Liang Xing, Wu Yu and Ziyang HaoChun were shocked. When they looked at each other, they all hung their heads, were silent and thought about their thoughts.

It's certainly good to find someone to command the three families. Don't worry about being taken away by Tang Yin, but who is better?

Although Liang Xing himself can't unify the army, he has an outstanding son Liang Qi. If he has to choose one from the three families, it's Liang Qi. Similar to his idea is Ziyang HaoChun. He used to be a big general. He was born as a serious 800 general and was most qualified to command the three families' army. Wuyu is happier than both of them. Although the dancer's Yin flourishes and Yang declines, both daughters are not simple. In particular, Wuyi has a deep friendship with Tang Yin. It can be proved from the fact that the latter dares to enter the palace to save people. If she chooses someone, Tang Yin will choose Wuying instead of Wuyi.

Each of them harbored ghosts and relied on each other. After being silent for a while, they raised their heads and smiled at Tang Yin: "OK, let's do it according to Lord Tang!"

Tang Yin secretly rejoiced, pretended to be calm and asked, "then, who do the three adults think is suitable for election?"

Before others spoke, Ziyang HaoChun said, "of course, I must choose this person." He looked at Liang Xing and Wu Yu proudly and continued: "my son Yang's family has been a general for generations. It's natural to unify troops and fight. Liang Xiang and Wu Xiang, what do you say?"

"Hum!" Liang xinghum smiled and said slowly, "at the beginning, the general who commanded 200000 troops and nearly lost the whole army in Hedong area was the people of your Ziyang family. How long has it been? The past is still vivid. Do you still want to be the commander of your Ziyang family now?"

"You..." Ziyang HaoChun's old face turned red and couldn't hang his face. He stood up and glared at Liang Xing.

"General Ziyang, don't argue any more. The commander of our three families can be anyone, but it will never be your Ziyang family." At this time, the old God of dance Yu intervened on the ground. It's rare for him to stand on the same side with Liang Xing this time. He plans to exclude Ziyang family and reduce one opponent first.

"Hum!" Ziyang HaoChun snorted angrily and sat back in his chair angrily. He put his arms around and stared at Liang Xing and Wu Yu. He wanted to see who would be the last person selected!

Wu Yu smiled at Tang Yin and said, "those in the game are fascinated and those on the sidelines are clear. I'm afraid we can't pick a suitable candidate ourselves. Lord Tang, it's up to you to decide!"

"Oh..." Tang Yin pondered, shook her head and said, "that's not very good!"

"Nothing bad!" Ziyang HaoChun shouted, "Lord Tang, it's best to choose a convincing person!" Liang Xing and Wu Yu now make it clear to exclude him. He can only place his hope on Tang Yin.

Tang Yin nodded as if reluctantly accepted what he said.

He murmured: "although the Ziyang family has been a general for generations, it was really defeated in the battle in Hedong. If the Ziyang family were handsome, I'm afraid it would be difficult to convince the public." Then he looked at Wuyu and said, "the two girls of the dancer are both literate and martial, and women are not as good as men. However, if they are able and handsome, they seem to have insufficient ability. Not to mention the difficulties in the army, it's better for girls to stay away from the army." As soon as he said this, Wu Yu's face suddenly changed. Just about to speak, Tang Yin continued: "although Liang Xiang is not suitable for unifying the army, his son Liang Qi is a genius for unifying the army. In particular, he defeated Ning army in the first World War of Tongmen in that year. He has a high reputation in the army. I think it is most suitable for General Liang Qi to take this post."

When he finished, Liang xingle's mouth couldn't close. He never dreamed that Tang Yin, who had an old grudge with himself, could choose his Liang family. This is really a pie from the sky. Wu Yu and Ziyang HaoChun trembled with anger, especially the former. In any case, Tang Yin didn't favor their dancers, but pushed such an important position to his political enemy Liang family.

He wanted to stand up against it, but just now he took the initiative to ask Tang Yin to pick a candidate. Now how can he go back on his word in public? Wu Yu was angry, especially when he saw Liang Xing sitting next to him, elated and smiling. He was even more angry. Even if the dancer couldn't lead the soldiers, he couldn't take advantage of the Liang family.

It's better to hand over military power to Tang Yin. Perhaps the latter may not dare to want his own military power!

Thinking of this, he said solemnly: "I have no opinion on the candidate proposed by Lord Tang, but rather than let Liang Qi lead the army, I'd better directly hand it over to Lord Tang. My dancer now has 30000 soldiers and men, who are willing to give it to Lord Tang's command and obey Lord Tang's dispatch!"

Hearing the speech, before Tang Yin could speak, Ziyang HaoChun also said, "me too! 30000 people of my Liang family are also willing to be assigned by Lord Tang." Although he doesn't think as much as Wu Yu, he knows that Wu Yu is always cunning. Since he is willing to say so, he must be right to follow his words.

Liang Xing glanced at them and sneered in his heart. Wu Yu and Ziyang HaoChun, two old foxes, would rather give their military power to Tang Yin than themselves, but if they want to hand over the military power, they can hand it over as long as the military power of the Liang family can stay in their own hands.

Wuyu and Ziyang HaoChun took the initiative to hand over the military power to Tang Yin, which was what Tang Yin wanted most. He was not humble at all. He immediately bowed his hands to them and said, "since Wu Xiang and general Ziyang can trust me so much, it's better to obey orders than respect. I'll take charge of them. When Yancheng is laid down in the future, Wu Xiang and general Ziyang will be indispensable in the merit book!"

Tang Yin was not polite at all. He really took all the orders of the two ministries. Now Wu Yu was silly. He just deliberately let Tang Yin, who thought he had been promoted by him and had an ambiguous relationship with his daughter, dare not ask for his military power. I didn't know that Tang Yin didn't leave any affection and didn't even give himself a chance to repent.

Wuyu and Ziyang HaoChun were stunned and couldn't return to God for a long time. Liang Xing sees this and laughs to himself. Wu Yu is smart and thinks Tang Yin can favor him. What's the result? Instead, Tang Yin put it together. He would not let go of this good opportunity and said repeatedly, "well, well, the dancers and the members of Ziyang's family will be taken over by Lord Tang, while the members of my Liang family will be under the command of dog Zi Liang Qi. That's it!"

Liang Xing only wants to weaken Wu and Ziyang, but he doesn't think about it. If both of them are weakened, how can he enjoy the peace and stability of the Liang family alone?

Sure enough.

Two days after the meeting, Tang Yin had not officially accepted the members of the dance and Ziyang families. Instead, Liang Qi led the regiment leaders of the Liang family's departments to visit Tang Yin and expressed his willingness to obey Tang Yin's command and obey his dispatch. Tang Yin accepted it, incorporated all the four regiments under the Liang family into the Sanshui army, and promoted Liang Qi to the presidential commander of the Sanshui army.

Bai Yong, the former commander of the Sanshui army, served as the deputy commander.

Bai Yong doesn't care much about his sudden demotion and an immediate boss on his head. He knows his strength very well. At best, he is a general rather than a handsome talent, but Liang Qi is different. Although he is not old, he is of noble origin and has a high reputation in the war. Bai Yong is very satisfied to let himself be his deputy.

Of course, he also understood Tang Yin's purpose to make himself Liang Qi's deputy, which is more meaningful to play a supervisory role.

Liang Qi led the members of the Liang family to take refuge in Tang Yin suddenly. Liang Xing didn't know anything about it until Tang Yin's formal appointment order came down. He didn't know that his son was also the commander of the Sanshui army.

After learning about this, Liang Xingqi almost lost his temper on the spot. Liang Qi served as the commander-in-chief of Sanshui army. The number of troops in charge increased, but his name decreased greatly. He became a subordinate of Tang Yin. Later, he was working for Tang Yin and serving Tang Yin. Where did the Liang family face?

But at this point, he didn't even have a chance to stop it. At this time, he realized that he had been fooled, not just himself. It can be said that Liang, Wu and Ziyang had been fooled by Tang Yin.

The three of them fought openly and secretly all their lives. One by one, the city government was deeper than the other, but Tang Yin looked away. I didn't expect that his ambition could be so great that he secretly plotted the military power of his three families. What's more surprising is that even Liang Qi's extremely smart children of the Liang family were bought by Tang Yin.

No matter how regretful Liang Xing, Wu Yu and Zi Yang HaoChun may be and how full of resentment, the three families did "take the initiative" to hand over military power, not forced by Tang Yin. Although their subordinates felt inexplicable, they could not say anything.

The progress of the matter was much smoother than Tang Yin thought. Without using any radical means and force, he only used the intrigue between Liang, Wu and Ziyang to easily deceive the military power of the three families and completely eliminate his worries.

He also made corresponding adjustments to the ten regiments of Liang, Wu and Ziyang. Instead of moving the heads of the regiments, he transferred the following commanders, but instead of being transferred or dismissed, he was promoted.

At present, the Tianyuan army has expanded too fast and its strength has increased greatly. Basically, there are vacancies for the head of the corps or the deputy head of the Corps. Tang Yin's transfer of the commander of thousands can just make up for these vacancies, and at the same time, it has greatly weakened the factions of Liang, Wu and Ziyang.

The commander in chief plays a connecting role in the corps and is also the core skeleton of the Corps. If the commander in chief is removed and replaced with his confidants, the Corps will basically be firmly controlled by himself.

Tang Yin and Zhong Tian also made corresponding adjustments for the loyalty of their regiment, but the effect was different.

Zhong Tian's one size fits all approach has led to people's self-confidence and lax military morale. Tang Yin's withdrawal from the backbone not only did not cause panic, but made everyone feel at ease. Those who were promoted were happy and those who were not promoted envied. People feel that under Tang Yin's command, there is no discrimination and exclusion. Everyone has the opportunity and space to promote his position, which is a place where they can expand their ambitions.

Because there is no sense of exclusion, the morale of the army will soon stabilize. The change of ownership of the whole ten Corps seems so natural and calm.

To do the same thing and achieve the same goal, the means used are slightly different, and the results are also very different. This is the gap between Zhong Tian and Tang Yin.

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