Jubin building is not only large-scale, well located, the chef's skill is good, but also the gold lettered signboard of the fan family. Business is very prosperous and people come and go in an endless stream.

Every time they came, Qiu Zhen and others couldn't help sighing.

Shangguan yuanbiao grabbed his chest and jokingly said, "we work hard on the battlefield. A month's salary may not be as much as other people's restaurants earn a day!"

Tang Yin smiled without saying anything. During this time, his relationship with fan Min has increased day by day, but he has never asked about the business of the fan family. He really doesn't know how much he earns every month when fan min opens so many shops in Pingyuan county.

Shangguan Yuanwu glanced at his brother and said, "don't join the army, just stay in the city and do business!"

Shangguan yuanbiao shook his head like a rattle and said repeatedly, "that's not good. I still think it's interesting to March and fight."

Yuan Wu and Yuan Biao are twin brothers. They look the same, but their surnames are very different. The former is stable, while the latter is impulsive.

It didn't take long. The waiter delivered the wine and vegetables one by one. After cooking, the delicious dishes, such as wild chicken and wild rabbit, are made by the chefs. After cooking, they become delicious dishes.

As they ate and drank, they talked more and more, from hunting to fighting barbarians, from wine and vegetables to the local conditions and customs of various feudal countries.

Tang Yin didn't talk much, but he listened carefully. He also wanted to know more about the current situation of Haotian empire.

When it comes to the countries around Fengguo, we have to talk about Ning and Mozambique.

Ningguo is a long-standing enemy of Fengguo. There is too much resentment. Speaking of Ningguo, everyone agrees that although peace is maintained now, there will be a big war one day. Xiao MuQing believes that the country of Mo should be attacked before the war against Ning. The country of Mo is powerful. In the south of the country of Feng, the tiger is slow and does not calm the country of Mo first. The country of Feng has a lot of worries behind it. However, Qiu Zhen, contrary to his opinion, believes that although the country of Mo is strong, it is not that the soldiers of the country of Mo are not strong, but that the dignitaries in power of the country of Mo are indecisive and capricious, Even when Ning attacked Tongmen on a large scale, Mo only hoarded troops on the Fengmo border and did not dare to send troops to the war.

Of course, they just talk about it casually. At present, they are not able to control the overall situation.

While the people were chatting, the piano came from outside the box. The melody was beautiful and very beautiful.

When they heard the sound, they were all in high spirits. Zhang Zhou said with a smile, "Sir, how about inviting the piano players outside to play a solo for us recently?"

Before Tang Yin spoke, the crowd nodded in response. Qiu Zhen also said with a smile: "it's a beautiful thing to listen to the piano while drinking."

Tang Yin had no opinion. He raised his head and said, "OK, call the waiter to come recently."

Zhang Zhou promised, got up, opened the door, called the waiter, took a silver or two from his pocket, handed it to the waiter, and said, "let the gentleman playing the piano outside play some music for us recently."

The waiter took the silver and said hello.

They waited in the box for a long time. Without waiting for the piano player, the waiter walked in with embarrassment. With a dry smile on his face, he bowed to the crowd, smiled and said, "I'm really sorry, adults. The guests in the box next door invited the violinist away first. Adults have to wait a moment."

Since someone came first, it was hard for them to say anything, but after waiting for a while, Zhang Zhou was impatient and called the waiter again and asked, "why haven't you come yet?"

"The guests in the private room next door are generous, so..." the waiter rubbed his hands and explained.

Zhang Zhou frowned and asked, "how much do they offer? I'll add two or two more."

The waiter whispered in embarrassment, "the guest over there gave ten liang of silver."

Zhang Zhou almost vomited blood when he heard the speech. He just listened to a song and paid ten Liang silver. Who are the people next door? As a military commander, his salary was not small, but he was reluctant to take out ten liang of silver at once. He took a deep breath and slowly sat back in his chair.

Seeing this, Tang Yin raised her head and said slowly to the waiter, "let's give twenty Liang. You go and bring people here."

"Ah?" The waiter was also a little silly. He asked for twenty liang of silver to listen to the song. He had never seen or heard of it. He was stunned for a moment before he came back to his mind. He looked down in a daze and said, "OK... OK, sir, I'll go now!"

After the waiter left, Tang Yin looked at Zhang Zhou, smiled calmly, raised his glass and said, "come on, let's continue drinking!"

Tang Yin's words have never been much. It's easy to give people a sense of arrogance, but his opponent's brother takes good care of him. He won't let his subordinates be bullied or embarrassed.

Of course, Zhang Zhou could feel Tang Yin's consideration. He was grateful. He quickly picked up his glass and said, "my Lord, I respect you!"

"Ha ha!" Tang Yin squinted and smiled and said, "dry!"


The crowd also raised their glasses and drank them all at once.

They pushed the cup for another one and drank for a while, but they still didn't wait for the piano player. The waiter knocked on the door again, wiped the sweat on his forehead and said with a bitter smile: "Sir, the guests over there... Still don't let people go. They have increased... The price to fifty Liang."

As soon as he heard this, don't say Zhang Zhou couldn't sit still, and all the others frowned. Shangguan yuanbiao stood up angrily and said angrily, "it's obviously hard for us! I want to see who the fuck is next door!" As he spoke, he raised his legs to go out. Looking at his fierce appearance, it was not like going to see people, but more like looking for people to work hard.

Brother Qiu Yin said that he couldn't stop the bully from knocking on the table for a while, but brother Qiu Yin said, "you're so curious, but you can't stop him now?"

Tang Yin didn't think there was anything wrong with Shangguan yuanbiao, but after hearing Qiu Zhen's words, his old face turned red, shook his head and smiled, and said, "well, Xiaozhen has a point, yuanbiao, sit back!"

"Hum!" Shangguan yuanbiao snorted heavily and sat back in his chair. The man came back, but his anger was not gone. He hugged his arms, his eyes wide open and his face full of anger.

The waiter didn't dare to stay more. He couldn't provoke any of these people sitting here. He swallowed and spit and whispered, "the little one goes out first!" With that, he walked out of the box quickly.

Seeing that everyone looked bad, Tang Yin smiled leisurely and said, "there are a lot of rich people in the world, so you don't have to take it to heart."

"The other party is deliberately against us. It's clear that we want to make ground on Taisui!" Shangguan yuanbiao said angrily.

Tang Yin raised her eyebrows, but finally endured it. She just glanced at Cheng Jin with the rest of her eyes and motioned that he would check the identity of the other party later.

Before Cheng Jin went to check, the other party took the initiative to come to the door.

Just as Tang Yin and others wanted to leave, there was a knock on the door outside the room.

They thought it was the waiter of the store, but they didn't ask much. They directly called him recently.

The door opened and a group of people came in from the outside, led by a man in his thirties.

Not knowing who the other person was, Shangguan brothers and Cheng Jin and others stood up and looked at them with alert eyes.

The big man smiled at the crowd and said, "don't get me wrong. We don't mean any harm. We're just diners in the next room. Come and say hello to you."

"Oh!" Shangguan yuanbiao had just calmed down his anger and immediately put his head on his head. Even if he didn't find them, they took the initiative to find them. He humed and said with a smile, "so you are the wronged head next door who spent 50 liang of silver listening to music!"

As soon as he said this, the faces of these people have changed recently. The first man was calm and didn't pay attention to the upper official yuanbiao at all. Instead, he looked at Tang Yin sitting in the middle. He smiled and asked, "you must be Lord Tang Yin, the guard of Pingyuan County. Just now, I was just joking with adults. I hope adults don't be surprised!"

oh Tang Yin was surprised that the other party could call out his name at once. He sat in the chair and didn't move. The corners of his mouth picked up slightly and asked, "excuse me, who is your excellency?"

"My name is Lu Fang!" The big man pointed back at the people behind him and said, "these are my friends. We traveled to Hengcheng just in time for adults to eat here, so we came to pay a special visit!"

Tang Yin, Qiu Zhen and others were very strange to Lu Fang's name, but they were stunned.

He has heard of Lu Fang before. Although he is not a dignitary, he is very famous. He is a famous ranger in the wind country.

Rangers, also known as heroes, don't belong to anyone's control. They travel all over the world, travel around various vassal countries, form their own sects, and claim to uphold justice. In fact, they only act according to their own preferences, which is similar to those Jianghu people in martial arts novels.

Cheng Jinfu whispered in Tang Yin's ear, "Sir, this man is a Ranger and a member of our country!"

Ranger? Tang Yin is no stranger to the word Ranger. In terms of it, Yan lie was also a Ranger before his death.

Perhaps because of the severe relationship, Tang Yin suddenly had a good feeling for Lu Fang. He stood up, waved his hand and said, "it's Lu Haojie. It's a guest. Since you've traveled to Pingyuan County, it's my guest. All your accounts are mine today."

Tang Yin's generosity coincided with the Rangers' surnames. When they heard the speech, the anger on their faces suddenly disappeared and they were all happy.

Rangers have a good face, and Tang Yin's courtesy naturally makes them very useful. Lu Fang smiled up and said, "Your Excellency is so refreshing!" As he spoke, he turned back and waved his hand, asked his companions to bring the piano player closer, and then smiled at Tang Yin: "if you don't mind, I'd like to have a drink with you!"

"Ha ha --" Tang Yin also smiled and said, "I have the same intention!"

Seeing that the two sides had no intention of falling out, Cheng Jin secretly breathed out.

He was not afraid of Lu Fang, but felt that the Rangers were too annoying.

Rangers are basically headstrong people. They only do things according to their own preferences. If they offend them, it's like being entangled by a wronged soul. Even if they can't beat you, they will do things around you and do damage. It's a headache. Moreover, Rangers have many friends and wander around. They spread public opinion very quickly. It's easy to stink a person's reputation.

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