With the welcome of the people and surrounded by civil and military officials, Tang Yin returned to the county guard's house without restriction.

The officials of Hengcheng naturally followed recently. Tang Yin was now dressed in armor, dusty and very tired. He endured the entertainment of surnamed Zi and comforted many officials who came. At this time, he caught a glimpse of fan min standing in the yard, looked into the hall, and then quickly retreated.

Tang Yin's heart moved and took advantage of the situation to pull Shangguan Yuanji over and let him deal with these officials. He himself found an excuse to get out of the hospital.

When he came out, fan min had not gone far. Tang Yin hurried up and asked with a smile, "Xiaomin, what can I do for you?"

Unexpectedly, he just saw himself and chased him out. Fan min felt a warm feeling in her heart, shook her head and said, "it's nothing. I just came to have a look. I'm relieved to see you're all right. I'll go back first..."

As she spoke, she turned to go. Tang Yin took her hand first and said softly, "let you worry."

This was the first time Tang Yin took the initiative to hold her hand. Fan min's heart beat hard. During this period, she was very hard to endure. Besa had 200000 troops besieged the city, and the war continued. Tang Yin had no voice training at all. She was helpless in the county capital. She was not only worried about whether Hengcheng could hold, but also worried about Tang Yin's safety.

At this time, her mood surged into her heart, and people couldn't control it. She hung her head, and the big tears fell down.

Women's tears are sharp weapons. No matter how hard men see them, they will become soft around their fingers. Tang Yin is no exception. Fan min's silent crying hurt him more than crying loudly, but he was not a good speaker and didn't know how to comfort others. He was stunned. He instinctively opened his arms and held fan min tightly in his arms.

The courtyard was quiet, as if everyone had disappeared, and there were only two of them left.

Tang Yin reached into her arms, pulled out a handkerchief and wiped the tears from fan min's pink cheeks.

Fan min is familiar with this handkerchief. It's the one she gave Tang Yin, but it's much dirtier than when she gave Tang Yin. She sucked her sour nose and asked in some surprise, "you still keep it."

"Yes!" Tang Yin answered, looked down at her handkerchief and said, "it's a pity that she was dirty by me."

"It doesn't matter. I'll give you another piece." With that, fan min will follow the handkerchief in Tang Yin's hand.

"No." Tang Yin smiled, put away her handkerchief and put it back in her arms. He looked at fan min leaning in his arms and felt that she was much thinner than when she left. Even if she didn't say it, he could understand that her day was not easy during this period. He held fan min's shoulders and said, "I'll take a bath first and we'll have something to eat later."

"Good!" Fan min gently promised.

Tang Yin returns to his room and asks the servant to prepare bath water, but fan min also follows. Seeing this, Tang Yin smiled and said, "I'm going to take a bath."

Fan min didn't seem to understand what he meant. He pretended to be innocent and said, "you wash your clothes, and I won't peek."

Tang Yin shook his head and smiled. He didn't say much. He turned back and began to remove his armor. For spiritual practitioners, in the process of fighting, due to the protection of spiritual armor, the armor has little effect. At most, it can only be regarded as the second layer of protection. The armor plays a more role in preventing people from plotting in peacetime.

Fan min came forward and helped Tang Yin take off his chest armor.

Taking off the thick armor, people feel a lot more relaxed in time.

Tang Yin's bedroom is large with a screen inside. Tang Yin takes a bath inside the screen while fan min sits outside the screen.

She half fell on the table, leaned on her chin and stared blankly at the screen. After a while, she broke the silence and asked, "what's the capital of manbang like? Is it big?"

Sitting in the bathtub, Tang Yin leaned back with his head against the edge of the basin and sighed comfortably. He said leisurely, "it's big. It's about the same as Yancheng, or bigger. There are many shops in the city. This time, the brothers should take back a lot of good things. I'll take you to have a look!"

"Good!" As soon as she heard this, fan min felt refreshed. She asked again, "have you seen the king of manbang?"

"Ha ha!" Tang Yin laughed and said, "the king of besa is no big deal. Like you and me, he has two eyes and one nose. If I didn't worry about Hengcheng, I would bring his head back this time!"

"Ah!" Fan min opened her mouth in surprise, but the brilliance in her eyes was even more prosperous.

"Then... Will we fight with manbang in the future?"

Tang Yin couldn't answer this question. He said faintly, "maybe, maybe not, God knows."

"If only there were a truce, I wouldn't have to worry about you anymore." With that, fan Minyu's face was red and immediately said, "manbang's things are very popular. I believe our Fengguo's things are also popular in manbang. If the two countries can live in peace and open the border trade, Pingyuan county will definitely become the most prosperous county in the country."

Tang Yin didn't dare to hold such extravagant hopes. He shrugged and said, "some things can't be changed by manpower."

How many Fengren died in the hands of barbarians after years of bad relations between Fengguo and besa city-state? How can the gratitude and resentment between them disappear in one day?

While talking, Tang Yin finished cleaning, put on his pants, shirtless around the screen and came out.

Tang Yin is not as muscular as other martial arts practitioners. He is tall and bulging. His figure is thin, but he is very symmetrical. He can't find a piece of fat all over his body. The muscles behind him are particularly developed, in an inverted triangle, and the eight abdominal muscles are arranged neatly. From this, it can be seen that Tang Yin doesn't force from a certain part of his body when he moves, But the whole body is concentrating, which is the amazing reason why he can still be fast and powerful without spiritual cultivation.

Seeing Tang Yin bare his upper body, fan min not only turned red, but also his neck and even his body under his clothes. He was like a cooked shrimp. She stammered, "you... Why did you come out without clothes?"

She is not yet 20, but also the daughter of a wealthy businessman. Since her memory, let alone a man's * * has not seen it, even a woman's * * has only seen her own.

Tang Yin always felt that women in Fengguo were much more open than himself, and fan min rarely showed such an awkward and shy appearance. He felt very interesting and couldn't help teasing her: "don't you want to see me take a bath?"

"Who wants to see you take a bath?" That said, she was also ashamed to find a seam to drill in, but her eyes fell on Tang Yin * uncontrollably, with curiosity, surprise and appreciation in her eyes.

Which man can stand being looked at so directly by a woman? Besides, she is still a beautiful woman like fan min.

Tang Yin's eyes gradually deepened, lowered her body, leaned close to fan min's ear, smelled the soft but not strong Musk on her body, and asked in a hoarse whisper, "if you look at me like this, I'll think you're inviting me."

His breath sprayed on fan min's ear, making her body almost numb.

She didn't understand Tang Yin at all. She just opened her mouth and asked, "ah?"

Tang Yin no longer teased her, but directly showed her by action.

He put one hand on the back of fan min's neck, lowered his body and kissed the charming red lips.

His kiss, like his people, was not gentle, wild, fierce and full of evil spirit.

Fan min opened her eyes first, and her brain suddenly became blank, but she soon recovered. She slowly closed her eyes and indulged in the unique sweetness, catering to Tang Yin's request.

Under his kiss, she felt that her strength was almost drained, and her body was light and floating, as if hanging in mid air. When she regained consciousness, she found that she was really hanging in the air, and Tang Yinqiang's powerful arm had held her up.

County guard house, hall.

When Tang Yin returned to the hall, all the officials in Hengcheng had left, and the rest were the generals of the plain army, as well as Shangguan Yuanji and Shangguan yuanrang.

He sat in the middle of the chair, then looked around at the people and said, "all brothers have worked hard to resist the barbarian army this time. How about the loss of our army?" After saying this, he found that one of the people present was missing, frowned and asked, "General Zhang?"

At this time, Tang Yin did not know the news of Zhang Zhou's death. After hearing his question, the people looked at each other and bowed their heads one after another.

The heavy atmosphere made Tang Yin aware that something was wrong. He frowned deeper and turned his eyes to Qiu Zhen and Xiao MuQing.

Xiao MuQing didn't speak. Qiu Zhen said in a low voice, "Sir, general Zhang... General Zhang was killed in a sneak attack on the enemy camp!"

"Ah?" Tang Yin was surprised. Although he didn't have much good impression of Zhang Zhou, he didn't have a bad impression. He felt that this person was a good general except for being too cautious. At this time, he was stunned and couldn't return to his mind when he heard the news of Zhang Zhou's death.

Seeing this, Xiao MuQing didn't dare to pretend to be deaf and dumb. Anyway, Zhang Zhou died while executing his orders.

He gently cleared his throat, say: "My Lord, general Zhang rushed into the enemy camp late at night and burned the enemy's food and grass, but he was also in a tight siege. In order to protect the safe evacuation of other brothers, general Zhang resisted the cavalry of the barbarian army. Although there were many barbarians, general Zhang would rather die than surrender. Finally, he was outnumbered. General Zhang and his 5000 soldiers all died for their country, but general Zhang successfully burned the food and grass of the barbarian army, which forced the barbarian army to withdraw Retreat and make great contributions. I hope you can add more rewards. "

His words were praising Zhang Zhou from beginning to end, but in fact he was shirking his responsibility. His order was no problem and did have the effect of withdrawing troops. However, Zhang Zhou was trapped and killed in battle, which was unexpected to everyone.

After hearing his words, Tang Yin raised her eyes and stared at Xiao MuQing.

The latter was so flustered that he quickly lowered his head and dared not face Tang Yin.

After a long time, Tang Yinfang looked back and asked, "has general Zhang's body been buried?"

"This..." Qiu Zhen said with a puzzled face, "I didn't find general Zhang's body in the barbarian camp, but I found general Zhang's helmet!"


Tang Yin heard the speech, slapped the table table fiercely, and asked angrily, "can't you even find the body?"

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