Tang Yin went up the mountain to annihilate the ambush. As a result, he fought with the wind chasing sword. In the end, both sides were hurt. The wind chasing sword fell off the cliff and fled. Tang Yin was also led down the mountain by the hidden arrows.

After returning to the formation of the Tianyuan army, people saw that Tang Yin was carried back by the hidden arrows, and his blood was bleeding. They were scared and turned pale. They came forward one after another and asked, "what's the matter with you, sir? Where are you injured? Is it serious?"

Wu Mei was more nervous than anyone, but she was the fastest to calm down. She glared at the people around her and scolded, "what are you doing now? Find a military doctor!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" The generals around woke up like a dream and immediately sent someone to find Su Yelei to heal Tang Yin. The hidden arrows also took the opportunity to carry Tang Yin into the carriage.

Wu Mei didn't take care of others and took the lead in keeping up with the carriage. Recently, she looked down at Tang Yin's lower abdomen wound. Because it was pierced by a sword, there was a lot of blood flow. The hem of his clothes was completely soaked with blood. She lay on the collapse. Even Fang collapse was dyed red in the blink of an eye.

Seeing that Tang Yin's injury was so serious, Wu Mei couldn't help crying.

Now Tang Yin is not in a coma. Looking at Wu Mei sitting beside him crying into tears, he has feelings, and then he feels sad and angry again. He knows his body very well, and knows what kind of injury can be fatal and what kind of injury is not enough to endanger life. Now he loves Jiang mo. there are few spiritual practitioners in the dark system, and there are fewer who have profound cultivation and can be loyal to himself. Jiang Mo, who was so capable and loyal to him, died miserably under the wind chasing sword. It was like cutting off Tang Yin's heart and flesh. It also made him want to cramp, peel and break bones.

He sighed secretly, raised his hand, gently held Wumei's catkin, gasped and said, "don't cry, I'll be fine..."

After listening to Tang Yin's ability to speak, Wu Mei stopped crying and hurriedly wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes. Looking at Tang Yin, who was pale and frightening, her tears fell down again, choked and said, "you've been hurt like this... How can you be all right..."

Tang Yin wanted to explain, but he didn't have the strength to speak. At this time, the curtain of the car was lifted, and Su Yelei came in from outside the car. She first looked at Tang Yin's injury, frowned secretly, and then said expressionless, "I want to heal adults. People who have nothing to do will leave immediately."

When she finished speaking, Wu Mei still held Tang Yin's hand tightly and didn't mean to get off. Su Yelei frowned, raised her voice and said, "if Miss Wumei wants adults to be safe, get off at once!"

After listening to others' names and surnames, Wu Mei regained her consciousness and realized that what Su Yelei just said about idle people refers to herself. She was already worried about Tang Yin's injury. At this time, when she heard Su Yelei's cold words, the young lady suddenly became angry, stared at Su Yelei and shouted, "you see clearly, I'm not a layman! I want to stay here with him..."

Before she finished speaking, Su Yelei interrupted, "I'll only distract me if I stay here. Don't delay any more. Get out of the car immediately!"

Wumei's body trembled disorderly, pointed to Su Yelei's nose and said, "you... You..." she wanted to scold Su Yelei again, but glanced at Tang Yin and felt that his injury could not be delayed any more. Wumei calmed down, bit her lips and got off the carriage, but she didn't forget to stare at Su Yelei before getting off the bus, And firmly write down her appearance, ready to settle accounts with her later.

After Wu Mei got off the bus, Tang Yin smiled bitterly at Su Yelei and said intermittently, "Xiao Mei's temper is like this. Don't be surprised..."

"Of course not." Su Yelei was still cold and expressionless. She picked up the scissors, picked up Tang Yin's clothes and said, "birds of a feather flock together. People flock together! I've seen it for a long time."

Su Yelei's sharp teeth scolded Tang Yin, who could only smile bitterly.

Cut all Tang Yin's clothes. Su Yelei carefully wiped the blood and observed the wound. The wound was not very big, narrow and thin, but it was very deep. She quickly disinfected and drugged the wound. At the same time, youyou said, "the person who hurt you must be very powerful. His sword is very fast."

Tang Yin's eyes were startled and asked, "how do you know that the other party uses a sword? How do you know that the other party is very powerful?"

"Of course, a person who can hurt you so badly is powerful. With such a small and deep wound, the other party must use a sword. The wound is so smooth, which means that you didn't even dodge when the other party stabbed you, so his sword must be amazing." Su Yelei calmly analyzed while dealing with the wound.

Tang Yin nodded secretly. Unexpectedly, Su Yelei was so careful that she analyzed so many things through only one wound. He grinned and said, "you're actually better suited to be a forensic..."

"Forensic?" Su Yelei didn't understand him.

Tang Yin shut up and stopped talking and was lazy to explain more.

In fact, his injury is very serious, which is fatal to ordinary people, but fortunately, he is a spiritual cultivator of the dark system. He has recovered the stabbing injury in his inner organs with the dark aura for the first time, and then after su Yelei's treatment, it is no longer a big problem, but the great loss of vitality is true. After bandaging the wound, Tang Yin still looks very weak.

In any case, Tang Yin didn't worry about his family name, which made the soldiers of the Tianyuan army breathe a sigh. The generals gathered outside the car to inquire about what kind of fierce battle had happened on the mountain. The secret arrows told the story roughly. After listening to it, people couldn't help but be surprised and afraid.

It turned out that the only enemy lurking in the mountain was the wind chasing sword, but this man was so powerful that Jiang Mo, the deputy leader of the hidden arrow, was stabbed to death without passing through his hand. The adult was also hurt under his sword, which made people feel a little incredible. Shangguan yuanrang stamped his feet with regret and hatred, and gritted his teeth and said, "if I knew the wind chasing sword was on the mountain, I would go up the mountain with the adult. How could he run away smoothly after hurting the adult!"

"Run away?" All the secret archers frowned and said, "how can they be alive after falling from such a high cliff?"

"Hum!" Shangguanyuan let out a sneer and youyou said, "for practitioners who have reached the spiritual realm, jumping down from a height of 100 feet is no different from jumping down from a height of one foot."

The secret arrow officer was still a little unconvinced and was about to speak. At this time, Tang Yin in the car said, "don't argue anymore. I just hurt the wind chasing sword. He may escape."

Hearing the voice, everyone's spirit was boosted, but there was a curtain barrier. They couldn't see anything in the car. People asked one after another, "Sir, are you all right?"

"Yes!" Tang Yin answered softly. At this time, Su Yelei also lifted up the curtain of the carriage and hung it at his instigation. They all looked into the car and saw Tang Yin half lying on the collapse, with his upper body * and his lower abdomen wrapped with a wide and thick bandage. Although his face was pale, his eyes still had brilliance and charm.

After seeing this, they all took a breath, knelt down together and said in unison, "Congratulations, sir!"

Tang Yin waved his hand and motioned everyone to get up. Then he looked dejected and whispered to the hidden arrows beside the carriage: "it's necessary to send Jiang Mo's body back to Yancheng for a heavy burial... A heavy burial..."

Referring to Jiang Mo, the dark arrow's eyes turned red and his voice answered hoarsely, "yes, sir."

Tang Yin closed her eyes and remained silent for a long time. Then she took a deep breath, opened her eyes and said, "Lotte, Aijia."

"My subordinates are here!"

"The wind chasing sword will not run on the top of the mountain for no reason. No matter how high his cultivation is, he can't kill many brothers of our army. I think his role is to throw boulders, block the official road and cut off our army. If there is no accident, there must be an enemy ambush nearby. You two send someone to investigate quickly!"

"Yes, my Lord!" Rakuten and Edgar both took orders and left.

Tang Yin is a smart man, and he has almost beast like sensitivity. One point is transparent. Through the wind chasing sword, one person runs to the top of the mountain and immediately judges the other person's real intention.

Tang Yin guessed it right. The wind chasing sword ran to the top of the mountain. It was unparalleled in the war. Please.

Zhan Wushuang got the news early that Tang Yin had commanded the army to Gaochuan county.

The county army of Gaochuan county has less than 30000 people. If this manpower sticks to Zhangyu, it may be difficult to resist the fierce attack of Tianyuan army. After careful consideration, Zhan Wushuang decides to adopt the strategy of sneak attack along the way.

Gaochuan county is full of mountains and steep mountains, and there are many places suitable for ambush. In the view of zhanwushuang, ghost seeing sorrow is the first choice.

First of all, this is located at the edge of Gao Chuan county. When Tian Yuan army arrived here, he should be vigilant that his surname should be insufficient. Secondly, he had a very dangerous terrain. As long as he laid a heavy army on the mountain, he could cause great damage to the enemy at the foot of the hill, but he was afraid that the other side would send out eye line reconnaissance. Move a huge stone on the mountain to the edge of the cliff. When the Tianyuan army passes through ghost sorrow, he suddenly pushes down the huge stone, which can divide the Tianyuan army into two, cut off the waist and make it difficult to take care of the head and tail. At this time, the ambush hidden in the dark will kill the Tianyuan army suddenly again, which will defeat the Tianyuan army.

His design was very good, but things didn't go as he expected. First, Ziying's advice to Tang Yin made the Tianyuan army stop outside the ghost's sorrow. Then Tianyan and ground net spies went up the mountain to see the flaws and led out the wind chasing sword. Although all of them were killed in the end, they also successfully aroused Tang Yin's vigilance. Finally, Tang Yin went up the mountain and ran away the wind chasing sword, It also makes all kinds of designs unparalleled in war go to waste.

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