According to Tang Yin's order, Lotte and Aijia release all their spies and search for ambushes nearby.

After a nervous and busy search, Tianyan and underground network spies found the enemy's ambush site, but they didn't see one of the ambushes.

It turned out that after Zhan Wushuang saw the wind chasing sword injured and returned, he immediately realized that the matter had been exposed. He didn't delay more in the ambush place. He immediately issued an order, and the whole army retreated quietly and gave up the ambush. When the spies of Tianyan and Diwang found the ambush site of zhanmatchless, the latter had led his men away for a long time, leaving only some sundries.

Although no ambush was found at last, the existence of the ambush was affirmative, and now that Tang Yin was injured, the army of heaven and earth changed cautiously, and then dared not have the slightest idea. When advancing, it also stepped forward, and released a large number of eyeliner to do reconnaissance in advance.

After Tang Yin was wounded, the Tianyuan army marched through the mountains for three days. However, in these three days, the Tianyuan army only pushed 200 miles, which was far from the speed when it came. Fortunately, the whole army was cautious everywhere and did not leave an opportunity for the enemy. It was calm all the way.

Next, the Tianyuan army will face Lishan city in takagawa Prefecture.

The area of Gaochuan county is not small, but the population is sparse. The whole county has only two counties, three cities and four towns, with a population of less than 300000. Due to its location in the mountains, it is relatively closed and inconvenient in transportation. Gaochuan county is very backward in industry and commerce, but its agriculture is very prosperous. It is also a large grain producing county in the wind country.

Lishan city is the county seat of Chuannan County, Gaochuan county. The city is located between two mountains and one water. On the east side is Lishan, which is also named for the mountain. On the west side is Lishan and on the north is Panshui. It is located in Gaochuan county. It is blessed by nature and can be called a transportation hub.

If the Tianyuan army wants to attack the county city of Zhangyu, it is imperative to attack and occupy Lishan city first. Only by taking Lishan city first can logistics and backup be guaranteed. Now Tang Yin is wounded, and the affairs of the whole army are basically managed by Ziying. He commands Tianyuan army to camp in an open place five miles away from Lishan city.

Ziying's camp is very strong. Everything is rigid and comprehensive. Because there are many mountains and forests in Gaochuan County, the Tianyuan army uses local materials and cuts down a large amount of wood to consolidate the stronghold wall. No matter how many enemy forces are, there is no mistake in daring to sneak attack the Tianyuan army's own array and do a good job in the defense system first.

With many people and great strength, the Tianyuan army built such a large camp in half a day. This camp is a big one with a small one. The North Camp, the East camp, the West camp and the South Camp are guarded in four directions respectively. In the middle is the Chinese stronghold. No matter which side is attacked, there are four reinforcements, which are as strong as a rock.

Chinese Army stronghold, Chinese Army account.

Tang Yin and his subordinates Ziying, Shangguan yuanrang, Zhan Hu, Lotte, Aijia and Cheng Jin will all gather here. In the middle of the Chinese army tent, there was a long soft cave. Tang Yin was dressed in a coat and half lying on it. The people were separated on both sides. There was a wide map on the ground in the middle. On the map, the internal and external terrain of Lishan city was clearly outlined and marked in detail. Even a small mountain bag was not missed.

Now Tang Yin's injury has recovered a lot and his face is bloody, but his body is still slightly weak. Lying on the soft collapse, he leaned on his chin with one hand and gently tapped the collapse surface with the other hand. His eyes stared at the map on the ground, turned around and asked casually: "have the defenders of Lishan city been clearly reconnoitred?" "Yes, my Lord." Aijia stood up, stepped forward, arched her hands and said, "it is reported that the garrison in Lishan is only a few hundred old, weak, sick and disabled." At ordinary times, in Tang Yin's account of the Chinese army, he saw that he didn't sit in a chair. The generals also stood to discuss military aircraft affairs, and basically settled the matter in a few words. However, Tang Yin was injured and can only lie on the soft collapse. He can't ask the generals to stand anymore, and he doesn't like looking up at others.

"Hundreds of old, weak, sick and disabled?" Tang Yin couldn't help shaking her head and smiling, turned her eyes to Ziying and asked, "general Ziying, don't you say that Lishan city is the important place of Gaochuan county? If we beat Lishan City, we would be equal to half of Gaochuan county? Why is it that Zhong Tian only arranges hundreds of old, weak, sick and disabled to guard such an important place?" Ziying frowned and thought for a moment. She arched her hand and said, "Lord Hui, Lishan city is small, and the city wall is quite low, and the terrain on both sides is high, so it is easy to attack and difficult to defend. Even if Zhong Tian puts all his troops in Lishan City, he may not be able to resist the first round of strong attack of our army. I estimate that Zhong Tian withdrew all his troops to Zhangyu, the county city, and is ready to defend the county city." "Oh!" Tang Yin nodded thoughtfully.

At this time, Shangguan yuanrang frowned and asked, "general Ziying, since the defense of Lishan city is so weak and readily available, why do you need to work hard to build such a stronghold? How good is it for our army to directly attack Lishan city and camp?" Ziying smiled and said, "as I said just now, Lishan city is easy to attack and difficult to defend, but its location is extremely important, which is related to the logistics support of our army in the future. With this camp, we can echo with Lishan city. When our army goes deep into the hinterland of Gaochuan County in the future, we don't have to worry that Lishan city behind us will be attacked by the enemy!" i see! "Shangguan yuanrang thought for a moment, nodded, arched his hand at Ziying and said with a smile:" general Ziying is really far-reaching! " "Hehe, yuan is polite to the general!" Ziying humbly bows back.

Tang Yin also secretly praised it. Ziying's ability need not be questioned. He can definitely be regarded as an excellent commander. He pointed with a smile, drew everyone's attention back and asked, "which general is willing to lead the army to attack Lishan city?" As soon as his voice fell, Zhan Hu threw off his robe, strode out of the line, took two steps forward, knelt on one knee, stepped in to salute, and said in a vibrating voice, "Sir, I will be willing to go at the end!" Seeing that Zhan Hu volunteered, Tang Yin was happy, raised his head and said, "OK! Zhan Hu, I'll give you 10000 brothers and beat down Lishan city in two hours!" "Yes! I'll go back at the end of the day. My Lord is waiting for the good news here!" Zhan Hu finished talking, stood up and walked out of the tent.

After Zhan Hu left, Tang Yin turned her eyes again and said to Ziying, "general Ziying, let the soldiers prepare more wood! I don't think Zhong Tian will leave us ships to cross the river." Ziying smiled and replied, "Sir, the last general has explained. Now the soldiers are building rafts for crossing the river." Tang Yin looked at Ziying with bright eyes and felt that he was there. He didn't have to worry at all, even

He smiled and casually said, "general Ziying really thinks of everything in front of me. With general Ziying in the army, I seem a little redundant." On the surface, these words sounded praising, but Ziying was inspired to fight a cold war. He immediately stood up from his chair, knelt down and arched his hands and said, "adults, kill the last general, and the last general dare not!" "General Ziying, what are you doing? Get up." Tang Yin's face showed an inexplicable expression and waved to the kneeling Ziying.

Ziying shuddered and watched Tang Yin wave his hand to himself again and again. Then he slowly got up and sat back in his chair. Ziying is loyal, but he is definitely not a fool. Tang Yin's words just now made him suddenly think of the truth that success outweighs the Lord. From ancient times to now, many generals at home and abroad are damaged in these four words. At this time, he also had a sense of vigilance.

The situation of Lishan city is similar to that reported by Tianyan and underground network. There are only 700 defenders in the city, and they are all old and weak soldiers. When Zhan Hu led 10000 soldiers to attack, the defenders of Lishan City raised a white flag and surrendered without even making a decent resistance. The people in the city welcomed the Feng army into the city. Not only did they have no hostility, but many people also took the initiative to bring food and drink.

Zhan Hu didn't refuse the people's kindness. He accepted everything, but quietly sent an order that all the food and drink sent by the people were not allowed to be eaten in case it was poisonous. Zhan Hu is not a reckless man with developed limbs and simple mind. Let's not say whether the people's welcome is sincere or false. If the enemy is hidden among the people, the consequences will be unimaginable.

After Zhan Hu led his people into the city, he went straight to the county guard's house, which was already empty. He left a large number of soldiers to control the county capital, and then led thousands of famous generals and soldiers to escort the prisoners, return to his camp and give orders to Tang Yin.

For these Peng troops who voluntarily surrendered, Tang Yin was not difficult to give them some silver and directly demobilize the hundreds of old, weak, sick and disabled. Then he left 10000 Feng troops to guard the camp and lead other soldiers into Lishan city.

As Tang Yin and Ziying estimated in advance, all the ships in Lishan city had been destroyed when the main force of Peng army retreated. If you want to cross Panshui, you must build your own ships.

Although the rafts are relatively simple to make, the number of rafts needed to transport the 60000 wind troops together with the war horses, grain, grass and baggage brought by the army must be at least hundreds. It is not a short time to manufacture hundreds of rafts. The Tianyuan army was forced to delay here in Lishan City.

Fortunately, when the people of Lishan city learned that Feng Jun needed a raft to cross the river, they spontaneously organized and helped Feng Jun build a raft. In this way, they helped Tang Yin a lot.

After five busy days, the Tianyuan army had built 300 rafts. At this time, Tang Yin planned to wave his army to cross the river.

That night, Tang Yin sent someone to find Ziying and asked him to come to the county capital to discuss military affairs with himself.

After receiving Tang Yin's summons, Ziying hurried to the county capital to meet Tang Yin in the bedroom where Tang Yin stayed.

When Ziying finished the ceremony and stood up, Tang Yin smiled and asked, "general Ziying, now we have 300 rafts?" "Yes, my Lord!" "We have been delayed for five days in Lishan city. I don't want to delay any more. Look... Can we cross the river with these 300 rafts?"

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