After the Peng army's car rushing and stone beating, look at the Chifeng army. The killed soldiers are in ruins and have no formation. The painful cries of the wounded and the panic screams of the living turn the hillside of Huya mountain into a hell on earth.

At this time, the Peng troops who had been defeated and fled rushed out from both sides of the hillside and shouted in unison to rush down from the hillside. The art of war says that when the two armies fight, the higher one wins. The charge from top to bottom is like a sea of mountains. The dizzy Chifeng army, which has been hit by cars and stones, can't resist it. People almost run down the mountain.

The war was defeated like a mountain. Soldiers trampled on each other, fell and rolled, and countless people were killed and injured.

At this time, Li Wei was dumbfounded, his mouth unconsciously opened, his eyes widened, looked straight at the battlefield ahead, and was speechless.

"General? General?" Peng haochu repeatedly called.

"Ah? Ah..." Li Wei regained his consciousness and turned rigidly to Peng haochu. His eyes were looking at him, but his eyes had lost focus.

Peng haochu said in a hurry, "general, order the withdrawal of troops quickly. If you drag it down, my Chifeng army will be destroyed!"

"Ah? Ah! Yes, yes, yes!" Li Wei just promised, but he didn't give an order for a long time.

At this time, Peng haochu couldn't manage so much. He turned to the herald and shouted, "call the Golden Bell and stop the army! Come on!"


The herald looked at Li Wei and saw the dull face of the latter, so he crossed his heart, conveyed Peng haochu's order and ordered the whole army to withdraw.

Dang, Dang, Dang - the rapid sound of gongs continued. Many Chifeng Army soldiers who wanted to continue fighting with the enemy heard the sound of gongs and gave up fighting one after another. The rear army changed into the front army and retreated all the way down. In fact, if Dapeng just retreats, it's good to hear that Dapeng has just retreated.

The Chifeng army retreated back more than 20 miles, but the Peng army behind did not mean to stop chasing and killing. It was very likely that it would not stop until all the Chifeng army was destroyed. Many Chifeng troops who fell behind were stabbed to death or trampled into flesh and mud by the Peng army who came up after them. It was unbearable to witness their defeat.

Just when Li Wei thought that his Chifeng army was going to be destroyed by the whole army pursued and killed by Peng army, a large-scale wind army suddenly came in front. The big flag in the army was written with the word "Tianyuan" and the big flag behind the flag was written with the word "ancient". After seeing this, Peng haochu immediately showed a happy face and said to Li Wei, "general, it's general Guyue who has come to meet us!"

"Ah?" Li Wei raised his eyes and looked forward carefully. After looking at it, his heart finally fell down. Then, he was sad from his heart, his eyes turned red, his tears fell down, shook his head and said, "I underestimated the enemy hastily and didn't listen to general Peng's words, so I suffered such a great loss, implicating tens of thousands of officers and soldiers of our army..."

"Oh, general, don't say that now. Go and meet general Guyue!"

Seeing that the Tianyuan army had reinforcements again, the Peng army behind stopped chasing and killing. The whole army turned its direction and returned with victory.

After Li Wei and Peng haochu met Gu Yue, the latter looked up at them and almost laughed bitterly. At this time, the two looked too embarrassed. Their helmets were tilted and their faces were ashen. They didn't have the power to leave xibaicheng. Before he asked what was going on, Peng haochu asked first, "general Gu, why are you here?"

"Lord Qiu is afraid that you two will lose, so he sent us to take care of them!" Gu Yue said.

Peng haochu nodded secretly. Qiu Zhen really expected things like a God. He was able to stay behind in advance. No wonder adults rely on him so much! He arched his hands and sighed, "thanks to general Gu's arrival in time, otherwise..." as he spoke, he turned his head to look at Li Wei and didn't go on.

Chifeng army was badly defeated in this battle. According to statistics, the total number of casualties reached 50000. It can be said that one-third of the troops of Chifeng army were wiped out after a battle. Because the strength of Peng army was beyond imagination, Guyue didn't dare to continue to march forward. The defeated soldiers of Chifeng army returned to xibaicheng.

After the two armies came back and reported the detailed war situation to Qiu Zhen, the latter stamped his feet angrily. He didn't tell Li Wei to consult with Peng haochu more before he acted. Why didn't he listen to his own words, why did he have to go his own way, and finally lost 50000 troops, increased the prestige of the enemy and destroyed his own spirit.

In the handsome tent, Qiu Zhen looked coldly at the dejected Li Wei and held it for a long time. He gritted his teeth and asked, "Li Wei, what else do you have to say now?"

Li Wei lowered his head and youyou said, "this defeat is all my fault. I am willing to be punished!"

Qiu Zhen nodded and said, "as commander-in-chief, you were careless, marched rashly, fell into a trap and killed countless soldiers of our army. Why should I keep you?" As he spoke, he shouted coldly, "where is the knife and axe hand?"

"Yes!" Two strong men, shirtless and holding Ghost Head knives, came near from the outside.

Qiu Zhen waved and said, "pull Li Wei out of the sin and behead him in public!"

"Yes!" No matter whether you are a general or a soldier, the swordsmen and axes only obey orders. When Qiu Zhen finishes speaking, the two swordsmen and axes promise, step forward, put up one arm of Li Wei and drag it out.

"Wait a minute!" Seeing that Qiu Zhen was going to kill Li Wei, all the generals and counselors around were startled and stopped one after another.

"Lord Qiu, Li Wei is indeed wrong and should be punished, but our army has suffered a defeat and its morale is low. If we kill the general at this time, I'm afraid it will be more difficult to improve the morale of the whole army! I hope Lord Qiu will think twice!" Guyue, Rakuten, Aijia and others, who were born in the same group as Li Wei, stepped forward one after another to plead for him.

"General Gu is right! Even if Lord Qiu wants to severely punish General Li, now is not the time. We should deal with it after our army defeats the enemy in Huya mountain."

"Yes! I hope Lord Qiu will show mercy!"

The generals and counselors talked to each other and talked to each other.

Qiu Zhen is just pretending. He has known Li Wei for a long time and has a good personal relationship. Besides, Li Wei is also Tang Yin's confidant. He can kill anyone he can decide to kill. Whether it's public or private, he can't kill Li Wei.

Seeing that all the generals and counselors came to beg for mercy, Qiu Zhen took a deep breath, wrung his eyebrows and pretended to be meditating. After thinking for a long time, he waved his arms to the two swordsmen and axes and said, "Li Wei's death crime can be avoided, but it's hard to forgive his life crime. General Peng haochu will take over the post of commander-in-chief of Chifeng army temporarily, and you will take over the post of deputy commander-in-chief temporarily. Li Wei, can you be convinced?"

Li Wei thought he was going to die this time. Qiu Zhenhu looked like he was going to eat people just now. Unexpectedly, he could really listen to people's advice and leave himself behind. He was just relieved of the post of commander-in-chief. How could he be unconvinced at this time. Li Wei quickly bent his knees and sobbed, "thank you, sir Qiu, for not killing me!"

"Don't thank me. If you want to thank these generals and gentlemen who plead for you!" Qiu Zhen deliberately stopped looking at him.

In fact, the real purpose of Qiu Zhen is to remove Li Wei and Chifeng from the post of military commander.

Now, the Tianyuan army is composed of four legions. Xiao MuQing, commander-in-chief of the plain army, and the old slickers and foxes on the battlefield are good at attacking and defending; Liang Qi, commander of Sanshui army, was already a famous general of the wind country before Tang Yin became famous, known as a ghost; Gu Yue, the commander of the army directly under him, although his ability is slightly weak, is cautious, calm and calm. He can also be called a regular general. Among the four armies, only Li Wei, the commander of Chifeng army, has the worst ability and is the most worrying. Of course, Qiu Zhen understands the purpose of Tang Yin's promotion, but this does not mean that Qiu Zhen agrees with Tang Yin's practice, It would be foolish to assign an important post just because he is reliable. Moreover, there are not no talents in Chifeng army. Peng haochu is more suitable for the post of commander-in-chief than Li Wei.

This time, taking advantage of Tang Yin's absence and Li Wei's big mistake, Qiu Zhen exchanged the positions of Li Wei and Peng haochu, allowing the latter to dominate and the former to follow. In this way, Chifeng army can be more reassuring.

Chifeng army's attack on Huya mountain was defeated miserably. Qiu Zhen plans to personally lead the soldiers of the whole army to take Huya mountain in one fell swoop. At this time, Tang Yin followed Zhao Ju's caravan back to xibaicheng.

Tang Yin's return can be said to be a good thing, which just calmed the floating emotions of the generals. Tang Yin first understood the major events and minor events that had happened during his absence. When he heard that Liang Qi and shangguanyuan from Tongmen let Lian frustrate Ning army's counterattack, he couldn't help smiling up and nodded secretly. His decision to send Liang Qi and shangguanyuan was really right. They cooperated well together, Only the 80000 Sanshui army can repel several large-scale counter attacks of the Ning army. I'm afraid only he and his two people can do it.

Then he heard that Li Wei was defeated in Huya mountain and was dismissed by Qiu Zhen after he came back.

Tang Yin couldn't help frowning. Li Wei was the commander of Chifeng juntong selected by himself. If there was any fault, the punishment would be. How could Qiu Zhen withdraw if he said to withdraw?

Seeing his face sinking, Qiu Zhen couldn't feel the unhappiness in his heart. He arched his hands and said, "Sir, General Li Wei didn't listen to advice on the battlefield and went his own way, which led to the disastrous defeat of the whole army, with more than 50000 casualties. According to the military law, he should be severely punished. Now he is only demoted by one level, which is the lightest punishment!"

Before Tang Yin answered, Li Wei, who stood among the generals, came out, lifted his armor, knelt on one knee, and stepped in and said, "Sir, this war is really the fault of his subordinates. Failing to listen to general Peng's advice, the whole army was defeated. Lord Qiu has been particularly kind to his subordinates, and his subordinates have no complaints!"

Alas! Tang Yin sighed secretly. Even Li Wei himself said so. He couldn't say anything more. Nodding, he tilted his head, looked at Lotte and Aijia, and asked, "who is the commander of the enemy stationed in Huya mountain?"

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