"My lord..."

"Needless to say, if there is an accident in Hengcheng, my adventure will become meaningless." Tang Yin said positively, "whether Hengcheng can hold or not depends on you. I hope you won't let me down!"

Tang Yin insists on not taking Cheng Jin and Lu Fang. They have no choice but to stare at Tang Yin's leaving figure.

As usual, Tang Yin was surrounded by only two brothers, Shangguan. Although Shangguan Yuanwu and Shangguan yuanbiao acted impulsively, they were powerful and could really help Tang Yin in the battle.

Tang Yin, Lotte and Shangguan brothers went out of the city, joined up with 4000 cavalry, and then went straight to the territory of besa city state.

The route mentioned by Lotte was easy to take at the beginning. It went straight through the papu prairie of besa city state, but after crossing the grassland, the direction changed and got into the deep mountains and dense forests.

At this time, it was deep winter, and the city of besa was much colder than the wind country. In addition, it was still walking through the deep mountains. The mountain wind was cold and blew on the body, making people cold to the bone.

When he came, Feng Jun had made corresponding preparations and put on thick cotton clothes, but the cold in the mountain was still unbearable for Feng Jun. even if Tang Yin was hurt by the frozen head, he estimated that the temperature in the mountain was more than minus 40 degrees.

Even if the weather is cold, the road is not easy to walk. To be exact, there is no road at all. The thick snow covers all the ground. If you step on it, you can only see half of your knees exposed outside. When the road is difficult, the war horses can't move. People have to come down and pull the war horses. It's strange to be fast.

It took only more than a day to cross the papu prairie, but when you entered the deep mountains, you didn't see the end for three days. Moreover, the more you go north, the colder the weather is. At this time, let alone people, Lien Chan's horses can't stand it. The horses can't stand stably and their legs tremble.

Deep into the territory of barbarian States, the war horse is equivalent to life. If the war horse dies, people can't live. In order to protect the war horse, many wind troops take off their cotton padded jacket and wrap it on the horse.

Seeing the tragic situation of his own prescription soldier, Tang Yin was also in a bad mood and was extremely depressed. He found Lotte and asked, "how long do we have to walk to dabessa?"

Lotte looked around, asked his spies and replied, "Sir, it's coming soon!"

Tang Yin has heard this sentence at least fifty times. He said, "it's still the first time for you to go into the mountain."

Lotte smiled bitterly and said with embarrassment: "it's really coming this time."

Tang Yin glanced at him and groaned. Without asking any more questions, he turned and looked at his own soldiers.

Without the protection of cotton padded clothes, the soldiers' frozen faces are blue. At this time, it is time to rest. The wind troops are in groups and huddle together. In this state, let alone fighting with barbarians, it is a problem whether they can get out of the mountains and forests alive.

Tang Yin walked slowly to a group of soldiers, bent down, picked up some dry firewood and threw it into the fire.

Seeing Tang Yin coming, the surrounding Fengjun stood up together, his voice trembling and saluting: "big... Sir!"

His heart trembled, he quickly waved his hand and said calmly, "sit, sit, don't get up!"

He looked at the soldiers around him and said, "brothers, bear it again, and we will soon get out of the mountains and forests."

"I knew... It's so cold in manbang... We brought more cotton padded clothes out..." a soldier in his early twenties said with white lips and trembling.

"Yes... If only I had brought more clothes like this, it would be warm in our country..." other soldiers heard the speech and answered one after another.

Tang Yin pursed her lips, straightened her waist and walked towards the young soldier.

The young man was shocked and thought he had said something wrong. Tang Yin wanted to blame himself. He immediately pushed away his companions around him, stood up tremblingly, looked at Tang Yin and stammered, "big... Adult... I... I..."

Tang Yin smiled at him and patted him on the shoulder. Then he untied the rope buckle at the collar, took off his cloak and put it on the soldiers. He sighed faintly, "don't you say you have no clothes? Wear the same robe with your son." In this situation, he thought of the Qin song in the book of songs. He didn't feel much when he heard this sentence, but now he found that the song was so appropriate.

The soldiers didn't understand what he said, but his actions moved all the people present.

Holding the cloak draped over his shoulder, the young soldier shed tears and was stunned for a moment. He suddenly recovered and hurriedly pulled down, afraid to wear it on his body.

Tang Yin pressed his hand and said, "wear it, I'm not cold!"

"My Lord!" At this time, the soldiers around also stood up one after another and looked at Tang Yin together.

There are countless generals in the world who say they can share weal and woe with the soldiers below, and how many people can really do this? No matter how loud the slogan is, it is not as practical as a simple action. How can Tang Yin not let the following soldiers die with him.

An elderly veteran took the lead in singing loudly: "when the country is in trouble, I should go out and wrap my body in a vest to strengthen my strong wind!"

The song soon infected other officers and men, and the people sang along: "when the country is in trouble, I should go to war, wrap my body in a vest, and strengthen my strong wind! Wind, wind, strong wind ―"

The military song of Fengguo was sung over and over again. The more it was sung, the more excited it was. People sang, the hotter their bodies were. On the contrary, the feeling of cold was gradually fading.

Listening to the people's songs and looking at the young faces of the people, Tang Yin was moved and loved the Fengguo soldiers under his command.

I can't see clearly. I can't see him standing around with my fingers in the distance

The soldiers didn't understand what he meant. They looked at each other. Someone dared to ask, "what do you want us to see clearly?"

"See this person's face clearly and keep it firmly in mind." He lit Lotte and said, "this is the road he led us. If we are unfortunately frozen to death in the mountains, we can't let him go even if we are ghosts. If we can get out alive and return to the wind country, don't forget to remind me to reward this guy!"

After hearing this, the soldiers were stunned at first, and then burst into laughter. Lotte himself was told by Tang Yin that he could not laugh or cry, and shook his head again and again.

Tang Yin seldom makes jokes. At this time, he suddenly talks about jokes, which has a different flavor and enlivens the atmosphere of the people.

At this time, the sound of horses' hoofs suddenly came from the front. The soldiers were surprised and took up their weapons one after another.

Tang Yin even stood up lazily. He knew people six times. He had heard the sound of horses' hoofs long ago, and had already judged that there was only one horse, so he was lazy to pay attention to it.

Soon, a war horse galloped over. It was not a barbarian, but a Tianyan spy sent by Lotte.

After getting off the horse, the man rushed to Lotte and whispered in his ear.

After hearing the reward from his subordinates, Lotte first showed a surprised look, and then smiled happily. He ran to Tang Yin and said, "my Lord, good news!"

"What? Are we finally going out of the mountains?" Tang Yin raised her eyelids and stared at Lotte.

Lotte scratched his hair with a dry smile and said, "that's not true, but a small barbarian village was found in the northwest, which should be able to provide our army with a rest at night."

"Oh?" Tang Yin got up from the ground and looked to the northwest. His eyes were full of white snow, and he couldn't see the shadow of the village at all. However, this kind of thing wouldn't be reported falsely. He blinked and muttered, "there's no way out of heaven. Even this kind of place can be found by you. I don't know if you're lucky or barbarian. It's too unfortunate!"

Lotte responded with a wry smile.

If there is a village to live in, who would like to stay in the cold field? Tang Yin immediately went to his horse, turned over and shouted to the soldiers around: "get on the horse! We're going to the barbarian village to warm up!"


As soon as the soldiers heard the word "village", their eyes flashed brightly and they were full of energy. Qi Qi agreed, got on their horses and headed straight for the barbarian village in the northwest under the guidance of Lotte's spies.

There is indeed a village in the northwest. The small village is small, with only three rows of houses. It is estimated that there are only more than 20 families and hundreds of people, most of whom are hunters. There are wild animal fur and frozen meat hanging outside every household. The house is simple and remote. On such a scale, it is not even a village in Fengguo, but only a stockade.

But for the cold and hungry wind army now, it's almost like heaven.

Four thousand cavalry, with enough horse speed, rushed here like lightning.

The sound of horse hooves was loud. As soon as they entered the village, they alerted the people in the village. Many people's doors opened and the villagers came out curiously.

The village is in a semi isolated state. The villagers have never seen the wind man or the wind soldier. Seeing so many cavalry suddenly enter the village, they don't understand what's going on. The villagers go out of the house one after another, stand by the dirt road of the village and stop to watch.

Seeing this, Tang Yin provoked the corner of his mouth and urged the war horse to walk in the front of the team. At the same time, he turned back and ordered the soldiers to disperse and surround the village first.

At this time, a middle-aged barbarian with the appearance of a village head came out of the villagers, stepped forward two steps and shouted to Feng Jun, "who are you? Why did you come to our village? Did you get lost in the mountains? (MO)"

Tang Yin smiled, drove his horse to the middle-aged man, looked at him up and down, didn't speak, but returned to draw out the machete behind him, and chopped it down without warning.


The knife was firmly cut on the neck of the middle-aged man, who was still surprised, but his head had bounced into the air, and the blood sprayed scarlet the white snow.

"Kill! Kill all the people here!" Cut off the head of the middle-aged man with a knife. Tang Yin pointed the knife to the crowd in front and shouted with his side head.

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