Just when Tang Yin decided to send troops south to help Yancheng, besa city-state suddenly sent envoys to negotiate peace.

This is very interesting. In the negotiation between countries, besa should go to Haotian's imperial court. Even if he doesn't go, he should also consult with the imperial court of Feng state. However, besa didn't look for either, but directly came to Tang Yin. It can be seen that besa's city-state is not worried about Haotian empire or Feng state, but Pingyuan County headed by Tang Yin.

The envoys of the city of besa brought many gifts and sent Tang Yin a personal letter from the king of besa, inviting him to besa, the capital of the city of besa, to discuss the peace talks between the two sides face to face.

Tang Yin accepted all the letters and gifts brought by the ambassador. He only said that he would consider it first and give a reply the next day. Then he asked the ambassador to go out and settle him in shunzhou.

After the envoy left, the hall of the county capital immediately burst into flames. Bessa took the initiative to negotiate peace, which is definitely a good thing. However, it is estimated that it is ill intentioned to invite Tang Yin to Bessa city. Many county civil servants dissuaded Tang Yin and could not accept Bessa's conditions in any case.

Their dissuasion was exactly what Tang Yin wanted, not that he didn't dare to go, but that he didn't want to make peace with the city of besa at all. In the past, he was just the guard of a county, which made the city of besa restless. Now he has become the head of the County, his strength has been increased several times, and then against the city of besa, he doesn't even need the tactics of sneak attack and harassment. He can directly send troops to fight against it.

When the civil servants advised him not to go, Tang Yin just pushed the boat along the river, nodded and replied, "what you said is reasonable. It's better to be cautious about it."

Tang Yin always likes to take risks. When was he cautious? Shangguan Yuanji frowned and asked suspiciously, "don't adults want to make peace with Bessa?"

Tang Yin smiled up and said, "Bessa has a lot of gold, silver and jewelry. Bessa's goods are valuable. Bessa people can also be captured as slaves. If we make peace, what will we rob in the future? What will we catch? Where will the money come from?"

"Yes!" Before others spoke, shangguanyuan asked him to nod his head first and echoed. He said to Tang Yin, "I think adults should go to besa city again, not to negotiate peace, but to fight directly. I am willing to go with adults." He always remembered Tang Yin's sneak attack on BESA City, but he hadn't done it yet.

Shangguan Yuanji glanced at Shangguan yuanrang unhappily, Bowing to Tang Yin "No, my Lord! Since Bessa has taken the initiative to seek peace, we should seize this opportunity. If we continue to make enemies with Bessa, the war will continue, and it will be the ordinary people who will suffer in the end. Moreover, Bessa is very powerful. What if he raises troops to attack again? It's really urgent for Bessa. What if he gathers all the troops of the Federation to attack us? I hope you will think twice!"

Tang Yin sneered, narrowed his eyes and proudly said, "if they really dare to come again, I will let them have no return, and take back the head of King besa!"

"Yes!" Shangguanyuan asked him to nod again. He liked to hear that.

At this time, Qiu Zhen, who had never spoken, suddenly said, "adults don't forget which side of their focus to put?"

As soon as he said this, everyone present was stunned, including Tang Yin. "What does that mean?" he asked suspiciously

Qiu Zhen said softly: "The city of besa is so big that even if you send troops again, can you annex the city of besa? Can you annex all the Federation of Murphys? If not, it will be in great trouble behind you, and you have to send heavy troops to garrison the border. Now Yancheng is in danger and may be captured by the Ning army at any time. At that time, you will have to defend the front and take care of the rear. Isn't it in a dilemma of being attacked by others ? Now is not a good time to fight Bessa city-state. What adults should do now is to stabilize one side and concentrate on dealing with the other side. With our current strength, it is far from enough to fight on two fronts. "

His analysis was so incisive that everyone nodded.

Shangguan Yuanji said: "plundering besa's property can indeed increase our fiscal revenue, but this can be achieved through normal trade after negotiation between the two sides. If we just blindly use force and fight repeatedly, then... Our vision is too short-sighted."

Qiu Zhen and Shangguan Yuanji didn't show mercy at all and spoke very seriously. Everyone couldn't help worrying about them, especially those civil servants. They were promoted by Shangguan Yuanji and had little contact with Tang Yin, but they also knew that he was bloodthirsty and became a surname. Yu he broke the law. He even destroyed Yu He's whole family, which shows the degree of cruelty.

Even Shangguan yuanrang felt that the elder brother's words were too heavy.

Sure enough, Tang Yin's face sank when he was put on his short-sighted hat. The tiger's eyes glittered with terrible light and stared at Shangguan Yuanji.

At this time, the atmosphere in the hall immediately became dull. People lowered their heads and didn't dare to look at Tang Yin, and the atmosphere didn't dare to breathe.

I don't know how long later, the light in Tang Yin's eyes disappeared, took a deep breath, and then burst into a laugh. He was angry. He shook his head and muttered in a low voice, "shit."

No one expected that Tang Yin could laugh and scold a three character classic at this time. When everyone was tongue tied, Tang Yin asked, "what should I do? You two tell me what to do now?"

"Accept peace!" Qiu Zhen and Shangguan yuanjida spoke in unison.

"Peace talks with manbang can at least stabilize manbang and solve our worries. Now manbang takes the initiative to seek peace. We can also put forward some favorable conditions for us and take the opportunity to earn benefits." Qiu Zhen said with a smile, "it's just that we don't know whether Bessa's negotiation is sincere or just to attract adults."

Tang Yin nodded. His surname does have a cruel and cold-blooded side, but there is also a tolerant side. He was reprimanded by Qiu Zhen and Shangguan Yuanji in public. He was really angry, but on second thought, what he said was also reasonable, and the two people rarely have the same caliber, which can only show that they were wrong.

Of course, it is precisely because they know Tang Yin's surname that Qiu Zhen and Shangguan Yuanji dare to be outspoken.

He turned to Lotte and Aijia and asked, "what's going on in manbang recently?"

Lotte shook his head and said, "there's no news. It's not good for the barbarian army to go to our county. After returning home, the army was demobilized. Now there's no trend to recruit again." Besa city-state is a national military service system. When there is a war, all the people are soldiers. When there is no war, there are few standing troops, and most soldiers are sent home.

Besa city-state is a country with relatively scarce resources and backward farming. It is simply unable to support such a huge army all year round.

Tang Yin youyou said, "from this point of view, manbang seems to have no idea of using troops in our county."

"Yes, my Lord."

"Is the peace negotiation true?"

Lotte couldn't guarantee this. He shook his head and said, "my subordinates don't know."

"Ha ha!" Tang Yin smiled up and said, "since you have been invited by others, why don't you go? Anyway, besa city is not the first time to go. It's OK to go again!"

"My Lord!" Hearing that Tang Yin was going to the capital of besa, Shangguan Yuanji said, "this matter should be considered in the long run and should not be easily involved in danger."

"Hey?" Tang Yin waved his hand and said, "the barbarians are belligerent and martial. If I don't go, it means I'm timid and afraid of the barbarians. Once I'm despised by the barbarians, I'm afraid it's difficult to continue the negotiation."

This time Qiu Zhen agreed. It's not always about taking risks. Taking risks is also about rewards. Making peace and success with barbarians will benefit our own side without doing any harm. Tang Yin's adventure is also worth it. He replied, "I agree with adults to go!"

Shangguan yuanrang immediately answered, "I'd like to go with adults."

Tang Yin laughed, leaned over and said, "if you have yuan to accompany me, it's not enough to be afraid even if the barbarians plot against me!"

Shangguan Yuanji's mouth moved, and finally swallowed the words of persuasion. He felt that it was really safe to have his second brother to protect Tang Yin, and he was not afraid of besa's bad ideas.

The next day, Tang Yin summoned the envoys of the city of besa and decided to accept the invitation. He was willing to go to besa to discuss peace.

The messengers of besa city-state were overjoyed. After making an appointment with Tang Yin, they left happily.

Hearing that Tang Yin was going to besa city again, fan min found Tang Yin for the first time, looked at him with worried and complaining eyes, and youyou said, "brother Tang, didn't you say you won't fight with the barbarians in the near future? Why do you want to go to the barbarian capital again?"

Tang Yin smiled, gently helped her shoulder and said, "this trip is not a war, but a peace negotiation. When the peace negotiation is reached, we and manbang will really stop fighting!"

"Are barbarians sincere in making peace? Will they......" fan min was worried for fear that Tang Yin would never return.

"Hum!" Tang Yin snorted and smiled, his eyes gradually became deep, his mouth picked up, hung an evil smile, and said, "if the barbarians really want to make peace, it's OK. If they deliberately deceive me to BESA City, then it's not sure whether the sheep into the tiger's mouth or the wolf into the sheep."

I don't know what he looked like on the battlefield, but the murderous spirit naturally revealed when he spoke made fan Minji Lingling fight a cold war.

Feel her body tremble for a while, Tang Yin's murderous spirit suddenly lost, he turned back and took off his cloak, put it on fan min's body, frowned and scolded: "now the weather is very cold, don't wear more clothes, catch the wind and cold, but no one will care about you."

Fan min grabbed Tang Yin's cloak and approached him. Although he was scolding himself, fan min's heart was sweet. Tang Yin is not a sweet talker, but that doesn't mean he's not considerate.

"Can I go with you?" Fan min raised his head and asked in a low voice.

Tang Yin said, "forget it this time. If you still have a chance to go to besa city next time, I'll take you there."

Fan min's question was just a test. When she heard the speech, her eyes dimmed and said, "she also said she wasn't going to fight. If she didn't fight, why couldn't she take me?"

Tang Yin was stunned for a moment, then hugged her and said half jokingly, "if I don't take you, it may be calm. If I take you, it will really fight!"

Fan min was puzzled and asked, "why?"

Tang Yin said with a smile, "what if the king of besa fell in love with you and asked me for you? If he didn't give you out, the two sides would fall out and fight?"

After hearing this, fan min blushed and hid her face shyly in Tang Yin's arms. However, she was happy to fly. Tang Yin's joke also alleviated fan min's concern.

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