"Good, good, good!" After listening to Lotte's explanation, Tang Yin praised Lotte three times. He patted Lotte on the shoulder and said, "let's take this route!" After a pause, he asked again, "how long will the barbarians reach the border?"

"Judging from the marching speed of barbarians, it will not exceed five days at most!" Lotte said positively.

"So fast!" Tang Yin inhaled, his eyes turned and asked, "if we start now and follow the route you said, how many days can we reach besa city?"

Lotte thought in his heart for a while and whispered, "I have to... Five or six days!"

"So long?" Tang Yin took out the map of besa, looked at the location of besa city and said, "from the distance, we'll ride the war horse of Mozambique and wait for us in about three days!"

Lotte smiled bitterly and said, "Sir, if we don't avoid barbarians and rush straight to the past, we can get there in three days, but our route this time is detour, and the road is difficult, which is bound to affect the marching speed. It's fast to get to dabessa city in five or six days."

The barbarians can reach Pingyuan County in five days, and it will take five or six days for their side to get to besa city. Even if the sneak attack is successful, it will have to be a few days after the barbarians receive the news. Can Hengcheng hold it during this time?

Tang Yin didn't pay attention to Hengcheng's defense these two days. As for the specific situation, he wasn't very clear. He immediately asked Qiu Zhen to ask him about his current urban defense situation.

Qiu Zhen smiled and said, "at present, Xiao joined the army and is using the strength and manpower of the whole city to build the inner city wall."

"Inner city wall?"

"Yes! Xiao joined the army and said that only one wall is not safe. We need to add another inner wall, which can give us more defense lines and delay and kill more barbarians!" Guarding the city is not Qiu Zhen's strong point. He has nothing to say about Xiao MuQing's defense strategy.

Tang Yin nodded. One more inner wall can really strengthen the city defense of Hengcheng, but the army of manbang is coming. I don't know if Xiao MuQing can finish building the inner wall in such a short time. Now I can't manage so much. I don't doubt the use of people and don't doubt them. Since Xiao MuQing is reused, Tang Yin gives Hengcheng full power to him.

He asked Qiu Zhen again, "have you sent someone to the county to ask for reinforcements?"

Qiu Zhen hesitated a little, nodded and said, "it has been sent!" He did send someone, but he sent a commander who was too high-minded and unpopular. He could expect that when Yu He, the head of the county, saw the commander, he would not give him a good face, and the reinforcements would not be sent. That was exactly what he wanted.

Rather than let Yu He send a mob to obstruct his way and cause trouble to his own side, he might as well not send any soldiers. In this way, once his own side defends the barbarian army, it is logical to play Yu He's book and impeach him to step down. As for the vacancy of county head, Tang Yin will have a chance to fight for it.

But this kind of words can not be said clearly. He must give hope to the plain army, so that when the plain army resists the barbarian army, it can look forward to the arrival of reinforcements in the county and give them the motivation to continue fighting. Of course, this expectation will be in the distant future.

It can be said that the energy of Tang Yin and his generals is mainly used for the outside world, and only Qiu Zhen is using his heart for the inside. However, without Qiu Zhen, who is so ambitious and cunning, Tang Yin can not achieve the great cause in the future.

As the saying goes, misfortunes never come singly. Tang Yin is preparing to set off to sneak attack besa city. People haven't left yet. An earth shaking news came, which further confirmed Qiu Zhen's original guess that his side can't wait for Wang Ting's reinforcements.

It turned out that Ningguo suddenly unilaterally tore up the promise made to Princess Yin Rou, and the weightlifters attacked Tongmen, the gateway of Fengguo.

This time, Ningguo sent two generals, Zhan Wushuang and Zhan invincible. The two brothers unified 400000 troops and occupied Tongmen in one fell swoop. Yao Zhili, the newly appointed general of Tongmen, was captured alive by Ning Jun, and the following soldiers were killed and injured.

After occupying Tongmen, the 400000 Ning army kept on marching straight into Yancheng, the capital of Fengguo. Yancheng was in an emergency. Wang Ting urgently recruited Fengjun from all over the country to go to Yancheng and defend the capital. Without preparation, the situation of Fengguo was in jeopardy. Wang Ting even had a problem protecting himself. How can he send troops to reinforce Pingyuan county?

Not to mention the uproar caused by this news in Hengcheng, even the whole Fengguo is in a mess. The loss of Tongmen is tantamount to the loss of the gateway of Fengguo. If the capital is captured again, the Fengguo will be equal to the subjugation of the country.

If there were no barbarians to invade on a large scale, Tang Yin would lead the plain army to the capital for rescue. Unfortunately, now he has more than enough heart and less strength. If he wants to protect the capital, he must first protect himself and succeed.

Knowing that Tang Yin is going to go on an expedition to manbang again, and that he is still going to the capital of manbang, fan min is really worried and comes to find him.

Tang Yin is packing up at this time. Every time he went out, Tang Yin wouldn't bring any extra bits and pieces, but this time it was different. He had a long way to go, and it was late winter. The weather in manbang was getting colder and colder, so he had to prepare more clothes and food.

Seeing Tang Yin, fan min didn't speak immediately, but stood quietly aside and helped him tidy up.

For fear of causing panic in the city, the news of the massive invasion of barbarians is still blocked, and the people do not know it, including fan min.

After folding Tang Yin's clothes neatly, fan Minfang youyou said, "why did you suddenly attack the capital of manbang?"

The corners of Tang Yin's mouth moved, and he wanted to stop talking. The conversation turned and said with a smile: "of course I have to go. Don't worry, this peace is no different."

Fan min doesn't understand the military and the situation of barbarian States, but she knows the important surname of the capital city to a country. Now the capital city of Fengguo is also threatened by the army of Ningguo, which makes people panic!

She said faintly, "this time, there must be a lot of enemies!"

"Maybe a lot, maybe not much, God knows." Tang Yin answered casually, then straightened up, looked at fan min squarely, and said, "Xiaomin, didn't you say you want to open your business to the county? I think you should go to shunzhou to see what business is easy to do during this period of time."

Tang Yin seldom pays attention to his business. Fan min was surprised when he suddenly mentioned it today. She was so smart and her brain turned. She immediately realized that Tang Yin must have another meaning. Combined with his sudden intention to attack the capital of manbang, she asked, "Hengcheng... Is something going to happen?"

How clever fan min is, Tang Yin doesn't know. Now that she has felt something wrong, he can't hide it. He nodded slowly, He said positively: "this time, the barbarians raised 200000 troops to attack Pingyuan county. No one can tell whether they can resist it. Hengcheng is already a dangerous place. The reason why I want to sneak attack besa city is to retreat the barbarians and solve the danger of Hengcheng!"

i see! In this way, Tang Yin did not take the initiative to sneak attack BESA City, but was helpless by * so this trip will be even more dangerous! Fan min's whole heart was raised to her throat, but the expression on her face was more firm. She shook her head and said, "I won't go. I'll stay in Hengcheng until you come back."

The truth can only be seen at the critical moment of life and death. Tang Yin was deeply moved by fan min's stubbornness and persistence. With this beauty, what can I ask for? Tang Yin couldn't restrain her feelings. She reached out and hugged fan min's thin fragrant shoulder ring. There were no sweet words or vows. She just whispered in her ear, "I'll come back!"

Fan min nestled in Tang Yin's arms. The armor made of steel was cold, but she could feel that Tang Yin's heart was hot and so close to herself, closer than ever before.

"Sir, general Le is waiting outside the house!"

Tang Zhong's words were remembered outside the door. This time he didn't knock on the door. Recently, who said that rigid people don't have intelligence?!

Tang Yin hears the speech and wants to push fan min away, but finds that fan min is holding on to the protective belt of his armor without letting go.

He smiled and whispered, "I said I would come back, I will be able to do it. Now it's just a temporary farewell, not a farewell..."

Before he finished, fan min raised his hand and covered his mouth.

Without speaking, she took out a handkerchief from her arms without expression, carefully wiped off the dust on Tang Yin's armor, then put the handkerchief into his hand, took a step back, looked up and down, and said with a smile, "how good and much cleaner this time."

She was laughing, but it was heartbreaking.

Tang Yin holds fan min's handkerchief, which has the unique musk of her body. It's fragrant but not strong. It's quiet and charming.

He tucked the handkerchief into his breastplate, smiled at fan min, and then walked out without stopping. When he went out, he still didn't look back, just waved his hand freely and said, "let's go!"

Looking at his look and listening to his tone, it's not like fighting to the death, but more like going out to a party.

When Tang Yin's figure disappeared outside the door, fan min could no longer hold on, the smile on her face disappeared, and tears fell like broken pearls.

She remembered what Tang Yin once said: the earthen pot cannot be broken away from the wellhead, and the general will inevitably die before the battle

Before Tang Yin walked out of the official residence, the sound of footsteps came behind him. Cheng Jin and Lu Fang hurried over.

Puzzled, he looked at the two of them. When he came near, he asked, "what's the matter with you two?"

"My Lord, I want to go with you!" The two said in unison.

Tang Yin shook her head and said, "my trip is not dangerous. The real danger is Hengcheng. You two should stay and lead your brothers to help defend the army and resist barbarians!"

Lu Fang said, "Sir, I'm not a plain army. Guarding the city doesn't care about me. I just want to go with you!"

Tang Yin's courtesy to Lu Fang makes Lu Fang very grateful. If Tang Yin is gone, he will have no need to stay.

"Ha ha!" Tang Yin chuckled and said with an arched hand, "I'm very grateful for brother Lu's respect for my love and righteousness, but Hengcheng is my foundation. I'm most worried about Hengcheng. I hope brother Lu can do his best to help me share my worries."

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