Jiang Lu may not be good at giving advice, but her eloquence is excellent. Her son Ying has been speechless for a long time.

Before Zi Ying answered, a group of people came in from the outside.

These people are all subordinates and counselors of Ziying. Recently, they first glanced at Jiang Lu, then looked at Ziying together and said in one voice: "general..." they were embarrassed and wanted to stop talking.

Jiang Lu claimed to be Ziying's old friend, but as long as someone with a little mind heard it, he knew it. This must be an excuse. After hearing the news, the generals came to the Chinese Army's account and eavesdropped on the conversation between Jiang Lu and Ziying. At this time, they couldn't help it anymore. They all entered the account and looked at Ziying eagerly, waiting for him to make a decision.

Ziying raised her head, looked around at the crowd and asked in a suspicious voice, "do you also think I should drop now?"

No one is afraid of death. When there is a way to live and a dead end to choose from, not many people will choose a dead end. Although the people have the intention to surrender to the Tianyuan army, Ziying's attitude is unclear now, and it's hard to say what they mean. After a while, people bowed their hands and said, "we have followed the general for a long time. Whether the general is fighting or falling, we swear to advance and retreat with the general and live and die together!"

The people's words moved Ziying very much, but it also made him more embarrassed. If everyone advised him to surrender and be greedy for life and afraid of death, Ziying might directly send Jiang Lu away as soon as she was angry. But now that they say so, Ziying is worried. His subordinates are respectable and admirable. Do you want to take their surnames and orders in return for Zhong Tian's kindness? There are 70000 soldiers below. As Jiang Lu said, these soldiers are just people who wear armor and take up arms. They are not willing to join the army. Even if they don't care about their own life and death, what should these people do? And die with yourself?

oh dear! Ziying's face changed and her heart surged from time to time. She was in a dilemma.

Jiang Lu immediately understood that Ziying had been moved by her words and was weighing the pros and cons. At this time, he would not relax and said positively, "general, don't hesitate any more! The demise of Zhong Tian is at hand. Being Zhong Tian's minion and running dog is not only a curse, but also a dead end. If you take refuge in our Tianyuan army and leave a good name, you can also become a founding hero of the strong wind. What are you thinking about?"

Zi Ying's eyebrows were almost bleeding, his fists were clenched, and his nails were embedded in the meat without knowing it. Now, he is really embarrassed.

"General!" The surrounding generals shouted in unison again. Although people don't express their attitude, they can understand their mind through their hasty tone.

"This..." I don't know how long I meditated. Ziying raised her head fiercely.

Jiang Lu and the generals were shocked when they saw it. Ziying now has distorted facial features, congested eyes and ferocious expression, like a fierce ghost. Jiang Lu trembled in her heart and screamed that it was bad. My life is over! Unexpectedly, Ziying didn't order to kill him, but asked word by word: "if I surrender, will Tang Yinken be kind to our soldiers?"

"Ah?" Jiang Lu saw Ziying's face that wanted to eat people. She thought she was dead. After hearing this, she couldn't react. She was stunned for a while. He nodded repeatedly, his face was still blank, and stammered, "I... our army has never killed prisoners. The general can rest assured!"

"Whatever!" Ziying stood up, glanced slowly at the faces of the people under her command, and finally fell on Jiang Lu. He took a deep breath, raised his arms, bowed his hands, and said, "Sir, when you return to your army camp, you can reply to Lord Tang and say... Just say that I Ziying is willing to lead the people to obey!"

Ouch! After hearing this, Jiang Lu almost jumped up with excitement. He didn't hold much hope when he came to persuade Ziying to surrender this adventure. He just felt that this was his first opportunity and worth taking a risk. Unexpectedly, he really moved Ziying. Ziying was willing to lead the people to surrender. What credit must it be?

"The general is wise!" Jiang Lu hurriedly adjusted her clothes, saluted Ziying back and bowed to the ground. His excited voice trembled and said, "the general chose another Ming Lord. This is the blessing of the soldiers of the two armies, the blessing of my strong wind and the blessing of the people. I thank the general for the people!" While talking, Jiang Lu shed tears, knelt down and gave a big gift of thanks.

Seeing this, all the generals fell to their knees.

Ziying was shocked, hurried forward, helped Jiang Lu up and said repeatedly, "Sir, what are you doing?! I'm just a defeated general..."

"The general is not defeated. The general is saving my strong wind!" Jiang Lu sobbed.

Ziying's eyes turned red when she heard the speech. He is upright and wants him to betray Zhong Tian and turn to Tang Yin, which is more painful than his life. Moreover, his family are all in Yancheng. Once he leads the people to surrender, his family's surname and life will not be guaranteed. How much determination must he make to make the decision of defection?

All the generals knew the difficulties of Ziying. If he would surrender, he would exchange his family's surname for that of the whole army. Where can such a general be found? Everyone knelt down and looked up at Ziying. They were all in tears. Many people had cried out: "general..."

Ziying sighed softly and said nothing.

Jiang Lu didn't dare to delay in the account of the Chinese army. For fear that Ziying would repent, he stood up, wiped the tears on his face, arched his hands to Ziying and said, "general, I'll go back to the camp and report to your excellency!"

"Oh, sir!"

"General, you're welcome!"

Jiang Lu politely said a few more words, said goodbye to Ziying, got out of the account of the Chinese army, and walked down the mountain quickly. Before he left the Peng army camp, suddenly, there was a riot behind him, and someone shouted: "the rebel of the Tianyuan army in front of you, stop!"

Are you calling yourself? Jiang Lu subconsciously stops and looks back. I saw that a large group of Peng soldiers with swords rushed out of the camp, led by two young Peng generals wearing general armor. The two men walked like flying and came straight to the river dew.

Jiang Lu is a scholar who has never been on the battlefield or seen this battle. Seeing the other party's menace, he was scared to fight a cold war. Without saying a word, he turned and ran away.

The Peng army at the gate of the camp didn't stop him, but his speed was far from that of the Peng soldiers behind.

After a few steps out of the gate, the two Peng generals chased after him. One of them grabbed his back neck collar, lifted it up, threw it to the ground with all his strength, and shouted, "I see where you're going?"

With this fall, Jiang Lu's bones almost fell apart. She fell on the ground, dizzy and buzzing in her head. She couldn't return to her mind for a long time.

Another Peng general stepped forward, put his foot on Jiang Lu's chest and said in a grim voice: "the rebel is so brave that he dares to go up the mountain to deceive the people and disturb the heart of our army. I'll chop you first!" As he spoke, the Peng pulled out his sword and held it high above his head. He aimed at Jiang Lu's head and was about to chop it off.

Just then, someone in the rear suddenly shouted, "stop!" With the words, a group of soldiers rushed out of pengying camp. The general headed by Jiang Lu had seen it, which was one of the most important generals under Ziying in the Chinese Army's tent just now.

"General Wang and general Zhou, what are you doing? Why kill the general's guests?" The general led a large group of Peng soldiers and rushed over at a fast pace.

"Guest? Ha ha ―"

The two young generals laughed and said coldly to the general's eyes: "don't think we don't know your business. Ziying, who is greedy for life and fear of death, wants to surrender to the rebels. It's a shame of our Peng country. Now, I'll kill the rebel first, and then find Ziying to settle accounts!"

After hearing this, the general was moved. He frowned, so he looked dignified and said, "general, surrender to the Tianyuan army? You two must have misunderstood. That's just the plan of the general!"

"What?" After hearing this, the two Peng generals frowned, looked at each other, and then looked at the general for some reason.

Just as the general was about to speak, he immediately closed his mouth, looked down with concern at Jiang Lu on the ground, and then said mysteriously to the two generals, "come here!"

When the second general saw the situation, he immediately understood that things were not simple and gathered together with the wrong general. The general whispered in their ears, "the general means... Let you two die!"

Before the two Peng generals could react, the general didn't know when there were two more daggers in his hands and stabbed the two generals in the stomach.


The two Peng generals were stabbed by the general's dagger in the future. They both screamed and staggered back. Then they looked down at the dagger inserted in their belly and only exposed the handle of the dagger, stretched out their hands, trembled and pointed at the general and said, "you... You... So cruel..."

Before they finished, they both fell to the ground and died.

The general snorted coldly, pulled out his saber, walked close to the bodies of the two Peng generals, cut off their heads, bent over and lifted them, handed them to Jiang Lu, and then grinned, He said politely, "just now, I was surprised. These two heads can be regarded as a sign of the sincerity of my general and a gift to Lord Tang. Please take them back to the camp!"

At this time, not to mention Jiang Lu's silly eyes, even the Peng soldiers around him were also silly. In particular, the many Peng soldiers brought out by the two Peng generals stood up in place with a blank and frightened face. They didn't understand what was going on.

The general was sent by Ziying.

Ziying knows that these generals and advisers have been with him for a long time and are his confidants, but the commanders of each corps are Zhong Tian's people. Are they willing to surrender themselves? Not necessarily.

For the sake of safety, after Jiang Lu left, he sent another special general to protect Jiang Lu from leaving safely. If someone stops him, he will be killed without amnesty. I didn't expect that the quilt tassels were right. Two soldiers came for questioning and wanted to intercept Jiang Lu. The bad general jumped at the killer and took their surnames.

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