On the third day after Tang Yin received the letter from Deng Mingyang's flying pigeon, a famous captain came to report to him that a large amount of gold and silver was found during the inspection of the caravan passing through Tianguan. Now the Tianguan pass is on semi alert, and strict customs clearance inspection should be carried out for past caravans and businessmen.

Tang Yin felt funny after listening to the captain's report. Since it was a caravan, there was no one without gold and silver. He casually asked, "how much gold and silver do you mean?"

The captain swallowed and spit, shook his head and said, "I don't know." Then added: "too many, countless."

"Oh?" Gold and silver can be counted too much, which is very fresh. Tang Yin stood up, raised his head and said, "take me to see it."

The captain led Tang Yin to the gate of Tianguan. At this time, there was a caravan parked here. The caravan was composed of hundreds of cars. Each volume of cars was bound with more than ten dilapidated large boxes. It seemed that it was only carrying ordinary goods. It was no different from a normal caravan. At best, it was a little larger and more people were crushing the cars.

"Look, my Lord!" The captain went to a carriage and opened one of the boxes. Under the reflection of the sun, the silver glittered inside. Tang Yin jumped into the carriage and looked down. Well, there were neat silver ingots in it. Tang Yin was stunned, and then opened the next box. Like the one just now, there were silver ingots in this box.

Hundreds of cars and thousands of boxes. If they are full of silver, how many do they have? This can only be described by astronomical figures. Tang Yin looked up at the end of the caravan and was surprised. Seeing such a huge amount of silver, it is absolutely deceptive to say that Tang Yin is not excited. However, he is not a bandit after all. If he is a normal caravan, he can't do anything.

Tang Yin got out of the car and jumped into the second carriage. The boxes loaded in the car made Tang Yin even more greedy. There were gold ingots in more than ten boxes. It was not sure whether they were true or false. Tang Yin also deliberately picked up a ingot of gold and scratched it with his fingernails. The traces left were clearly visible. The gold was really true.

Jumping out of the car, Tang Yin pulled the captain and said, "find the person in charge of this caravan!"

"Yes, my Lord!" The captain stepped in and saluted, turned and ran out.

Tang Yin wanted to see what kind of caravan it was and what was the purpose of carrying such a huge amount of gold and silver.

After a short time, the captain brought a large group of people from the middle of the caravan. Most of them were spiritual practitioners, and there were also many people with advanced cultivation. Seeing them, the two brothers of Shangguan immediately returned to Tang Yin's left and right, and protected him first. Tang Yin doesn't care. He doesn't think anyone will dare to assassinate himself in Tianguan. You know, there are 200000 troops stationed here.

The first person in the group was a middle-aged man in his early 40s. His clothes were very ordinary, but his temperament was extraordinary. There was the spirit of everyone from noble origins between raising his hands and feet. Looking at his face, his face was as white as jade, his facial features were handsome, and his three wisps of black beard moved with the wind. He was good-looking.

Tang Yin thought he looked familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had met for another time.

He looked up and asked, "Your Excellency is the leader of the caravan?"

"Yes!" The middle-aged man came forward with a smile, first gave a deep salute, and then asked, "the general is..."

"Tang Yin!" Tang Yin answered simply.

"Oh, it's Lord Tang!" Hearing Tang Yin's name, the middle-aged man suddenly showed surprise, and his hanging heart seemed to fall down. He saluted again and said with a smile: "I've seen Lord Tang, fan Ju!"

Fan Ju? Tang Yin wondered if he had heard wrong. This is fan Ju, fan min's father, the largest businessman in the country of wind? He looked at the middle-aged man carefully. Yes, no wonder he thought he looked familiar. Fan min and he did have similarities in their eyebrows. After being stunned for a moment, Tang Yin regained consciousness, hurriedly saluted the middle-aged man and said with a smile: "it's old fan. It's really disrespectful!"

No matter how big fan Ju's business is, just because he is fan min's father is enough to make Tang Yin feel more cordial.

"Oh, Lord Tang, you're welcome!"

"Old fan, this is..."

"Lord Tang, to be honest, I escaped here from Wancheng!"

Tang Yin was stunned for a moment, and then he knew in his heart that the man chasing fan Ju must be the subordinate sent by Zhong Tian. He didn't ask again. He gave way and said with a light smile: "don't worry, old fan. Since you're in Tianyuan County, I can guarantee that no one dares to touch you here!"

Of course, fan Ju also knows the relationship between his daughter and Tang Yin. Although they haven't married yet, they already have the reality of husband and wife. In theory, Tang Yin is already half of his uncle. He smiled and walked into the city with Tang Yin. As for the gold and silver he brought, Tang Yin arranged a group of soldiers to take care of it.

Tang Yin sent fan Ju to his big account and divided the guests and guests. At this time, Qiu Zhen and others also came one after another. Although fan Ju was not a powerful Wang Tingquan, he was a wealthy businessman and a legend of the wind country. Moreover, there was Tang Yin's relationship. Everyone was polite to fan Ju and gave gifts first.

After the greetings, Tang Yin first got to the point. Now he was most concerned about the news of Yancheng. He asked, "old fan, what's the situation in Yancheng now?"

Fan Ju smelled the speech, sighed, shook his head and said, "it's in a mess."


"Zhong Tian's rebellion was premeditated. Although I was aware of it, I didn't have any real evidence, and I didn't dare to make a public announcement. However, I knew that if Zhong Tian rebelled, I would try my best to control me and help him stabilize the overall situation with my fan family's financial resources. Therefore, I asked Xiao Min to take refuge in Pingyuan county first, and I also secretly hid in Wancheng. Unexpectedly, Zhong Tian heard the wind and sent someone to the village Pingyuan county has come to kidnap Xiaomin. If there is no adult to help, I'm afraid Xiaomin has already fallen into the hands of Zhong Tianzhi. Here I want to thank Lord Tang! " While talking, fan Ju stood up, bent his knees and knelt down to make a big gift.

Tang Yin hurriedly helped him, shook his head and said, "old fan is polite. In fact, Xiaomin has also helped me a lot. I am also very grateful." It's true that the Bessa items captured by Tang Yin in the early stage were sold through fan min. without this way, no matter how much booty he plundered, it would be useless and could only be overstocked in his hands.

"Ha ha!" Fan Ju laughed. No matter how cruel Tang Yin was, he was very polite and humble to himself, which was enough to make fan Ju leave a good impression on Tang Yin. He said: "it's admirable that Lord Tang gives kindness without asking for return. No wonder the little girl will choose adults!"

"Ha ha!" Tang Yin smiled awkwardly.

Fan Ju continued: "Now all the ministers of the king's court are kidnapped by Zhong Tian, especially the three ministers Liang Xing, Wu Yu and Ziyang HaoChun, who were made by Zhong Tian. As a result, there are 200000 troops in the ten regiments of Liang family, the six regiments of Wu family and the four regiments of Ziyang family, all of which have been dispatched by Zhong Tian. In addition, the five regiments originally controlled by Jun Shang have already been bought by Zhong Tian and followed by him, In addition to the six regiments that originally belonged to him, he now controls more than 300000 troops. "

So many troops! After hearing this, they looked at each other and looked dignified. No one answered.

Tang Yin frowned and asked suspiciously, "what about the local armies everywhere? As far as I know, there are as many as 200000 local armies everywhere."

"Alas!" Fan Ju sighed, say: "The local army is a mob gathered temporarily. It is not an opponent of the central army or the Ning army. Now it has been besieged outside Yancheng by Zhong Tian and the Ning army. Zhong Tian has given orders to the prefectures of each county to ask whether they are willing to be loyal to him. If they nod their heads, they may not be able to send troops to reinforce Yancheng No one will come back alive. "

Tang Yin nodded slowly and couldn't help looking at Qiu Zhen.

No matter how Qiu Zhen thought about it at the beginning, he strongly advocated not sending troops to reinforce Yancheng for the time being. Now, this idea is too correct. If he really leads the troops to Yancheng, he will be surrounded by 70000 or 800000 troops like other county soldiers.

Qiu Zhen didn't care about this. He asked, "old fan, King... Did the king family really be killed by Zhong Tian?"

"More than a family?!" Fan Ju took a deep breath and said, "since Zhong Tian became the queen, he began to hunt down Zhan surname all over the country. As long as he caught those surnamed Zhan, he would be executed regardless of whether they were black and white or whether they were royal relatives. One of the most important things for County guards to be loyal to Zhong Tian is to see how many heads of Zhan surnamed people can be handed over. It must not be long before Zhong Tian's will will reach Lord Tang."

Everyone breathed in and sighed in their hearts: what a cruel Zhong Tian!

However, Qiu Zhen was secretly delighted when he heard the speech.

Fan Ju youyou said, "since ancient times, people's hearts have been unpredictable. Zhong tianben is the most trusted person on the throne. Although he is one of the four dignitaries, he never competes for power or merit. The Zhong family is also the most responsible one of the four dignitaries, but who would have thought that the most responsible person has hidden wolf ambition. Alas, maybe God is going to kill me..."

"Old fan, it's still too early to assert." Qiu Zhen replied that his words were to fan Ju, but his eyes were fixed on Tang Yin. His meaning was no more obvious than to ask Tang Yin to hold high the banner of the wind country, make it clear to the world and attack the traitor Zhong Tian.

Tang Yin sat in a chair and didn't say anything. He bowed his head and deliberately didn't go to see Qiu Zhen. He was silent.

He is not the kind of person who acts impulsively when his mind is hot. Zhong Tian has controlled all the central army. It is estimated that the 200000 local army can not escape his palm. At that time, there will be more than 500000 troops, plus the 400000 troops in Ningguo, the military strength will almost reach more than one million, and he has only 200000 people. How can he compete with him in a county?

Not to mention attacking Yancheng, I'm afraid that as soon as he leaves Tianguan, he will be submerged in the sea of soldiers of Zhong Tian. At that time, he will not only kill himself, but also kill more than 200000 soldiers under his command. With so many lives on his own, Tang Yin dare not be careful.

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