"Lord Hui, the commander of Peng army is named Ziying. He was originally the commander of the three regiments of the central army and belongs to the direct line of Zhong Tian!" Lotte said positively.

Tang Yin asked again, "how is this person?"

Lotte said: "this subordinate is not clear, but he is very good at using troops."

Tang Yin tapped on the table and meditated silently. Peng Jun set up two camps at the top and foot of Huya mountain, which was really unexpected. It can also be seen from the strong attack of Chifeng army that the two camps echo each other with excellent results. After thinking for a moment, he asked Peng haochu, "general Peng, if our army attacks and occupies the enemy camp at the foot of the mountain first, how about attacking the enemy camp on the mountain after we stabilize our position?"

Peng haochu shook his head and said, "it's wrong! The enemy on the mountain is ready to look at the cars and stones. If our army enters the enemy camp at the foot of the mountain, the Peng army on the mountain will throw down all the cars and stones, and our army will die with the enemy camp!"

Tang Yin frowned and asked suspiciously, "what about the enemy camp on the mountain first?"

"It's not right!" Peng haochu said: "the enemy is up and I am down. Fighting is extremely unfavorable to our army. Moreover, the Peng army is fully prepared. In addition, there are Peng troops in the camp at the foot of the mountain. If our army attacks the camp on the mountain, it will be difficult to win."

"Neither can this nor that. Can't my hundreds of thousands of troops be blocked outside Huya mountain by a mere 100000 enemy troops?" Tang Yin raised her eyebrows and looked around at the generals.

All the people bowed their heads and did not speak.

Seeing this, Tang Yin directly named and said, "General Xiao, you say how to break the enemy!"

Xiao MuQing was stunned at first, then smiled leisurely and said, "the Peng army's two battalions are actually one shield and one spear. The shield is in front and the spear is behind. That is to say, the camp at the foot of the mountain is the shield and the camp on the mountain is the spear. It's easy to break the enemy and attack the enemy's shield with the enemy's spear."

Tang Yin gave a cry and asked, "how can you attack the enemy's shield with the enemy's spear?"

Xiao MuQing said: "Our army can make a feint first, attacking two enemy camps on the mountain and at the foot of the mountain. We can focus on attacking the enemy camp on the mountain. Adults can choose a large number of flexible brothers. When the enemy uses the rush car and large challenge stone again, the attacking brothers will get out of the way at the first time and let the enemy's rush car and challenge stone directly hit the camp at the foot of the mountain. In this way, the camp at the foot of the mountain will not break itself. As for the enemy camp on the mountain , the only really powerful thing is to rush cars and huge challenge stones. However, these two things are difficult to manufacture. The quantity will not be too large and can not withstand long-term consumption. As long as our army attacks day and night, whether it is a feint or a real attack, as long as the enemy's rush cars and challenge stones are consumed, it will be easy to break the enemy. "

"Yes!" Tang Yin nodded his head as he listened and thought about it carefully. He thought Xiao MuQing's view was feasible. He smiled and said, "if you have such a good plan, why didn't you say it earlier?"

How can Tang Yin take the initiative to inquire so weighty? Of course, Xiao MuQing won't say that. He said with a smile: "originally, my subordinates didn't expect it, but when adults suddenly asked, my subordinates came up with such an idea in a hurry."

"Ha ha!" Tang Yin laughed at his words, turned to the others and asked, "what do you think of General Xiao's plan?"

"Wonderful!" The crowd replied in unison.

"Good!" Tang Yin nodded and said, "in the opinion of General Xiao, the army will set off tomorrow and march into Huya mountain!"

Now Zhan Wushuang and Zhan Wudi are pulling 200000 Ning troops to Tongmen. It is the most empty time in Yancheng. Tang Yin will not miss such a good opportunity. He wants to grow wings and fly directly to Yancheng.

That night, Xiao Na came to Tang Yin, said goodbye to him and prepared to return to besa.

Hearing that Xiao Na was leaving, Tang Yin was very surprised and asked, "why do you want to return home?" During this period of time, Xiao Na has been following Tang Yin from Jinguang county to Lehu county. Tang Yin has gradually got used to her being around him. At this time, he suddenly wants to leave. He is not only surprised, but also reluctant to give up.

Shawna doesn't want to go either, but king kness of besa has sent several messages to urgently call Shawna back to China. If she hadn't said goodbye to Tang Yin face to face, she would have left. She looked at Tang Yin and youyou said, "my father asked me to return home. But you can rest assured that I won't take the cavalry away."

Now, most of the battles on the battlefield are tough battles. Zhong Tian's forces can no longer afford the positive confrontation between the Corps, the Besar cavalry can no longer be of great use, and it doesn't matter whether Shawna takes it or not. Tang Yin said, "I really can't find a reason to escort him back, but I can't find a reason to stay."

His words disappointed Shawna. She bowed her head and whispered, "as soon as we leave, we don't know when to meet again."

Tang Yin thought for a moment and said, "when the domestic situation in Fengguo stabilizes, I will personally go to your country to thank king kenis. At that time, we will meet again."

Xiao Na was delighted at the speech, but soon fell into silence. No one can tell when the scuffle situation in Fengguo will end. Moreover, the war is changeable. No one can guarantee whether something unexpected will happen to Tang Yin. She bit her lips, paused for a moment, looked up and said, "take care of yourself."

I can feel that Xiao Na's concern for herself comes from her heart. Tang Yinxin has feelings. She wants to say a lot of things, but she doesn't know where to start. Finally, she just said calmly, "you too, take care."

Xiao Na nodded, turned around and walked slowly outside the room. At the same time, she said, "it's late. I'll go back first." She was afraid that if she didn't go again, she would lose the courage to leave.

Looking at Xiao Na's back, Tang Yin raised her hand and said, "wait a minute."

Tang Yin looked back at him with surprise and left her two eyes.

Tang Yin's mouth moved, remained silent for a moment and said, "thank you for this time."

These words broke the hope just born in Shauna's heart. She smiled reluctantly, shrugged and said, "it's nothing. You don't have to be so polite." With that, she took another deep look at Tang Yin. Without hesitation, she strode out of the room.

As soon as Shawna left her front foot, Brian, gray and other young nobles of besa arrived. Several people came to Tang Yin and asked, "Tang, your highness is going home. Why don't you keep her?"

Tang Yin glanced at several people and said, "I didn't leave her position."

Blaine suddenly asked, "do you really have no sense of your royal highness?"

Tang Yin raised her eyebrows and wondered what he suddenly meant by this.

Brian said, "as far as I know, your majesty urgently called the princess home because King duki has personally proposed marriage in besa."

"What?" Tang Yin was stunned and looked at Brian in confusion.

Blaine sighed and said, "Duke's Prince Pavel has long been in love with the princess hall, and Duke also wants to climb the big tree of bhal, and if there is no interference between the two kings, it will be a foregone conclusion."

Tang Yin frowns. Will Shawna marry Duke Pavel? He asked suspiciously, "does the princess know about it?"

Pavel said, "you should know."

"The princess means..."

"If I love of the princess, I have no one who has a heart in it. She has no feelings for Pavel, nor will she accept her marriage. But if her majesty is in favour of it, no matter how your princess is opposed, it will be of no avail."

"The princess has someone she likes? Who is it?" Tang Yin really doesn't know. He has a lot of opportunities to meet Xiao Na. He hasn't heard her mention his favorite object.

Brian smiled bitterly, shook his head, raised his hand to Tang Yin and said, "of course it's you."

"Me?" Tang Yin seemed a little surprised.

Looking at Tang Yin's slightly blank expression, Blaine was very angry and funny. Tang Yin was so clever, but his EQ was poor. He said, "of course you are. You get along with the princess for so long, then you don't understand your princess's heart?"

Tang Yin was stunned for a moment and recovered, but he wanted to talk and stopped. Finally, he didn't speak.

He is not a insensitive person. He will also be moved by the women around him. However, in his heart, there is only one person's figure forever, which can't be removed. No matter how deep his feelings for other women are, even if they are entangled all day, the name of that person and her smile will emerge from time to time in his mind.

Seeing Tang Yin's silence, Brian couldn't help asking, "Tang, what are you going to do?"

Tang Yin didn't understand what he meant and asked, "what and how?"

"If you don't want to see your royal highness marry Prince Duke, you should leave her now!"

Tang Yin shook her head and said, "if Xiao Na wants to stay, she will stay. No one can take her away by force. If she wants to go, I won't force her."

"You... Alas!"

Brian was a little confused at this time. He couldn't figure out the extent of the relationship between Tang Yin and Xiao Na. If there was no relationship, why should they both be full of haze when they want to break up now? If you say you have feelings, why doesn't Tang Yin even say anything to stay?

Unable to understand what he was thinking, Blaine said, "tomorrow, we will return home with his highness."

I thought Tang Yin could say something to stop me, but the latter was relieved and said, "I'll be relieved if you take care of the princess on the road."

Brian and gray and others looked at each other. At last, none of them spoke, shaking their heads and sighing.

The next day, in the early morning, Xiao Na and her group set off, left Xibai city and returned to besa. As Xiao Na said, she just returned home by herself. Bessa's heavy armored cavalry were not taken away. She continued to stay with Tang Yin, by Blanca? Commander potis. On the way to send Xiao Na out of the city, Tang Yin didn't speak. He couldn't tell whether he was happy or worried from his plain expression.

Waiting for a distance from the city, Xiao Na turned her head and said, "Yin, you don't have to send me anymore. Don't you want to lead the army south today? It's good to go back and prepare early!"

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