Ten spies dismounted one after another and walked around the foot of the mountain for a long time. They found a relatively easy place to climb. Then they took off their iron hooks and ropes and climbed up the mountain. One of the team leaders of Tianyan is the fastest. He also has a certain spiritual cultivation. His palms are covered with spiritual armor, and his grip on the rock is much stronger than other spies.

After climbing for more than half an hour, the Scout captain finally climbed to the top of the mountain, then quickly fixed one end of the rope on the rock and threw the other end down. With the help of ropes, the other nine spies were much faster, and they climbed to the top of the mountain one after another in a short time.

Ten people sat on the ground, half gasping, wiping the sweat on their faces and looking around at the same time. The top area of guijianchou is not small. There are many strange stones and weeds. If you want to find out whether there is an ambush, you must enter the inner end and make a careful inspection. After a short rest, the Scout captain raised his head to the nine companions, got up and said, "don't delay any more. Get up and do something!"

Although Tianyan and geonet have their own reading ability, he has the highest rank among the people, and geonet spies can only obey his orders. People struggled to get up from the ground, put down their spare parts, and then dispersed. They raised their legs, fell their feet gently, and walked carefully to the inner end of the mountain in a fan shape.

Although the top of the mountain is wide, it is still much smaller than the bottom of the mountain. It is not a long time. Ten spies have inspected the top of the mountain. Not to mention the ambush on the top of the mountain, they haven't even seen the ghost shadow. After the inspection, the people gathered together and shook their heads one after another, indicating that they had found nothing.

The Scout captain sighed with relief, grinned at his companions and said, "it seems that the top of the mountain is safe. Let's go back and report the situation!"

"Yes!" The nine spies promised and walked to the place where they had just climbed up.

The detective captain walked ahead and took two steps. He suddenly stopped and frowned. The nine spies behind came forward, looked at him puzzled and asked, "what's the matter?"

The captain did not speak, but separated the people, walked to the cliff on the left and stopped in front of a boulder. He first reached out to help the boulder, then squatted down and observed the ground carefully. At this time, the other nine people hurriedly gathered around and asked, "Captain, what's the matter?"

"There are scratches on the ground. This stone has been moved!" The captain's eyes were startled. The top of the mountain was covered with weeds and moss, but there was nothing at the scratch on the ground, indicating that these scratches were not left for a long time. He reached out and touched them carefully, and the scratches pricked his hand, which further cited that these were newly left.

He stood up again, grabbed the boulder with both hands, carefully walked to the edge of the cliff, looked down and looked down. Well, there was the official way under the boulder. If the boulder suddenly fell in the air during the process of his army, it would kill and hurt many people. It would cut his army in two if it was blocked in the middle of the road.

Thinking of this, the Scout captain took a breath and screamed. At the same time, his face changed and said to the left and right spies, "back! Back quickly!" With that, he rushed to the place where they climbed up without waiting for the other nine Companions to react.

But it was too late for them to want to go back. Seeing ten spies rushing to the place where they reached the top, at this time, a man suddenly flashed behind a strange stone in front. The man was dressed in black, of medium build, with a pale complexion. His eyes were pulled down, like a hanging ghost.

Because they had checked it in advance, the ten spies didn't expect that there was a stranger on the top of the mountain. The man's sudden appearance startled the ten people. Unexpectedly, he screamed. His body had stopped abruptly and subconsciously shouted, "who is it?"

"You're a bunch of fools. Since you don't see anyone, just go back and do meritorious service. You're looking for trouble. You're looking for death yourself. No wonder others!" As he spoke, the man drew a long sword from his waist. The sword is two fingers wide and three feet long. Its body is bright and cold under the faint sunlight.

Ten spies inhaled secretly and instinctively took two steps backward under the pressure of the other party's momentum.

The detective captain shook his fist and asked, "you pushed the boulder to the edge of the cliff? What's your intention?" Because he didn't see anyone else, he could only count it on the black man's head, but if so, it would be terrible. The boulder weighs at least hundreds of kilograms. How much strength does he have to push alone?

The man in black looked at the detective captain with naked eyes, nodded and said with a smile: "you are very careful and smart, but just like this, you are destined to be short-lived!"

By saying so, he undoubtedly admitted it. The Scout captain trembled, and the cold sweat immediately flowed down. He asked suspiciously, "are you Zhong Tian's subordinate or Ning Jun?"

"You can ask the king of hell about this!" The man in black slowly raised his sword and pointed the blade at ten spies.

Seeing that the other party didn't continue to say more, the ten people looked at each other, pulled out the dagger they carried with them, and then bravely approached the man in black slowly.

"Hum!" The man in black sneered and said, "how dare the light of rice grains compete with the bright moon?"

As soon as his voice fell, two spies walking in front took the lead, stabbing the man in black's chest and abdomen with Double Daggers. The latter just shook his body with ease and gave way to the Double Daggers. Then, the sword in his hand was handed forward. The spy on the right didn't see what was going on, and his chest had been pierced by the steel sword.

The man in black is very fast. After piercing a spy, he immediately retracts his sword. Between the turns of his wrists, the blade of the sword has scratched to the throat of another spy. The latter saw it, and that's all. He had to avoid it in the future and pass it in the future. With a hiss, his neck had cut a big cut of more than three inches, and the sprayed blood formed a red fog in the air.

In the blink of an eye, two brothers died under the sword of the man in black. The other five spies roared angrily and rushed up at the same time. The man in black didn't hurry. He waved the steel sword in his hand, and the spirit wave burst out. The five spies were not spiritual practitioners. They were scared and crawled to the ground to hide, but before they could get up, they saw the spirit blades flying down to them. Was that spiritual chaos? Wind.

Poor five spies, in spiritual chaos? Under the wind, even the slightest resistance could not be made, and it was twisted and crushed in an instant.

"Ah --"

Seeing this, the remaining scout captain and two companions were shocked and frightened. Subconsciously, they retreated back to the edge of the cliff and there was no way to retreat.

The sword killed seven people, and the man in black came slowly to the three scouts with a sneer on his face.

"Team leader... What shall we do now?" The two spies stammered and asked, their faces bloodless.

The Scout captain knew that the other party's Lingwu was too powerful to be dealt with by himself. It was impossible to keep his last name today. It doesn't matter that ten of your own people died on the mountain, but the army at the foot of the mountain can't understand the situation on the mountain. If you don't do well, you will send someone up the mountain again, which will only increase innocent casualties.

Thinking of this, he bit his lips, grabbed the wrists of the two spies next to him, and shouted in a deep voice: "what are you afraid of? If your head falls off and your bowl is big and mangy, even if you want to die in battle, we must not insult the prestige of our strong wind country and our wind army!"

After listening to his words, the two spies were inspired, took a few deep breaths, fiercely raised their heads, looked at the man in black, and shouted, "evil thief, come on..."

Before the two of them could speak, the detective captain grabbed the arms of their wrists and pulled them back fiercely. At the same time, he said, "brother, I'm sorry!"

The two spies were pulled back by him, but they were already standing on the edge of the cliff. As soon as they stepped back, their feet immediately stepped empty. The two spies lost their balance, waved their arms, and their faces were still in incredible surprise. They made a long scream and both fell off the cliff.

oh The man in black looked at the detective captain in bewilderment. He didn't understand why he suddenly poisoned his two companions.

The Scout captain suddenly grinned and said, "your spirit is just a stupid poor pig, no matter how powerful it is! My two brothers will surely die if they fall off the cliff, but they will also arouse the vigilance of the army at the foot of the mountain. Your trick can't be achieved again!"

i see!

After listening to the captain's words, the man in black suddenly realized that he was angry at first, and then had to admire his intelligence and quick response. His mouth twitched twice, his face showed a terrible ferocious color, and the fierce light in his eyes made people dare not face up to it. As he walked to the detective captain, he said with his teeth: "good! Good! I'll make you die ten or a hundred times more painful than them!"

The Scout captain did not expect anything wrong. The two spies fell off the cliff and died in pieces on the official road, which immediately aroused the vigilance of the Feng army.

Soon, he went to investigate the taxi and carried the broken body back. His appearance was not clear, but through his clothes, Lotte and Aijia immediately judged that they were the spies they had just sent. There's no reason why the enemy can't climb down the mountain. There's only one reason why the scouts can't climb down the mountain.

To understand this, they didn't dare to delay for a moment, so they hurried back to Tang Yin to report the matter.

Tang Yin couldn't help but be stunned after listening to it. Then he turned his head and looked at the Ziying around him. He admired it and was terrified at the same time. Fortunately, there was a reminder from Ziying. However, if I did, I really led the army to go there openly. In such a narrow official road, once I was attacked by an ambush on the top of the mountain, the consequences were unimaginable, and I didn't know how many brothers I would lose!

blamed! The enemy really dared to set up an ambush for themselves! Tang Yin clenched his fists tightly, looked at the peak of ghost sorrow and asked, "general Ziying, how many people do you think there will be in the ambush on the mountain?"

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