Jiang Lu turned around at the gate of death and came back again. He couldn't react for a moment. He stupidly took over two heads, looked at the general for a while, and then turned around and ran down the mountain.

"Sir, slow down..." looking at Ziying's general back, the general shook his head and smiled. He turned his head and looked at the Peng soldiers brought out by the two Peng generals. His face suddenly sank. He drank and asked, "what are you still doing here? Return to the camp immediately! Whoever dares to disobey the military order, this is the end!" While talking, the general also deliberately kicked the headless corpse on the ground with his toes.

Wow - his shouting was very effective. As soon as the voice fell, the Peng soldiers ran back to the camp with a frightened face.

Besides, Jiang Lu hurriedly ran from the mountain to the foot of the mountain. He didn't know how many somersaults he had fallen. His clothes were broken and ashen. He looked as if he had rolled down from the top of the mountain. After successfully returning to her own camp, Jiang Lu's heart fell back to its original position when she mentioned her voice.

Sergeant Tianyuan, who guarded Yuanmen, couldn't help laughing at Jiang Lu's appearance. When he left in the morning, he was well dressed. Now he looks like a refugee. People laughed in their hearts, but they didn't dare to show it on their faces. Before he came near the gate, the soldiers also gathered around and asked, "Sir, what's the matter with you

"Oh......" Jiang Lu said "Shen Yin" painfully. He felt that there was no place without pain. He waved his hand and said, "don't mention it. I almost didn't come back. Come on! Help me to see the adult!"

"Yes!" The soldiers agreed and helped Jiang Lu one after another. Seeing that he was still carrying two bloody severed heads, they couldn't help asking, "Sir, whose head is this...?"

After hearing the audience's questions, Jiang Lu realized that she was still holding two heads in her hand. He screamed with fear, subconsciously threw it to the nearby taxi, took two deep breaths, and pretended to be calm and said, "don't ask if you shouldn't know. Help me to see an adult!"

Jiang Lu was almost carried by the soldiers into the middle army tent. Tang Yin and the generals had already heard the news from the soldiers and gathered in the tent of the Chinese army. When Jiang Lu was carried in, they all looked like they wanted to laugh and were embarrassed to laugh.

Tang Yin also unconsciously picked up the corners of her mouth, and then frowned again. First, he asked Jiang Lu to move a chair and sit down. Then he leaned forward and asked, "Mr. Jiang Lu, you were beaten like this by Peng Jun?"

"Yes! No, no, no! No! Oh... But it's almost the same!" Jiang Lu sat on the chair and gasped heavily.

Hearing his answer, Tang Yin frowned deeper. What do you mean yes and no? This Jiang Lu can't be fooled by Peng Jun! At this time, Tang Yin's face was no longer smiling. He snorted coldly and said, "Peng Jun is really stubborn and stubborn. It's no use persuading him to surrender. I killed my messenger last time and humiliated my messenger this time. I will kill all Ziying!"

"My Lord, the last general is willing to lead the army!" With the voice, Wu Guang, Zhan Hu, Shangguan Yuanwu, Shangguan yuanbiao, etc. will step in and salute one after another and offer to go to war.

"Wait, wait!" Seeing that the generals were going to fight one after another, Jiang Lu was startled and waved to them in her chair.

"What can I say, sir?" Wu Guang asked suspiciously.

Jiang Lu spat at her throat and said with a dry smile, "Sir, can you give me some water to drink?"

Tang Yin was almost happy and waved to the bodyguards on both sides. One bodyguard took a large bowl of water and handed it to Jiang Lu. The latter drank it clean at one breath, then leaned back and hissed with satisfaction. At this time, he completely calmed down, and his elated look was immediately revealed.

Everyone was staring at him, waiting for him to speak. After a long delay, Jiang Lu looked around Wu Guang, Zhan Hu, Shangguan brothers and others, and said slowly: "there are 70000 to 80000 Peng troops on Huya mountain. There are countless cars and stones. If you generals attack hard, can you win?"

okay? After hearing this, everyone raised their eyebrows. They couldn't understand what Jiang Lu meant. How could they increase the prestige of the enemy and destroy their morale? Before the crowd spoke, Jiang Lu looked up at the tallest and strongest Zhan Hu, waved to him, smiled and said, "general Zhan Hu, come and help me!"

During this period of time, Zhan Hu has been studying wind language hard. Although he doesn't speak very authentic, he can still understand people's speech. Seeing Jiang Lu sitting on the chair and the old God on the ground asking himself to help, Zhan Hu frowned and looked at Tang Yin, but he still walked over and pulled Jiang Lu up from the chair.

Jiang Lu nodded and smiled with satisfaction, walked up to Tang Yin, bowed her hands and saluted deeply, and said loudly, "Congratulations, sir. I have successfully persuaded the enemy to surrender Ziying. Ziying is willing to lead his soldiers to surrender to our army!"

"Ah?" As soon as this remark came out, everyone present was surprised, including Tang Yin. Ziying accepted the persuasion and was willing to lead the people to surrender. It was incredible. Tang Yin was surprised and delighted. She looked at Jiang Lu with bright eyes and asked, "Sir, are you serious?"

Jiang Lu said positively, "even if I have great courage, I don't dare to talk nonsense about such a big event."

"Well, sir..."

"This is the enemy general loyal to Zhong Tian!" Jiang Lu is really eloquent and eloquent. At this time, he talked about how he was chased and killed by the head of Peng army and how he was saved by the general under Ziying. Of course, it is inevitable that there are some exaggerations, and the exaggerations are also used on himself. He said that he was calm in the face of danger and fearless in death.

Everyone was surprised and stunned.

In the end, Jiang Lu picked up the two heads and said, "these are the heads of the two Peng army generals who are chasing and killing. Ziying took these two heads as a gift to adults, which also shows his determination to join our army!"

Tang Yin took a look at the two heads, but his joy calmed down and secretly pondered the truth of the matter. It's not that he doesn't believe Jiang Lu. With Jiang Lu's usually unknown performance, if he doesn't get things done, he won't show such arrogant appearance. He even asked Zhan Hu to help him up, completely forgetting himself. What he doesn't believe is Ziying, and he doubts whether the opponent will cheat surrender.

Thinking silently in his heart, Tang Yin's face was still excited and happy. With a smile, he asked Jiang Lu, "Sir, in your opinion, is Ziying's persuasion sincere or false?"

Jiang Lu straightened up her waist, patted her chest and promised, "don't worry, sir. In my opinion, Ziying must be really healthy!" At that time, when Ziying said the word "obedience", her face was distorted and deformed. It could never be pretended.

His assurance was not enough to convince Tang Yin. He turned and looked at Qiu Zhen, Zhang Zhe, Zongyuan and other counselors with a smile and asked, "what do you think, gentlemen?"

Zhang Zhe said: "the Peng army on Huya mountain has no way out. If you don't want to lose the whole army, there is only one way left to surrender. Ziying is not a mediocre general and can naturally see the current situation. Therefore, in my opinion, Ziying is really down!"

Zong Yuan shook his head and said, "people are separated from each other! No one can guarantee whether Ziying is really healthy. Adults should be more careful!"

After listening to Zhang Zhe and Zongyuan, Tang Yin fell into meditation.

Seeing this, Jiang Lu was a little anxious. She risked her life and finally persuaded Ziying to surrender. If it was said to be false surrender, wouldn't she draw water in a bamboo basket! Thinking of this, his face turned red and said in a hurry: "my Lord, I Jiang Lu dare to guarantee with my head. Ziying is definitely a sincere refuge!"

Seeing Jiang Lu's red face and thick neck, Tang Yin smiled, nodded and said, "since Mr. Jiang Lu is so sure, I'll go to Huya mountain."

Jiang Lu was overjoyed and hurriedly said, "Your Excellency is wise!"

All the others frowned. Without knowing whether Ziying really fell or pretended to fall, Tang Yin went up the mountain himself. It was too dangerous.

Qiu Zhen youyou said, "to receive the troops, adults don't need to go there in person. Just send a general to receive them."

"Hey?" Tang Yin waved his hand and said with a smile, "if I don't go in person, I will not only despise others, but also neglect others. If I can't get Ziying well, I think I'm the head of the county timid and afraid of death!" Then he looked at Wu Guang and Zhan Hu and said, "Wu Guang, Zhan Hu, Yuan Wu and Yuan Biao, you four go up the mountain with me."

"Yes, my Lord!" Wu Guang, Zhan Hu and Shangguan brothers all agreed.

These four men are all fierce generals. They are all experts who can defend themselves on the battlefield. Tang Yin chose him for security reasons.

These four people accompanied Tang Yin up the mountain. Qiu Zhen and others were also secretly relieved. Then they asked, "how many people are you going to take?"

Tang Yin said lightly: "this trip is not to fight, just take a dozen bodyguards." He thought very clearly in his heart. If Ziying really pretended to surrender, he would get in the way of many people. It would not be easy to retreat. It would be easy to run with only a few bodyguards.

Before Qiu Zhen and others spoke, Jiang Lu was overjoyed and said, "your mind and spirit are enough to break your son's heart. If you go in person, you will be successful!"

Tang Yin laughed twice and said, "Mr. Jiang Lu, please go to Huya mountain with me again."

"Yes, my Lord!" Jiang Lu didn't think about it and agreed immediately.

At noon, Tang Yin went out of the camp of the Tianyuan army and walked up to Huya mountain. There were only Wu Guang, Zhan Hu, Shangguan brothers and ten close bodyguards around him. In addition, Jiang Lu, who changed his clothes again, also followed. A group of only a dozen people walked slowly to the Pengjun camp on the top of the mountain.

It was almost the same as when Jiang Lu came. When they reached the hillside, they were stopped by the sentry pengbing. Someone shouted and asked, "who are you?"

Tang Yin stepped forward, put his hands behind his back, smiled and said, "I'm Tang Yin. I want to see your general Ziying!"

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