After gaining military power from the three generals, Tang Yin immediately put nearly 100000 troops of the county army, Sanshui army, Chifeng army and Pingyuan army into Tianguan to strengthen urban defense, hoard grain and grass and make a posture of long-term struggle with the king's court.

At the same time, he ordered the conscription of the whole county to expand the plain army from 80000 to 100000, the 20000 in Sanshui and Chifeng counties to 50000, and the 10000 in the county army to 30000. In this way, 200000 soldiers can be stored in Tianguan, and 30000 County troops can be mobile.

At this time, whether Tang Yin was forced or active, he really wanted to compete with the king's court.

However, Qiu Zhen's worry became superfluous. Half a month later, the historian of the king's court arrived in shunzhou and brought the will of King Feng.

Fengwang Zhanhua didn't check Tang Yin's killing of Yu Heyi more, or he didn't want to take care of it at all. The 400000 troops of the Ningguo army attacked Yancheng. All parts of Fengguo sent reinforcements and temporarily gathered up 200000 troops. In addition, the troops directly under the Wangting joined hands to fight against the Ningjun army. The fighting was fierce, and the soldiers of both sides were killed and injured countless. Zhanhua has been busy with this matter, There is no thought to take into account the remote Tianyuan county.

Zhan Hua's will has only a few figures. It reads: "Yu he should be punished for disturbing the country. His position is temporarily held by Tang Yin, a general in Zhenbei."

After receiving this will, Tang Yin breathed a sigh of relief. Later, he was the sheriff granted by the king, who could manage Tianyuan County in a decent way.

Qiu Zhen and others are even more jubilant. Now their strength is not strong. It would be better not to conflict with the king's court.

The historian handed Zhanhua's will to Tang Yin, and then said with a dry smile, "Lord Tang, I have something to ask you."

The prefect is the highest officer in the local government. Even if he is transferred to the king's court, his official rank is still high, and the historian is only a subordinate official of the king's court. Naturally, he is very polite to Tang Yin.

Tang Yin was happy. After receiving the will, he said with a smile, "please tell me something!"

"When I passed Tianguan pass, I found that there were a lot of troops there. I don't know what's your intention?" The historian asked casually, but in fact he was suspicious. Good. He hoarded a large number of soldiers at such a dangerous and important pass in Tianguan, which makes people have to doubt Tang Yin's intentions.

Hearing the speech, Qiu Zhen's face changed slightly and was about to answer. Tang Yin said with a smile: "the capital is in trouble. How can Tianyuan County stay out of the incident? The soldiers stationed in Tianguan are the reinforcements who are going to the capital. Only the post of sheriff is vacant and I have no right to dispatch, so the army has not moved yet."

"Oh! I see!" The historian put down his heart, nodded repeatedly and said with a smile, "I hope you can send troops as soon as possible to solve the danger of the capital!"

"It's natural."

"So I'll return to the capital and reply to you. Lord Tang, I'll leave!"

After seeing off the historian, the people headed by Qiu Zhen bowed to Tang Yin and said in unison, "congratulations on your promotion!"

Although there is only two levels difference between the head of the county and the head of the county, there is too much difference in the actual power. Tianyuan county has a total population of more than 3 million and consists of three counties, namely Pingyuan County, Sanshui county and Chifeng county. Coupled with shunzhou and surrounding villages and towns directly under the jurisdiction of the county, the territory managed by Tang Yin is several times larger than before.

When Tang Yinxing was officially granted the power of the county head, the first thing was to seize power.

He officially dismissed the posts of two county guards in Sanshui and Chifeng, who were replaced by Liu Feng and Zhang Ting recommended by Shangguan Yuanji. The county guard has local real power and must be taken over by confidants. As for the subordinate officials of the two counties, Tang Yin accepted Shangguan Yuanji's advice and remained unchanged for the time being. If all the officials of the two counties were removed and replaced, I'm afraid it would cause unrest and fear in the two counties, You have to take your time to withdraw. In addition, deputy sheriff Zhang Zhicheng was also pushed to the end by Tang Yin and no longer gave him any official positions. The positions of deputy sheriff were taken over by Shangguan Yuanji and Qiu Zhen. As in Pingyuan County, the former was in charge of internal affairs and the latter was in charge of military affairs, with a clear division of labor.

Due to the addition of Tianyuan army under his command, Tang Yin had to make appropriate adjustments to the positions of his generals.

Xiao MuQing served as the General Commander of the plain army, with 10 regiments under him, Bai Yong served as the General Commander of Sanshui army, with five regiments under him, Li Wei served as the General Commander of Chifeng army, with five regiments under him, Guyue served as the General Commander directly under Tianyuan army, with three regiments under him. In Pingyuan County, there were only five regiments and five regiments, and Zhang Zhou was killed, leaving only four people. Now the number of regiments has been expanded to 23, and there are very few candidates for regiment heads and Deputy regiments. They can only be selected from the thousands of commanders of the Pingyuan army. In addition, Tang Yin specially selected several dark spiritual practitioners with outstanding ability from the hidden arrows to serve as regiment heads, This is the first time that the dark arrow has sent talents to the military, and also made the dark spiritual practitioners officially enter the top level of the military.

Yu he was killed by Tang Yin, but the mansion was not empty. He still had more than 100 family members detained in the county capital. At this time, Tang Yin showed a cold-blooded and cruel side and ordered to execute all more than 100 people of Yu He's family.

This is called uprooting. If you leave Yu He's family, you may come out to overturn Yu He's case in the future, or look for an opportunity to revenge Tang Yin. Staying is both trouble and disaster. It's better to end it directly and completely wipe out Yu He's family, so as to eliminate future troubles.

As for Yu He's doormen, all of them were dismissed, and the bodyguards, servants and servant girls of Yu He's family were replaced by those from the original county capital.

Since the day Tang Yin took control of Tianyuan County, great changes have taken place in the military and political circles. However, with the assistance of Shangguan Yuanji and Qiu Zhen, Tianyuan county has not been in turmoil. The people only know that Yu he collaborated with the enemy. After being executed, Tang Yin took over the post of prefect.

Sheriff's house.

When Tang Yin moved to the prefecture, fan min naturally came with him and just expanded the fan family's business to shunzhou.

The conditions of the prefectural Prefecture are much better than those of the county capital. What makes Tang Yin most happy is the silver Treasury in the prefectural Prefecture. There is surplus money that has been converged for many years. The amount is so large that it has been counted for three days. After hasty liquidation, there are only seven to eight million liang of silver. Together with miscellaneous gold, silver, jewelry, antique calligraphy and painting, it has accumulated more than 10 million liang of silver, This huge sum of money naturally became the financial basis for supporting Tang Yin's army expansion.

On this morning, Tang Yin was stretching in the hospital after getting up. Fan min came here in style and brought a little girl of only eight or nine years old at the same time.

This little girl is Zhang Zhou's daughter, Zhang Yu. A gorgeous, beautiful little girl. Tang Yin didn't make a mistake. Since the day she adopted Zhang Yu, she regarded her as her own sister. She not only made her rich, but also invited someone to scout.

But he has just taken over Tianyuan county. He is busy with business and hasn't met Zhang Yu several times. Instead, fan Min has the most contact with her. Perhaps because he loves Wu and Wu, fan min also likes Zhang Yu and takes her with him all day.

Seeing Tang Yin dancing a knife in the courtyard, Zhang Yu showed a timid look in her eyes. She hid behind fan min, revealing only half her head. Her big black eyes looked at Tang Yin curiously.

"Don't dance anymore. You scared Xiaoyu!" Fan min took Zhang Yu's hand and didn't dare to get close to Tang Yin. She stood far away and said loudly with dissatisfaction.

The relationship with Tang Yin is getting closer and closer. Now fan Min has become the hostess of the county capital, and sometimes even asks Tang Zhong to check the expenses of the county capital.

Tang Yin took back his knife and smiled at him. Seeing that Zhang Yu was looking at him timidly, he sighed, came forward, bent down and asked, "Xiaoyu, are you still used to living here?"

Zhang Yu didn't answer directly, but first looked at fan min, and then Fang gently nodded his head.

Zhang Zhou's daughter is very good everywhere, but she is afraid of strangers, which makes Tang Yin feel very uncomfortable.

Seeing a flash of disappointment in Tang Yin's eyes, fan min hurriedly said, "brother Tang, do you know that Xiaoyu is very smart? I'll show her the account book of the store, and she can remember it all once she has seen it!"

She didn't exaggerate. Zhang Yu's ability of never forgetting even sighed at her.

"Oh?" Tang Yin was stunned at first, then laughed happily and said to fan min, "even if you have the intention to cultivate Xiaoyu into a businessman like you, she is still young after all. Don't show her books."

"I see!" Fan min spits out his tongue at him.

She is not more than 20 years old and she is a child. How can she manage Zhang Yu who is no less than 10 years old? Tang Yin thought to herself that if Zhang Yu was really so smart, it would be time to find her a teacher now.

After having dinner with fan min and Zhang Yu, Tang Yin went to the hall of the county capital to discuss military affairs with Qiu Zhen and other generals.

Now they are still debating whether to help Yancheng or not.

Shangguan yuanrang is belligerent and is the most determined advocate of war. He decided to follow Tang Yin. Although the latter did not let him take charge of a regiment, he gave him the post of chief vanguard officer of Tianyuan army, which was highly valued by him.

Qiu Zhen is opposed to sending troops. His opinion is that now his side has a shaky foothold in Tianyuan county and is not suitable for large-scale military use. Moreover, although the Tianyuan army has 23 regiments, it is only a establishment. So far, with the newly recruited soldiers, the actual military strength is only more than 100000.

While advocating to send troops to the war immediately, Tang Yin advocated to recuperate first. It was difficult for Tang Yin to make a decision for a while. This matter has been dragged on.

Fortunately, the king's court has no time to look north, and no one expects too much from the distant Tianyuan county.

Tang Yin has his own concerns. If he sends troops, as Qiu Zhen said, it is a good time to recuperate and not suitable to send troops. However, if he does not send troops, once the king's court defeats Ning Jun and makes post-war statistics, he finds that only Tianyuan county does not send troops for assistance, what will Zhan Hua think of himself? Once you attract the attention of Wang Ting, the Yu Heyi case may be brought up again. What should you do after further investigation?

After thinking about it, Tang Yin decided to send troops, but a sudden thing dragged him down.

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