
Zhong Tian spent nine cattle and two tigers to stop the phenomenon of desertion in the army, but his vitality was greatly damaged. It turned out that more than half of the 20 regiments directly under liang, Wu and Ziyang escaped, and the establishment of the 20 regiments was useless.

At this time, Zhan Wudi, one of the commanders of the Ning army, took the initiative to find Zhong Tian and asked him to immediately assemble his troops and unite the Ning army to attack Tianyuan County headed by Tang Yin. After the complete elimination of the Tang Yin line, the form of the "pengguo" was stable, and the Ning army could also return home.

Zhan Wudi and Zhan matchless are close brothers. They are both the supreme General of the state of Ning. They are powerful and the red man in front of the king of Ning. Zhong Tian dare not take it lightly. After listening to Zhan Wudi's words, he nodded repeatedly and promised: "the supreme general can rest assured that the king will assemble the king's division and destroy the rebellious Minister Tang Yin as soon as possible!"

Zhan Wudi glanced at Zhong Tian, moved the corners of his mouth, and finally swallowed what he had said.

It was precisely because Zhong Tian came to take charge of the army that he felt uneasy. If there was a deserter this time, he would lose more than 100000 troops at once. If he delayed, something would happen. In order to avoid long-term dreams, he had to come forward in person and urge Zhong Tian to go to war immediately. Moreover, the 400000 Ning army has been stationed in Fengguo for a long time, and its soldiers are eager to return home, so he can't delay any more.

After Zhong Tian met Zhan invincible, he immediately began to assemble troops. With his patchwork, he also gathered more than 300000 people, including six regiments directly under Zhong Tian, five regiments originally owned by the royal family, four regiments from the three families of Liang, Wu and Ziyang, and 200000 local troops stationed outside Yancheng in each county, with a total of 350000 people.

Zhong Tian's 350000 troops and 400000 Ning troops are ready to go north to attack Tang Yin. At the same time, Tang Yin is not idle. On the one hand, he starts to transfer 400000 Tianyuan troops to the South and enter Guannan county. On the other hand, he asks them to ride a fast horse to the besa city state and borrow troops from its king.

Tang Yin started from Pingyuan County, which was harassed by the Besar army, and was naturally very familiar with the combat effectiveness of the Besar army. Qiu Zhen suggested that Tang Yin borrow cavalry from besa. Besa's heavy armored cavalry is very strong in both combat effectiveness and defense. Moreover, the wind army in Yancheng and the Ning army from afar have never seen heavy Armored Cavalry. Once they meet on the battlefield, If you are not prepared enough, you will suffer a great loss.

Tang Yin thought Qiu Zhen's suggestion was very reasonable and immediately adopted it. He personally sent a letter in Bessa language to Bessa city. At the same time, he also sent a lot of gold, silver and jewelry to show his gratitude.

As for entering Guannan County, this is Tang Yin's own idea. Out of the foundation of protecting Tianyuan County, he doesn't want to start a war at the door of Tianyuan County, but wants to put the battlefield outside Tianyuan county. Many people don't understand it. They don't understand why there is a natural danger in Tianguan, but to go to Guannan county to resist the enemy, lose the advantage of defense, and only rely on frontal combat, With its current strength, it is impossible to defeat the enemy's 70000 to 800000 troops.

However, several military commanders unanimously supported Tang Yin. They believed that fighting in Guannan county was more beneficial to their own side. They were not as afraid as Tang Yin that leading the war to the door would destroy the economy and stability of Tianyuan County, but felt that fighting in Guannan County could be more unexpected and take Zhong Tian by surprise.

Now Zhong Tian doesn't know that Zhao Hui, the head of Guannan County, is inclined to his own side. Naturally, he also takes Guannan army as his own chassis. Recently, he must be completely unprepared. If his own side suddenly kills out and takes it by surprise, he will break Zhong Tian's coalition with Ningguo.

After listening to the analysis of these managers, those who expressed opposition stopped talking. After all, what they said is also very reasonable.

The county city of Guannan county is Tongzhou, which is very close to Tianguan. It is faster to go from Tianguan to TongZhou than from Tianguan to shunzhou.

Tang Yin, commander of the army directly under 10000 Tianyuan County, as the leading force, arrived outside TongZhou after a day and night's rapid march.

At this time, it was early in the morning. The sky was cloudy and bright. Tang Yin rode up to the wall and looked up. There were no soldiers on the tall and thick wall of Tongzhou City, and the flags were more ridiculous. Some were Peng flags with red background and white face, and some were wind flags with black background and white face.

With Tang Yin, there were three brothers, Shangguan yuanrang, Yuanwu and yuanbiao. Shangguan yuanrang urged his horse to come to Tang Yin, snorted and smiled at the wall, and said, "I think Zhao Hui, the head of Guannan County, is a grass on the wall, which side is windy and which side falls down. Even the flag is hung in case of need!"

Tang Yin was also happy, shook his head, took a deep breath and shouted to the city wall: "listen, brother in the city, I'm Tang Yin, the head of Tianyuan county. Go and inform your head of county, Lord Zhao, and let him come out and talk to me!"

The shouts of his soldiers finally startled the city. After a long period of scratching, someone finally leaned half his head out of the wall and looked down. He saw a large area of people outside the city, all of them horses, with several large flags embroidered with the words "wind", "Tianyuan" and "Tang" respectively.

After watching the taxi, the soldier took a breath of air-conditioning, boldly asked uncertainly, "you... Who are you?"

Tang Yin rolled his eyes, increased his voice again and shouted, "Tianyuan County, Tang Yin!"

Oh, it's Tang Yin! The soldier's legs became weak and almost sat on the ground. Tang Yin came to Tongzhou. Tang Yin, who commanded hundreds of thousands of troops, went to Tongzhou. What is he doing here? You won't attack the whole state, will you? The soldier held the arrow stack in his hand, swallowed and spit hard, and stammered, "does Lord Tang want to see Lord Zhao? Use... Do you want us to open the city gate first?"

Tang Yin almost laughed out loud. There are just as many soldiers as there are generals. He waved his hand and said, "let's call your adults out first!"

"Yes, yes, yes! Lord Tang, then... Wait outside the city for a while, and I'll report it to you right now!"

"Good! Hard work, brother!"

"Oh, my Lord, you're welcome."

Listening to their dialogue, they could not find the slightest smell of gunpowder, let alone hostile forces. Zhao Hui doesn't want to be Zhong Tian's running dog, let alone make an enemy of Tang Yin who holds high the banner of gale. So do his soldiers. Let alone that there are no soldiers available for the Guannan army now. Even if there are soldiers, he won't go to war with Tang Yin.

After talking to Tang Yin, the famous soldier didn't dare to delay for a moment. He ran down the city wall like a burning ass and went to the county capital to report the matter.

After waiting for almost half an hour, the gate of Tongzhou was wide open. A middle-aged man in a sheriff's uniform hurried out of the city under the protection of more than a dozen bodyguards. Outside the city, he looked at the front dense cavalry array, and his heart also raised to his throat.

This group of cavalry has strong horses, strong knights, bright helmets, energy and feet, and their round eyes are shining and Soul-catching. It is not difficult to judge the combat effectiveness just by looking at the military capacity. Zhao Hui is not a fatuous and incompetent person. Naturally, he can feel it.

He licked his dry lips, took two steps forward and said with a dry smile, "Zhao Hui, head of Xiaguan South County, who is Lord Tang Yin Tang?"

"Lord Zhao, I haven't seen you for a long time. I'm Tang Yin!" While talking, Tang Yin flew off the horse, came to Zhao Hui, arched his hand at him, and looked at Zhao Hui up and down like a knife.

It turns out that this is Tang Yin who has been in the limelight recently.

Tang Yin is much younger than Zhao Hui expected. He looks only 25 or 6. He is wearing a black helmet, black armor and a black cloak. His appearance is not as ferocious as that of ordinary generals. On the contrary, he is very handsome and delicate. Especially his natural smiling face gives people a natural sense of closeness, but anyone will be startled when he sees his wild eyes, In the dark eyes, there was a strange green light, and there was a sense of oppression in the evil spirit.

"Lord Tang, I've heard a lot about you. I've heard a lot about Lord Tang!" In front of Tang Yin, Zhao Hui was naturally short, humble and polite. He seemed to forget that he was on the same level as Tang Yin and the head of the same county.

Tang Yin said with a smile, "Lord Zhao, you're welcome."

"Lord Tang came here suddenly. It's..."

"I want to resist the Allied forces of Zhong Tian and Ningguo in Guannan county. I wonder if Lord Zhao can help?"

"Ah?" Zhao Hui inhaled, paused for a moment, turned sideways and said, "can Lord Tang speak further?"

Tang Yin nodded and was about to follow Zhao Hui into the city. The cavalry behind him wanted to come forward one after another. Tang Yin waved to them and said, "Yuan Wu and Yuan Biao will stay and lead the team. Just let yuan follow me into the city!"

"Yes, my Lord!" Shangguan Yuanwu and Shangguan yuanbiao promised and returned to their square array.

Guannan county is now empty and dare not do anything to Tang Yin. Even if Shangguan yuan is present, the other party can't find a bargain.

Tang Yin only took Guan yuan and asked one person to follow Zhao Hui into the city. Zhao Hui admired this courage alone.

On the way, he took his bodyguard far away and asked Tang Yin, "in fact, I hate Zhong Tian's usurpation of the throne. I think Lord Tang should have known this for a long time."

"Yes!" Tang Yin nodded. No matter whether Zhao Hui hated Zhong Tian or not, it was true that he strongly funded his own military supplies and salaries, which made Tang Yin very grateful.

"Therefore, if Lord Tang wants to fight with Zhong Tian, I will definitely stand on his side. As long as there is a place where I need me, Lord Tang will speak, and I will help."

"Very good. I'm relieved to have Lord Zhao's words." Tang Yin said with a smile.

As he walked towards the city, he also looked around. Now it was just dawn, many shops in Tongzhou city had begun to operate, and there were pedestrians on the street. It is not difficult to see that Zhao Hui managed Tongzhou city very well.

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