of things is the most precious thing! Barbarian things are very rare, and the dignitaries and nobles like scarce things. They can show their identity when they buy them back at home. In addition, barbarian countries are tough. The rich and noble people in the capital have a vague sense of worship for barbarian countries, and it's a very glorious thing to get barbarian spoils. It's enough for them to show off everywhere. Therefore, these things are flat The original county is worthless, but if it is transported to Yancheng or other vassal states, it will certainly sell well. "

oh dear! After hearing this, the people around couldn't help but look at fan min with new eyes. Of course, Tang Yin was also included. Sure enough, he is the child of a large merchant family. He has unique vision, smart mind and well-organized analysis. He is a natural businessman.

Qiu Zhen asked again, "can the barbarian's slaves be sold at a good price when they are brought to Yancheng?"

"Of course!" Fan Min said with certainty, "we can sell almost twice or three times the price of normal slaves."

Tang Yin was very happy when he heard the speech and said, "Xiaomin, these manbang ornaments are troublesome for people to find someone to transport to Yancheng. They can be sold if they can't be sold. Don't force them. At least they can be changed into copper and silver after melting."

Fan min shook her head and smiled. She said confidently, "it won't be like that. You should believe my eyes."

Tang Yin looked at fan min and her heart moved. When it comes to business, fan min immediately changed from a little woman to a shrewd businessman, more charming and radiant. Such a woman will be moved by anyone, and Tang Yin is no exception.

The materials seized from the beast king city made the plain army reap a lot. The refined steel refined from weapons and armor alone filled the shortage of the army depot, so that the recruits of the plain army took brand-new weapons and brought back those grain and grass into the granary of the plain army.

As for manbang's ornaments, fan min asked the servants of the fan family to transport them to Yancheng for sale. The effect was surprisingly good. Manbang's booty was very popular in Yancheng. Not only princes and dignitaries competed to buy them, but also businessmen from other Vassal States spent a lot of money to buy them and take them back to their own country for sale.

Five cases of manbang ornaments were sold out on the third day after they arrived in Yancheng, which was unexpected to everyone. Five boxes of booty were enough to exchange 200000 liang of silver, which made the silver Treasury in Pingyuan county more abundant.

The weapons, armor and grain of the barbarians can be used for their own use, and the accessories and slaves of the barbarians can be exchanged for a large amount of money. Tang Yin finally realized the strong way of plundering, and stepped up the sneak attack on the towns of the barbarians.

Over the past few days, relying on the mobility of Mozambique's war horses, the plain army has repeatedly invaded besa territory, drove straight in, and sneaked into besa's towns and villages everywhere. The more booty it gets, the stronger the plain army is, and the greater the amount of military horses it buys, which makes the plunder more frequent.

This is a good surname cycle for the plain army, which not only gets a lot of materials and money, but also allows the army to be trained in continuous wars, and greatly reduces the people's fear of barbarians in plain county. For the city of besa, this is undoubtedly a bad surname cycle and a nightmare.

Bessa city states have always attacked and plundered neighboring countries. When have they been bullied by other countries.

For the frequent invasion of the plain army, besa city-state also sent heavy troops to intercept, but at this time, the intelligence organization led by Lotte played a role and accurately reported the movement of barbarians to Tang Yin. Tang Yin immediately changed the attack route, avoided the heavy soldiers of barbarians and continued to attack the cities and towns of barbarians.

When the interception failed, besa retreated and asked for the second place. He set up a heavy ambush in some cities and towns. He only waited for the wind army to attack, surrounded and annihilated. At this time, the intelligence organization led by Aijia played a role and sent back the information of manbang cities and towns at the first time, so that Tang Yin could clearly understand the reality of the other party.

It can be said that Lotte and Aijia, the two intelligence departments, played a vital role in the smooth invasion of the plain army, and also allowed the plain army cavalry to cross the besa territory, unimpeded, come and go freely, just like entering a no man's land.

The transformation of the plain army from passivity to initiative has once again confirmed the saying that "the best defense is attack". Besa city-state is busy coping with the invasion of the plain army, but the disturbance to the territory of the wind country has disappeared. The continuous war has not made the plain county depressed, but has become more secure. The whole county is gradually prosperous, even the previously unpopular border city, Now there are residents and businesses.

At the beginning, Tang Yin also personally participated in the sneak attack, but after several times, he felt that the war was very easy, so he no longer accompanied the army, but assigned the leaders of five corps to take turns.

His principle is to attack, attack and attack again, and force the opponent to make mistakes with continuous attack, so as to make his own side seize the opportunity and get more benefits.

The plain army has 80000 people, which can be regarded as the county with the most troops in Tianyuan county and even the whole Fengguo. In the continuous battle against besa, almost everyone in the plain army has the opportunity to fight. Soldiers are generally trained and have strong combat effectiveness, even compared with the Corps directly under the Yancheng King's court.

The plain army is also the most loyal and most effective ace army to Tang Yin in the future.

At the same time, they plundered the booty from besa and asked the king's court for merit and reward. Coupled with the local tax revenue of Pingyuan County, the County Treasury has become richer and richer. The accumulated grain and grass, let alone supporting 80000 troops, can support even 100000 people.

This period of time should be regarded as the most relaxed and comfortable time for Tang Yin in Pingyuan county. Life is far less tense and there are not many affairs. The whole person is free and has more exchanges with his generals.

In the past, Pingyuan county had many difficulties. Tang Yin was busy all day and couldn't chat with his men except for official business. But now it's different. He can take time to go hunting, play, eat and drink with people.

On the battlefield, fighting side by side can cultivate brotherly feelings, as can drinking. With the increase of exchanges between Tang Yin and his generals, the relationship between them has become closer, and even can be called brothers in private.

On that day, Tang Yin, Qiu Zhen, Xiao MuQing, Zhang Zhou and other military commanders went out hunting.

Tang Yin was not good at the arrow technique, but he was also good. He had a good harvest in the morning. They took their game back to the largest restaurant in Hengcheng for dinner.

The restaurant is called Jubin building, which is opened by fan min. Tang Yin and they are regular customers. In addition, the identity of the people is different from that of ordinary people and has the relationship of fan min. The waiter naturally warmly greets them.

Hand over all the game to the waiter, and then everyone takes their seats in the box on the second floor.

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