Everyone present was startled. Looking at the angry Tang Yin, they bowed their heads one after another. No one dared to answer.

Tang Yin couldn't tell whether he was angry about Zhang Zhou's death or that he couldn't find his body. At this time, his chest was like a big stone, and his anger was choked and there was no place to vent. After a long time, he calmed down slowly. The barbarians were ferocious. It was also possible to destroy Zhang Zhou's body when grain and grass were burned.

He took a deep breath, sighed and asked in a soft voice, "does general Zhang have a family?"

Bai Yong then said, "Mrs. Zhang was killed by barbarians. There is only one woman in her family. She is only... Nine years old this year."

Alas! Tang Yin felt even more sad when he heard this. He shook his fist, meditated for a moment, and said, "if general Zhang's daughter is not raised, she will be adopted to my house!"

"Yes, my Lord!" Bai Yong had intended to raise Zhang Zhou's daughter, but Tang Yin also had this intention. He naturally accepted it. Anyway, the county guard is much more comfortable and rich than his family. Zhang's daughter can also be better taken care of in the county guard, which is worthy of Zhang Zhou's spirit in heaven.

Bai Yong sucked his nose, choked and said, "General Zhang told me before he died that if I saw an adult, I would say that Zhang Zhou did not disgrace the reputation of our wind army!"

Then the stone hearted Tang Yin couldn't help but blush around her eyes, and all the other generals here wiped their tears with their sleeves.

Tang Yin nodded and youyou said, "even if there is no body, it should be buried thickly!"

"Subordinates understand!" Qiu Zhen replied with an arched hand. Then he said, "Sir, if the county can send more reinforcements, how can general Zhang kill himself and die in the barbarian camp? We sent a request for help to the county. The stone sank into the sea. For more than ten days, the county has not sent one more soldier to Pingyuan County!"

His words were like a fuse, which instantly ignited the emotions of the people on the verge of collapse.

Juno clapped the case and roared: "Sir, we are working hard on the front line to resist 200000 barbarian troops, while Yu He, the dog officer, spends all his time in the county and dreams of death. If he doesn't kill the dog officer, how can he stand up to the spirit of General Zhang and the tens of thousands of generals and soldiers killed and injured in our army?"

"Sir, take us to kill Yu He, the dog official!"

"Yes! Sir, kill Yu He --"

The crowd was excited and stood up one after another.

Kill Yu he? Tang Yin's eyes flashed brilliantly, but Yu he was the head of the county. Even if the fault was big, how could he kill it?

Just when Tang Yin was still hesitating, Shangguan yuan, who had never spoken, let hum a smile and said, "Lord Tang is afraid that the king's court will blame him. Can't you afford it? It doesn't matter. Everyone has to kill a villain like Yu He. I'll take his dog's head without bothering Lord Tang!"

With that, shangguanyuan turned and walked out.

Click! The handle of the chair was forcibly broken by Tang Yin. He stood up and shouted to shangguanyuan, who was about to leave, "stop!"

Shangguan yuan asked to stop and looked back at Tang Yin contemptuously.

Tang Yin is the county warden. If he kills the head of the county, he can definitely be regarded as a traitor. The king's court blames him. Tang Yin not only has his own surname, but also has to be copied and beheaded. Shangguan yuanrang really wants to see if Tang Yin has such courage.

At this time, this decision is the decision to choose Tang Yin's future fate.

He turned his eyes to Qiu Zhen. At this time, Qiu Zhen also saw that Tang Yin was asking himself. He sat in the chair, didn't speak, and the expression on his face didn't change.

Tang Yin is so smart that he can't understand what Qiu Zhen means by no change. If this is wrong, Qiu Zhen will certainly object. He is silent and tacitly agrees that it is feasible to do so. Even Qiu Zhen agrees to do so. What else does Tang Yin have to hesitate?

He pulled out the machete with his back hand and waved it back. With a crisp click, the back chair was divided into two. Tang Yin gritted his teeth and said, "I swear to kill this thief!"

Wow - Tang Yin's statement pushed everyone's mood to the top. They have already followed Tang Yin wholeheartedly. As long as Tang Yin dares to do so, they dare to follow him.

Among the people, only Shangguan Yuanji shook his head like a rattle and killed the head of the county? Is the county head an ordinary person? Can you kill it? If you do, this basket will go up in the sky.

He said repeatedly: "calm down, brothers, please calm down. No matter how stupid the county head is, it's not up to us to decide his life and death. If we want to deal with him, we have to go through the king's court..."

Before he finished, Qiu zhengse said, "when the country is in danger, those who betray the country and seek glory can be cut first and then gathered together!"

"Betray the country for glory?" Let alone Shangguan Yuanji's inexplicable face, others didn't understand Qiu Zhen's meaning.

Shangguan Yuanji asked suspiciously, "who betrays the country for glory?"

"Nature is a combination!"

"He... How did he betray the country?"

"If yu he didn't betray his country for glory, why didn't he send more reinforcements to Pingyuan county and why did he accept bribes from barbarians."

"Manbang bribery?"

Qiu Zhen laughed up, say: "We have a lot of barbaric things in our hands. We can put some of them at Yu He's home. It's not difficult to copy the handwriting. It's also easy to write some correspondence between Yu He and barbarian. As long as you kill Yu He, there is no proof of death, who will investigate this matter? Now Ning army is 400000 * close to Yancheng, and the king's court can't protect itself. Can it still take into account our side? If you don't kill Yu he now, it's big When will people wait if they don't replace them? "

His remark made everyone present dumbfounded.

They didn't know whether Qiu Zhen reacted too quickly or whether he had been deliberately calculating Yu He and peeping at the position of his sheriff.

However, Tang Yin's eyes can shine brilliantly at this time. Yes, as Qiu Zhen said, this is a good time to kill Yu He. Soldiers are precious and fast. It's not too late. We should start now.

When I think of the commander of the state, I'll take the knife and rush to the bend in the evening

"Yes, my subordinates!" Bai Yong, Juno, Guyue and Li Wei stepped in to salute and took the order.

Tang Yin gave an order and moved up and down, and the plain army immediately began to prepare.

At this point, Shangguan Yuanji couldn't stop him, and Qiu Zhen's words shocked him too much. Shangguan yuanrang's reaction was completely opposite to his brother's. He was not afraid of big things. Seeing Tang Yin gathering troops to rush to shunzhou City, he couldn't restrain his excitement and his eyelashes were smiling.

Tang Yin said that action is action, resolute and resolute. That night, he took less than 40000 plain Army Infantry and more than 4000 cavalry to shunzhou.

On the way, they met a small official sent by shunzhou to Pingyuan county.

This man is dedicated to delivering letters to Hengcheng. He is also very strange to meet the plain army on the way.

The plain Sergeant took him to Tang Yin. The latter glanced at the officials coldly and asked, "what are you going to do in Hengcheng?"

"I came to Pingyuan county to deliver a message according to the instructions of the sheriff!" The petty official didn't know that the plain army went to shunzhou to kill Yu He. He looked strange and asked, "how did you know that the sheriff wanted to assemble the army and transfer the plain army?"

Yancheng is in an emergency. All counties and counties are rallying their troops to Yancheng for reinforcements to help Wang Ting resist the Ning army. Yu He, as the head of Tianyuan County, naturally can't get away from the incident. He didn't plan to mobilize the plain army. After all, the barbarian army invaded and the plain army had to stay in the county to resist. Later, I heard that the barbarians withdrew and the crisis in plain county was lifted. Yu He sent someone to dispatch troops, I didn't expect to meet Tang Yin before they arrived in Hengcheng.

After reading the letter written by Yu He, Tang Yin handed it to Qiu Zhen, then pointed to the petty officials with his hand and shouted to the soldiers on both sides, "take this man!"

"Don... Lord Tang... What's wrong with me..."

The petty official was so stupid that he didn't understand why Tang Yin wanted to capture himself.

No one explained to him. The surrounding soldiers rushed up, couldn't help saying, pressed it to the ground, tied it firmly and pulled it down.

Tang Yin asked Qiu Zhen, "can you copy Yu He's handwriting through this letter?"

Qiu Zhen smiled and said, "it's easy, sir. I'll take this."

"Yes!" Tang Yin nodded and ordered the army to move on.


As the county city was gathering the troops of all counties, when Tang Yin led the people into shunzhou, he was not obstructed or questioned at all. Some county officials went out of the city to welcome Tang Yin and his people into the city.

It is impossible for so many troops to enter the city. Tang Yin only brought Shangguan brothers, members of the hidden arrow headed by Cheng Jin and hundreds of cavalry into the city. In addition, Shangguan yuanrang was also close to him. Along the way, Shangguan yuanrang followed Tang Yin all the time without speaking. He just stood aside and observed silently.

On the way, Tang Yin asked the welcoming official, "where is Lord Yu now?"

"Just at the sheriff's house!" The official smiled and said: "the sheriff was very happy to learn that Lord Tang personally led the crowd to come, especially to prepare a banquet in the house and wash the dust for Lord Tang!"

"Oh! Good, good, good!" Tang Yin sat on the horse and praised three times.

The sheriff's residence is much more imposing than Tang Yin's County residence, with an area of two or three times that of Tang Yin. There are many attics in it. It's magnificent. When you enter it, it's richly decorated. Even the most inconspicuous corner has been carefully carved. Therefore, it's not difficult to see the extravagance of Yu Heping's daily life.

Tang Yin entered the county capital, but there was no one to stop him. Cheng Jin and his cavalry wanted to follow in, so they were stopped by the guard at the door.

Glancing back at Cheng Jin, he winked at him and motioned him to stay outside and act according to the circumstances. Tang Yin didn't talk much. He only took the three official brothers and walked into the mansion.

At this time, the hall of the county capital was indeed ready for a banquet, but Tang Yin was not the only one to welcome.

Yu He, the head of the county, sat in the middle. In the seats on both sides, there were several officials, including the deputy head of the county and senior officials of the county, as well as the county guards of the other two counties of Tianyuan county.

Seeing Tang Yin recently, Yu He, who was sitting in the middle, laughed, slightly owed his figure, waved his hand and said, "now wait for general Tang, come and take a seat!"

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