The banquet in Fengguo is a small table for everyone to sit on the ground. There are several dishes on the table. The servant will change new dishes from time to time. If there are big dishes such as roast whole sheep or roast suckling pig, they will be placed in the middle. The servant will cut off the meat and distribute it to everyone. Of course, he can also get it by himself.

Tang Yin's seat is arranged at Yu He's next hand, next to him.

Without looking at all the people around, Tang Yin went directly to his table and didn't sit down. He bent down and picked up the wine cup on the table, drank the wine in the cup, then licked his lips and looked at Yu He.

It was impolite for him to stand so straight at the banquet. Yu he was a little unhappy. He raised his head and was about to speak, but he was right against Tang Yin's bright and frightening eyes. He gave a cold war for no reason, opened his mouth and didn't spit out a word.

Tang Yin turned back into her arms, took out an envelope from her pocket, threw it in front of Yu He, and said coldly, "Lord Yu, tell me what this is?"

Yu he was full of inexplicability. He didn't know what was going on. He picked up the envelope, took out the letter paper inside, looked intently, and was startled. The content of the letter was written to the commander of the barbarian army. His words were humble and detailed the situation of Pingyuan county. In addition, the letter also assured the commander of the barbarian army that he would never reinforce a soldier in Pingyuan County, and the signature of the letter was his Yu He's name.

This letter was written in his name, and the handwriting in the letter is indeed very similar to his handwriting, but careful discrimination can still see the subtle difference between the two. Holding this letter, Yu He's hands trembled. After reading it, he quickly put down the letter and said in a trembling voice: "Tang... General Tang, this... Is a misunderstanding, is... Someone is framing our official..."


Before he finished speaking, Tang Yin kicked over the square table in front of Yu He, then reached out and grabbed Yu He's neck, snorted and said, "what a dog officer who eats inside and outside, how dare he collude with manbang and accept manbang's bribes without permission. Now the evidence is conclusive, how dare you deny it?"

"Wronged, wronged!" Yu Hejing's big fat face was almost turned into sauce purple. He stammered: "this is someone framed... This is definitely someone framing my official. Even if I have great courage, I dare not collude with manbang, and I have confiscated the benefits of manbang..."

At this time, other officials in the hall were also stunned. They didn't understand what was going on. Why did Tang Yin ask angrily when he came, Yu he had an affair with manbang? This is really an incredible thing, and I haven't heard of it!

"Lord Tang, there may be a misunderstanding. Let... Let the county head make it clear..." Zhang Zhicheng, the deputy county head next to him, dared to whisper.

"Hard evidence is like a mountain. What else can I say? If I don't kill the thief today, how can I comfort the heroes of tens of thousands of soldiers!" As he spoke, he raised his sword eyebrows, opened his tiger eyes, looked straight at Yu He, and said with clenched teeth, "collude with foreign enemies and deceive the king. You should be punished for your crimes!" While talking, his arm shook, the machete had been held in the palm of his hand, flashed with the light of the knife, and then the blood shot out. Yu hedou's big head rolled to the ground from his shoulder.

Tang Yin cut off Yu He's head with a knife.

At this time, time seemed to stop. The huge banquet hall was silent, and the needles could be heard. People stared and couldn't believe what was happening in front of them was true. Tang Yin killed Yu He in public?

"Ah --" I don't know who screamed. He climbed up from the ground with a white face and a frightened and frightened expression. He pointed to Tang Yin and screamed, speechless.

His cry awakened the other people. At that time, there were screams in the banquet hall, the servants fled in all directions, the officials scurried, the tables in the venue turned over, and the dishes, plates, wine cups and wine pots were scattered all over the floor.

People wanted to run out, but the two brothers, Shangguan Yuanwu and Shangguan yuanbiao, were like two door gods. They didn't know when they were covered with spirit armor and blocked the door of the hall with guns.

Tang Yin touched the blood on his face, slowly turned back, looked at the panic stricken people, provoked them high in the corners of his mouth, sneered and said, "no one can leave without my command!"

There was chaos in the hall, and the bodyguards outside heard it. They knew that there was an accident inside and rushed over. Before they got close, they suddenly felt that the air around them seemed to become an entity, squeezing their bodies firmly. Not to mention taking a step forward, it was difficult to move their fingers. For a moment, hundreds of bodyguards seemed to be hit by a acupoint, and their bodies could not move. Only their eyes showed a thick color of horror.

Shangguan yuanrang stood in front of the guards, released the spirit pressure and said leisurely with a smile: "I'm for your good. Now in the past, you will only die soon!"

Tang Yin was crazy. He didn't give Yu he a chance to explain. He decisively killed him. In the eyes of others, his madness was terrible, but Shangguan yuanrang liked it very much. It was at this time that he really appreciated Tang Yin.

Rubbing the blood of the machete on Yu He's clothes, Tang Yin turned a blind eye to the body in a strange place, walked slowly to his desk, poured himself and drank.

At this time, Cheng Jin and others who stayed outside heard the chaos in the mansion and thought that Tang Yin had already started. Cheng Jin didn't dare to delay for a moment. He immediately ordered the cavalry to surround the sheriff's mansion and couldn't let anyone go, while he rushed into the sheriff's mansion quickly with the members of the hidden arrow.

The secret arrows led by Cheng Jin broke into the hall one after another, controlled all the officials and servants inside, and then assigned some people to subdue others in the county capital.

Looking at the black arrow men wearing black clothes and a red cloak around, Zhang Zhicheng shivered. He looked at Tang Yin in horror and said, "Lord Tang, what are you... What are you doing?"

"Ha ha!" Tang Yin smiled, raised her head, looked around at the crowd, waved her hand and said, "what are you doing standing? Come on, sit down and eat!" While talking, he picked up a large piece of meat and stuffed it into his mouth.

Yu He's body is nearby, and the severed head is at Tang Yin's feet. It's too late for everyone to vomit. Where can they eat? On the contrary, Tang Yin eats meat and drinks with relish.

Gollum! Zhang Zhicheng swallowed one breath, swallowed the vomit that was coming back, and grinned, "Lord Tang..."

As soon as he spoke, Tang Yin's eyes flashed straight into his face and asked softly, "why? Yu he is dead and you can't even eat. If you sympathize with him so much, are you Yu He's an accomplice?"

In a word, the officials present were scared to almost pee their pants.

WOW! With Tang Yin's words, Cheng Jin and others pulled out their sabres one after another.

The steel knife was snow-white and cold. Without Tang Yin's words, these officials ran back to their seats as if they were chased by ghosts. They helped the wine table that had just been knocked over and picked up the scattered dishes one by one. Their hands holding chopsticks trembled violently and couldn't pick up the vegetables when they wanted to pick them up.

"Hum!" With a sneer, Tang Yin took off the token of "Zhenbei general" hanging around her waist and slapped it on the table, He said slowly: "Yu He colluded with the foreign enemy and I will kill him. I will naturally report this to you. However, the country cannot have no king and the county cannot have no head. Now, my official rank in Tianyuan county is the largest, and I will take over the post of county head temporarily. Do you agree or disagree?"

"Oh..." they looked at each other and all hung their heads speechless. At this moment, the knife is pressed on the neck. Who should dare to object?

Seeing no one talking, Tang Yin nodded and said with a smile, "so you are acquiescence." Then he looked at Zhang Zhicheng and asked, "Lord Zhang, are you right?"

Unexpectedly, Tang Yin would call on his head. Zhang Zhicheng's body was shocked and his chopsticks fell off. He nodded and said, "yes, yes, yes, what Lord Tang said is very important. I... I have no objection!"

"Very good!" Tang Yin put down his chopsticks, stood up, and youyou said, "before you send back your will, you don't go anywhere. Stay in the county capital for the time being!"

Among these officials are Li Zhong, the county warden of Sanshui County, and Du Juyi, the county warden of Chifeng county. If they control them, they are not afraid of chaos in these two counties. If they control Zhang Zhicheng, the deputy county warden, they are not afraid of chaos in shunzhou.

Tang Yin works decisively, but he also moves his mind.

Commander Zhang Cheng ordered him to lead the soldiers to the county capital immediately

Zhang Zhicheng nodded and whispered, "yes!"

Then Tang Yin said to Li Zhong and Du Juyi, "you two also give orders to their respective generals to enter the city immediately and discuss military affairs in the county capital!"

"Yes... Yes!"

One soldier will bear a nest. Yu he is so stupid in the county capital. The county guards below are not much better, including the former Pingyuan County guard replaced by Tang Yin.

After the three finished writing the documents, Tang Yin picked them up and looked at them one by one. After confirming that there was no problem, he asked his men to distribute their documents.

At this time, Qiu Zhen and others who stayed outside the city had received the news. Without infantry, they directly took thousands of cavalry into shunzhou to meet Tang Yin.

The arrival of thousands of cavalry soldiers made the county capital completely controlled by Tang Yin. Yu He's family members were gathered and detained in a unified way. As for Yu He's doormen and bodyguards, those with Lingwu cultivation * swallowed sanlingdan, but those without Lingwu cultivation were bound on the spot.

They acted quickly, quickly stabilized the situation, and sealed the news. Not to mention that the soldiers in the other two counties didn't notice, even shunzhou city was calm and quiet, and no news leaked out.

Before long, the generals of the unified army in the county and the generals of the unified army in Sanshui county and Chifeng County arrived one after another. As soon as they entered the county capital, they were caught by the hidden arrows ambushed around them before they knew what was going on.

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