A day later, Tang Yin set out on his way to besa city.

In addition to the two brothers of Shangguan, he was accompanied by Shangguan yuanrang and Qiu Zhen.

The reason why Qiu Zhen followed him was that he was afraid of Tang Yin's impulse and conflict with manbang in the process of peace negotiation.

Since Tang Yin didn't go to war, he didn't take many guards, only more than 100 people. However, these more than 100 people are not simple. Half of them are Tang Yin's disciples led by Lu Fang, and the other half are hidden arrows led by Cheng Jin. More than 100 people are spiritual practitioners. They are so powerful that they are not afraid even if they encounter tens of thousands of barbarians.

Tang Yin himself didn't ride a horse, but sat in a carriage with Qiu Zhen.

Besa city-state is located in a cold place in the north. It's cold and cold. Qiu Zhen is afraid of the cold. He shrinks in the carriage, with Mink on his upper body and bedding on his lower body. His hands are inserted into his sleeves, but he doesn't need to light a fire in the car to keep warm.

Tang Yin is much more comfortable than him. He only wears ordinary cotton clothes and lifts the curtains from time to time to watch the scenery outside. Bessa's ice and snow reminded him of his hometown.

Soon after the team entered the territory of besa, a team of besa cavalry came to the front. They didn't come to fight, but specially came to meet Tang Yin and his people.

Accompanied by barbarian troops, it saves a lot of trouble on the road and will not be checked by the Garrison when passing through the city of besa.

There was nothing to say all the way. Accompanied by the Besar cavalry, Tang Yin and his party successfully arrived outside Besar city.

That's how interesting it is. The last time Tang Yin came, he was forced to go in from the outside. This time, he was invited in by the besa people.

Tang Yin ordered the team to stop approaching and stay outside the city, while he himself came out of the carriage and asked Lu Fang to pull a war horse. He turned over and mounted the horse, and then said, "you all stay here, and only yuan let one person accompany me into the city."

"This..." everyone heard the speech and looked at each other. They were all deceived by Tang Yin's order. Just take the official yuan and let him enter the city. What if he gets trapped by others? Can shangguanyuan let one person protect Tang Yin? Besides, isn't Qiu Zhen coming all the way to participate in peace talks? Now even Qiu Zhen doesn't bring it, so what's the point of him coming?

Everyone was puzzled. Only shangguanyuan asked him to look at Tang Yin with a different light in his eyes.

"You just need to stay. Don't worry about other things!" Tang Yin said that, then asked Guan yuan to shake his head, and then urged his horse into the city.

Tang Yin brought only one person into the city. Even the besa army accompanying him all the way was surprised. I don't know whether to say that Tang Yin was too brave or that he was too relieved of his own side.

Under the escort of the Besar cavalry, Tang Yin and Shangguan yuan rode side by side and swaggered into the city.

The people of besa also knew the matter of peace negotiation, and stopped on both sides of the street one after another to watch the generals of the wind kingdom come to negotiate peace. People pointed and whispered one after another. Some people could name Tang Yin, but they didn't know who Tang Yin was. However, seeing that shangguanyuan made his black face frightening, they pointed at him and exclaimed that he was the devil of the wind country with a black sickle.

Being instructed to talk about himself by the Besar, shangguanyuan was bewildered. He turned to look at Tang Yin next to him, suddenly stretched out his hand, pinched his cheek, and muttered in a low voice: "it's quite true..."

Tang Yin stared at Shangguan yuanrang in surprise.

The latter leaned towards him and asked in a low voice, "who are you?"

Tang Yin was stunned at first and then smiled. The secret way was Shangguan yuanrang's deep cultivation and strong insight. He could see the flaw. He said faintly, "I am naturally Tang Yin, your sheriff."

"Oh!" Shangguanyuan let him sneer and turned his head away from him.

Tang Yin continued: "when we make peace, once there is a change, don't worry about me. You break out first."

"Of course!" Shangguanyuan let nodded without hesitation and muttered, "ghosts will take care of your life and death!" Then he turned and asked, "do you know why your dark practitioners are not tolerated by the light practitioners?"

Tang Yin asked with a smile, "why?"

"Obscene and weird, lack of aboveboard martial spirit."

"Ha ha!" Tang Yin smiled up and said, "martial arts are like military ways. They are all deceptive ways. If you can't even protect your family name and life, what's the use as long as you are aboveboard?"

Shangguan yuanrang didn't agree with his words, but he couldn't refute him. He was lazy to say more and shut his mouth and stopped arguing.

BESA palace.

All the way, Tang Yin and shangguanyuan rang arrived at the gate of the palace. There were already officials and palace guards waiting for a long time. They only saw Tang Yin and shangguanyuan rang. Their faces flashed a dazed color. They couldn't help looking behind them. They didn't see any other wind people. There were only cavalry guards on besa's own side.

The official was stunned for a moment, then quickly stepped forward, put his hand on his chest, gave a deep salute, and asked, "excuse me, who is general Tang Yin Tang? (MO)"

Shangguan yuanrang didn't understand Bessa language, so naturally he didn't understand what he was talking about. Tang Yin turned over and dismounted and replied in Bessa language: "I'm Tang Yin! (Mo, omitted below)"

"Ah!" The official looked at Tang Yin blankly, a little stunned.

The last time Tang Yin entered the palace, he was also present. It can be said that he was deeply impressed by Tang Yin. At that time, Tang Yin was covered with a spirit armor to cover his original appearance. Although the spirit armor finally dispersed, it was only the king who saw his appearance clearly, and other ministers only saw his back.

"Lord Tang, please come inside!" Bessa officials recovered, quickly stood aside and asked Tang Yin to enter the palace.

Tang Yin's face was fearless, his mouth was tall, and with a seemingly evil smile, he walked into the palace with big steps. Shangguanyuan let nature simply follow Tang Yin.

Tang Yin once came to the palace, but he was in a scuffle at that time and didn't pay more attention. Now, he was also surprised at the grandeur of the palace. The city of besa was so short of materials, but he could build a palace of such scale. How much money did he have to plunder from neighboring countries?

Enter the main hall of the palace, King Sanchez of besa? Feng? Prosper sat on the throne in the middle, and the following two sides were full of civil and military ministers of besa city state, who led a crowd to attack kenis in Pingyuan county not long ago? Feng? Poulos is among them.

As soon as Tang Yin and Shangguan yuanrang came, King besa and his ministers focused on them. Many of their generals secretly used their insight to find out their accomplishments.

There was nothing wrong with Tang Yin, but when he found shangguanyuanrang, besa's generals were surprised, because they couldn't find out what level his cultivation reached. There were only two possibilities: either he didn't have Lingwu cultivation, or his cultivation was too deep and exceeded others.

Sanchez, king of besa, met Tang Yin. At this time, Tang Yin recognized him at a glance without wearing a spirit armor. His body trembled slightly. If he didn't pay careful attention, he couldn't see it at all. He leaned forward and said with a leisurely smile: "general Tang has come a long way. It's been hard all the way."

Tang Yin raised her eyes to Sanchez's eyes and said with a smile, "it's been a long time since I saw you. Your majesty is still safe!" As he spoke, he looked down and took a deep look at Sanchez's neck.

Now there are many generals in the hall, among which there are naturally some outstanding spiritual practitioners. However, when Tang Yin looked at Sanchez's neck, the latter still had a cold war and felt hair in his heart. But on the surface, he didn't reveal it at all. He cut to the point and asked, "what's general Tang's opinion on the negotiation between you and me?"

"Of course, peace can be negotiated, but I have conditions." Tang Yin said.

"Hum!" Before Sanchez spoke, Kenneth snorted angrily and said first, "it's good for you to negotiate peace. Do you dare to negotiate terms with us?"

Tang Yin looked at Kenneth with a smile and said, "don't say it's good for me, but it's good for both you and me. If it's not good, how can you take the initiative to negotiate with me?"

"That's..." Kenneth looked at Sanchez and swallowed his words back. Not everyone in the king's Court of besa supports peace negotiation. It is mainly King Sanchez who advocates peace negotiation, while Kenneth is the main fighting faction. He has many complaints about peace negotiation.

Sanchez waved to his brother and hinted that he would not intervene. He said, "general Tang can talk about what conditions he has first."

Tang Yin said: "first, no troops can be stationed near the border between the two countries to show sincerity; second, all besa cities should be opened to allow Chinese businessmen to pass freely and trade; third, besa has disturbed our territory for many years and needs compensation."

After hearing this, Bessa's ministers frowned.

Tang Yin put forward these three articles, which are almost comparable to the appointment under the city. He almost didn't let Bessa cut land for him.

Kenneth's face turned red with anger. Holding the handle of his sword, he took two steps towards Tang Yin fiercely and said angrily, "although we take the initiative to make peace, do you really think we're afraid of you?"

Shangguanyuan couldn't understand what they were talking about, but he could understand Kenneth's actions and thought he was going to do it. He took an arrow step to close to Kenneth and put his hand on his wrist holding the sword.

Seeing this, Tang Yin smiled calmly and said softly, "Yuan rang, step back."

Shangguan yuanrang glared at Kenneth, loosened his wrist and retreated behind Tang Yin.

Tang Yin reached out to kenis and youyou said, "if you don't accept these three, then we'll see you on the battlefield!"

"Good, good, good --" Kenneth responded repeatedly. He had not been so humiliated since the founding of the city of besa. His angry body trembled and could say nothing but good.

Seeing that the peace talks were about to collapse, Sanchez hurriedly said, "don't be angry, general Tang. We can talk about peace slowly!" As he spoke, he scolded Kenneth in a low voice, "Duke of Poulos, don't interrupt!"

Seeing that Sanchez was angry, Kenneth sighed helplessly and could only slowly return to the original position.

Sanchez turned his eyes and smiled at Tang Yin: "the matter of peace is beneficial to both of us. Therefore, all kinds of conditions should be mutually beneficial to both of us."

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