A stable environment, a huge population and prosperous commerce and trade are the basis for improving the prosperity. Now Tianyuan county has these three requirements. With the increase of foreign merchants, the local people gradually woke up, rejected their prejudices and increased their contacts with the city of besa.

Trade is mutually beneficial. Tianyuan County sells the specialties of Fengguo to besa and returns them to besa, and then resells them to other counties and counties to earn a huge price difference. The same is true of besa city-state. It makes more profits by selling the specialties of Fengguo to inland people or reselling them to other surrounding countries.

Pingyuan County, once devastated by war and described as the worst County in Fengguo, is now the most prosperous. Not only Hengcheng and border cities are overcrowded, but even the original ordinary towns are booming rapidly. Besa people who come to Fengguo to do business and travel here can be seen everywhere on the streets.

The prosperity of Commerce and trade has brought huge revenue to the county's finance, but Shangguan Yuanji did not dare to forget his roots, that is, agriculture. Agriculture is the foundation of everything. Without agriculture, everything is floating clouds. Without food, there will be no army. Without an army, there will be no ability to protect ourselves. If we can't protect ourselves, the peace and prosperity in front of us will only be a flash in the pan. Because business is profitable, many farmers in the county abandon their land for business. Shangguan Yuanji allocates a large amount of gold and silver from the County Treasury to reward farming and maintain the sustainability of agriculture in the county.

At this time, Shangguan Yuanji's internal affairs talent was brought into full play, with accurate foresight, knowing how to judge the situation and adjust policies in time, so as to ensure the development and stability of Tianyuan county and avoid the balance between various industries. Asking for money and food provided the strongest support for Tang Yin's large-scale army expansion.

Even Tang Yin later admitted that he owed his achievements to Shangguan Yuanji. Without him, he could not afford such a huge and powerful army.

Ningguo army fought with Fengjun army in Yancheng for three months. Until then, Tang Yin was ready to send troops for reinforcements.

At this time, the Tianyuan army had complete staffing and complete manpower, with a total of 230000 people, including 100000 plain army with the strongest combat power, 50000 Sanshui army and Chifeng army respectively, and 30000 directly under the army. Now Tang Yin's ambition is much greater than that when he was just a prefect. He plans to send his army south to help the Wang court defeat Ning army and obtain a higher position.

Over the past few days, the army has been gradually transferred to the south, and batch after batch of Tianyuan troops have continuously left the counties and gathered in Tianguan. Tang Yin and the generals led by Qiu Zhen also left shunzhou to Tianguan.

The Tianguan pass is not small, but at this time, the gathering of more than 200000 troops still seems narrow. Barracks and tents are everywhere inside and outside the pass, and wind troops wearing black leather armor can be seen everywhere.

Tang Yin didn't intend to stay more in Tianguan. He wanted to keep 30000 soldiers to guard his home. He commanded 200000 troops and went directly to Yancheng.

This day, while he was discussing the marching route with Qiu Zhen and others in the camp, a soldier outside recently reported that shunzhou received a letter from a flying pigeon in Yancheng and sent it to Tang Yin for a look.

Tang Yin is very strange. Who will send a message to his flying pigeon in Yancheng? Is it miss Wumei? I haven't seen Wu Mei for a long time. I'm sure I can see her when I go to Yancheng this time. When she sees that she is a sheriff and has 200000 soldiers, what expression will she have from time to time.

Thinking of this, Tang Yin couldn't help laughing and reached out and said, "give me the letter!"

"Yes, my Lord!" The small official of shunzhou who delivered the letter hurried forward and handed the letter to Tang Yin respectfully.

Tang Yin took it and was disappointed to see the envelope. It was not Wu Mei's handwriting.

Because the letter was handed by a flying pigeon, the envelope and the letter paper were connected together and rolled into a ball. There was a wax seal on the outside, but the words "Lord Tang personally opened" were written on the outside of the letter paper.

He took the fire twister from Shangguan Yuanwu, lit it, melted the wax seal, unfolded the letter paper and looked down.

The generals didn't pay much attention to the contents of the letter. The tenth * * of Yancheng's letter is to urge reinforcements. They are still discussing which route is fast or slow and which route is not conducive to the March. However, Qiu Zhen "this..." Tang Yin is not a simple person. The throne of the king is solid and attractive, but can it be as simple as Qiu Zhen said?

He believed that Zhong Tian was not suddenly in trouble, but had a premeditation. Even the invasion of the Ningguo army was a private affair with him.

Now, many things can be explained clearly.

At the beginning of the Fengguo's attack on Ningguo, there was Jianxi inside the king's court who reported to Ningguo. That Jianxi was probably Zhong Tian. His purpose was to weaken the power of the Fengguo dignitaries, and the final result did lead to the collapse of the most powerful Ziyang family; Princess Yin Rou was assassinated by an assassin when she went to Fengguo. It was Zhong Tian's attempt to keep the two countries at war, so as to further consume the troops of King Feng's court and dignitaries; Zhong tianmenke sneaked into Hengcheng to catch fan min in order to control fan Ju. As long as he gets the financial support of the fan family, the country will soon stabilize after he usurped the throne; Zhong Tian proposed to replace the general of Tongmen, which led to the loss of Tongmen overnight. His purpose was more obvious. He colluded with the state of Ning and deliberately led the army of Ning into the country, so as to create an opportunity for him to usurp the throne.

Tang Yin felt that before he reached the world, Zhong Tian had the intention of rebellion. The old fox had planned for many years and hid for so long. He was waiting for the opportunity. Now he finally waited for the opportunity, which means he can destroy it.

Taking a deep breath, Tang Yin knocked on his aching forehead and said slowly, "now things are not clear. It's still early to assert. Let's shut it down first!"

Qiu Zhen still wanted to talk, but Tang Yin waved impatiently and interrupted him.

Originally, Tang Yin was going to send troops south to help Wang Ting fight to the death with Ning Jun, but Deng Mingyang's Flying Pigeon letter completely messed up his plan and deployment. More than 200000 troops were stationed in Tianguan and waited for the exact news from Yancheng.

A few days later, the exact news from Yancheng came back. Everything was just as written in Deng Mingyang's letter. Zhong Tian killed the monarch and rebelled, claiming to be king Peng and changing the wind number to Peng. In addition, Zhong Tian sent orders to all counties in the capacity of King Peng to ask whether the prefects of all counties were loyal to him. As the prefect of Tianyuan County, Tang Yin will naturally receive Zhong Tian's orders.

The arrival of another person surprised Tang Yin.

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