When Tang Yin finished speaking, the general of Ba Guan was dumbfounded. No one spoke, including yingbu. Tang Yin looked at yingbu and asked with a smile, "general yingbu, what do you mean?"

If you can bring your family here, yingbu is of course in favor. The main reason why the soldiers want to return to Yancheng is to reunite with their families. However, he doesn't know what Tang Yin's real intention is. Is it his original intention or is he trying to find out himself? Yingbu pondered for a moment, looked embarrassed and said tentatively, "Oh... Sir, this... Seems to be against the rules..."

Tang Yin smiled up, waved and said, "the rules are set by people. Of course, they can be changed. I just ask you what your opinion is on my proposal."

"This..." yingbu turned to look at the generals under his command, and the generals looked at him. Yingbu crossed his heart and spelled in a secret way! He stood up, bypassed the table, went to Tang Yin's table, knelt on one knee, arched his hand and said, "I bully the customs officers and men. I dream of reuniting with my family. If adults can really persuade the court to agree to this, they will be my benefactor. We will never forget their kindness."

With the sound of yingbu's words, the generals of BAGUAN also came out one after another. They didn't speak. They just walked behind yingbu silently and arched their hands while kneeling down.

Ziying on one side frowned and looked at the posture. Tang Yin seemed to really intend to contribute to this. It's also good. BAGUAN is an unusual city. It's not only high in the sky and far from the emperor, but also its position is extremely important. If the families of the city guarding generals are sent over, they will have no worries. What should they do in their lives?

But this kind of words can't be spoken in public, and Ziying can only worry about it. Sitting next to Tang Yin, Wu Mei also noticed that Tang Yin was wrong. She quietly stretched out her hand and pulled down Tang Yin's skirt at the table, suggesting that he should think twice and don't be impulsive. Tang Yin ignored her, stood up, walked to yingbu and said, "what are you doing, generals? Please get up!" As he spoke, he picked up yingbu and waved to the generals to signal everyone to get up.

The people knelt on the ground and didn't move. They raised their heads, looked at Tang Yin and said, "Sir, if our family can really receive Ba Guan, we can work in Ba Guan all our life!"

"Yes! It's not too late for us to go through fire and water for adults who can trust us so much!"

"My lord..."

Listening to the people's words, Tang Yin has a stronger smile on his face. If you want yingbu and others to stay in BAGUAN and strictly guard the South Gate of Fengguo, you must let them have no worries and leave their families as hostages in Yancheng. No matter what the effect is, Tang Yin thinks it's too inhuman and wants the soldiers to be loyal to you, This means of coercion alone is far from enough.

Tang Yin came forward, pulled the people up one by one, and said in a straight face, "you brothers, don't worry. Since my words have been exported, I will do what I said. Not only that, I will also make the towns near BAGUAN separate special places to accommodate the brothers' families. In the future, you don't have to go to the sparse court if you want to leave BAGUAN and reunite with your families. You only need the approval of general yingbu."

"Thank you, sir. Thank you, sir!"

Tang Yin said these things that the soldiers of Ba Guan didn't even dare to think about before. Now, Tang Yin solved the most troublesome thing for them in a word. How can people's hearts not be excited? Although Tang Yin is only the head of the county, we all know the actual situation. At present, he basically controls the whole court, and his opinions basically represent the opinions of the court.

The generals were happy, and yingbu was also surprised. His smiling mouth couldn't close.

Tang Yin looked around the hall and said with a smile to yingbu: "the general's house at BAGUAN is not small. Later, general yingbu will take his family to live in the house!"

Yingbu was stunned when he heard the speech. Tang Yin said he could let the soldiers of BAGUAN pick up their families. He thought he didn't include himself. After all, he was the leader of BAGUAN and had a special identity. Unexpectedly, Tang Yin counted himself in. After he was stunned for a few seconds, his chest was full of surprises, his eyes were shining, nodded at Tang Yin, his lips trembled, and he was too excited to speak.

The meal was just a light meal, which was no different from the food before BAGUAN, but the generals of BAGUAN felt that it was the most delicious meal they had eaten in their life. People talked and laughed, and the laughter in the hall never stopped.

After dinner, Tang Yin went out of the city to inspect the residence of the Tianying army, and Ziying and others followed him.

After leaving the general's house, seeing that there were no generals and bodyguards of the overlord army around, Ziying quickly walked to Tang Yin and whispered, "Your Excellency's promise in the general's house just now is too hasty!"

"Yes!" At this time, Wu Mei also made a voice of dissatisfaction and muttered: "let the Ba Guan army connect all their families to Ba Guan. Once there is a change, the capital has no means to contain them."

Tang Yin looked at Ziying and then at Wumei. Youyou said, "my principle has always been to use people without doubt. Since I continue to keep yingbu in BAGUAN as the commander, I trust his loyalty, which is the same as I trust you."

This sentence surprised Ziying and made him cold war. He didn't dare to say a second sentence any more. Wu Mei didn't care. She said with a mouthful: "of course, yingbu and I can't be compared." Speaking, she also gave Tang Yin a big white eye.

Tang Yin shook her head and smiled bitterly. She was not talkative. In his opinion, as long as the spies of Tianyan and Diwang are installed in BAGUAN in the future, if there is any trouble, he can master it at the first time.

He said that his principle is to use people without doubt and doubt people without use. In fact, on the contrary, his suspicion is the most serious.

After a whole day and night's rest in BAGUAN, Tianyan and Diwang got the exact news the next day, confirming that Zhong Tian and Zhan's brothers had fled to Gaochuan county and joined Xiao Shanghui, the head of Gaochuan county.

After hearing the return from Lotte and Aijia, Tang Yin sneered. Even if Zhong Tian didn't run to Gaochuan County, he would have to send troops to fight. Now it's just right, but killing both Zhong Tian and Xiao Shang with one stone. He immediately ordered the whole army to start the camp, pull out the stronghold, leave BAGUAN and advance to Gaochuan County in the northeast.

Knowing that Tang Yin is going to enlist Gaochuan County, yingbu and the general of BAGUAN come to see him off. Now everyone is more respectful to Tang Yin and vaguely reluctant to let him leave. Tang Yin and yingbu went out of the city side by side. The latter sighed: "if I'm not afraid of what happened here, I really want to go to Gaochuan county with adults this time!"

Tang Yin smiled and said, "general yingbu's ability to guard the bully pass has reduced my worries. This is a great help to me."

"You're welcome, sir. It's the duty of the last general to guard the pass." After a pause, yingbu said with concern: "Sir, although Gaochuan county has only two counties, three cities and four towns, the environment is steep and mostly mountainous. You can't take it lightly this time. You must be more careful!"

"Yes!" Tang Yin nodded. He was really unfamiliar with the situation in Gaochuan county. After hearing yingbu's words, he moved in his heart and increased his vigilance.

As yingbu said, the terrain of Gaochuan county is indeed steep. High mountains can be seen everywhere. The whole county is built around mountains. When marching towards Gaochuan County, you can still see the plain at the beginning, but the closer you get to the boundary of Gaochuan County, the more difficult it is to walk, and the official road becomes extremely narrow.

On this day, Tang Yin finally led the crowd into the boundary of Gaochuan county. Looking forward, there are mountains in front. Even the official road has become a ring mountain road. On one side, it is next to the bare mountain wall, and on the other side, there is a deep cliff. The fatal thing is that the official road is very narrow, which can barely allow a carriage to pass through. If you are careless, you may fall off the cliff.

Tang Yin sat on the horse, narrowed his eyes and looked at it for a while, shaking his head. Unexpectedly, the environment of Gaochuan county was so dangerous. Fortunately, the number of enemy troops was small. Otherwise, it would be difficult for thousands of troops to attack it with such a steep terrain as a barrier. After watching, Tang Yin took a deep breath and was about to order the whole army to move forward. At this time, Ziying caught up with Tang Yin from the rear.

Tang Yin frowned and looked at Ziying puzzled.

Ziying said, "Sir, the mountain in front is called ghost seeing sorrow. Sir, do you know why this mountain has such a name?"

"Why?" Tang Yin asked suspiciously.

"This mountain is too dangerous, almost straight up and down, and the official road is close to the foot of the mountain, and the road is extremely narrow. If there is an ambush on the mountain, people at the foot of the mountain will suffer. Even ghosts and gods will worry when they come here!" Ziying explained.

"So how!"

Tang Yin nodded, smiled and said, "general Ziying is really a living map of our country. Having you by my side saves me a lot of trouble." With that, he turned his eyes and shouted, "Lotte, Aijia!"

"My subordinates are here!" Hearing Tang Yin's call, le and AI hurried forward and stepped in to salute.

Tang Yin pointed to the mountain in front of him and ordered, "send vigorous brothers to climb to the top of the mountain immediately to check whether there are enemy troops in ambush on the mountain."

"Yes, my Lord!" Lotte and Aijia promised and both led away.

Tang Yin ordered the whole army to rest in place and march forward after the news came back.

With Tang Yin's order, the soldiers of Tianyuan army either dismounted to feed, or sat around in groups to chat and rest.

Let's talk about Lotte and Aijia. They found ten mountain climbing spies under their respective command and asked them to go to the "ghost seeing sorrow" ahead to find out the situation on the mountain. Ten spies promised, prepared the necessary tools for mountain climbing, and then rode a fast horse to the high mountain ahead.

At the foot of the mountain, ten people looked up and took a breath. When they looked from a distance, they already felt that the mountain was high and steep. Now when they came close, they felt that the mountain was like being split by a giant axe. The cliffs were straight up and down, steep and smooth. In addition, it was a shady face and the cliffs were covered with moss. In this way, it was more difficult to climb up.

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